
Workout of the Day


Five sets of:

Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch + Overhead Squat

Rest as needed


Three sets of:

Romanian Deadlift x 5 reps @ 3011

Rest as needed

“The Chief”

Against a three-minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:

135/95 lb. Power Cleans x 3 reps

Push-Ups x 6 reps

Air Squats x 9 reps

Repeat for a total of five sets, resting 60 seconds between sets. Pick up each set where you left off when the last ended.

Masters Games Program

**PROGRAM NOTE – This is a transition week. We will back off some of the heavy stuff and work in some sessions that are less typical for our program. Stick with the program, understand that transition weeks are designed to give you the the recovery to excel in the next cycle, and resist the urge to add in extra work. The next cycle begins on Monday, June 9…so if you have friends who have been waiting to jump in, please tell them to do so now or next Monday. There is no better time to jump into the program work hard through the off-season to build up your foundational strength and aerobic base, and be ready to achieve your goals in 2015.

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