Here’s the info for the upcoming nutrition challenge including the different challenges and the POINT SYSTEM.
Every day, you’ll keep track of your points. Use the info below to know what you’re points are. You’ll be tracking your DAILY POINTS HERE on that spreadsheet.
Read below about the different levels, do’s and don’ts and things to take note of.
Sign up to get your body composition measurements completed HERE
**Only those with body composition completed in the beginning and end of the challenge will be eligible to WIN the cash prize at the end.
Level 1: No Sugar Challenge
Eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, fruit, grains and diary, but NO ADDED SUGAR.
No sugar added means do not eat anything that has sugar as an ingredient.
Fruit has sugar in it that is natural. That is not part of the “no sugar added” piece. .
Diary and non gluten containing grain products (quinoa, rice, buckwheat, millet, some oats) are allowed in this version of the challenge, but you must make sure they do not have added sugar in the ingredient lists.
Look on the back of the food you’re buying. If it has an ingredient list, there should not be any of the ingredients listed in the picture below.
Level 2: Whole 30 + either Diary or non gluten containing Grains (Also no sugar)
Eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, fruit, and either non gluten contain grain products (quinoa, rice, buckwheat, millet, some oats) or dairy products. You choose before the challenge starts and do not eat the other food group for the entire challenge.
Example: I choose to eat dairy during the challenge. Then do not eat any grains for the challenge. You may not switch on a daily basis.
Still no added sugar. Be diligent and check ingredient labels. Use the list above for sneaky sugar names.
Level 3: Whole 30
Eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, fruit, some starches, and still not sugar.
Starches are in the form of potato and sweet potato.
Do not eat dairy products, grains or legumes (beans).
Still no added sugar. Be diligent and check ingredient labels. Use the list above for sneaky sugar names.
Point System:
Start each day with 10 points. Fresh start.
Negative Points: ANY deviation from your nutrition plan is -5 points.
Maximum 5 faults each day. For example, a “meal” at McDonalds- Big Mac, Fries, Coke is not 1 fault for a bad meal, its 1 FAULT PER DEVIATION. This example would be minus 15 points (3 total faults).
CAN go negative points.
+3 WOD at CFCL
+1 Workout outside CFCL
+1 fish oil (at least 2 grams)
+1 stretching for 10 min
Max 15 points/day, minimum -15 points/day.