Hi team happy New Year!
Our gym is growing, CrossFit is growing and there is an ever expanding list of competitions throughout the province. With a new year we want to improve the way that we communicate whats going on with the gym and around the city. Going forward at the beginning of each month we are going to be putting together a news letter with everything you will want to know! January is a busy month with something going on almost every weekend but before we get to the fun stuff lets get some house keeping items out of the way.
Optimize Physiotherapy Open House / Leaderboard Day
This one should probably be in the event section of the news letter but we feel its a little more special than that and deserves its own section. At long last construction (along the plague of dust bunnies) is coming to a close. On January 24th Optimize Physiotherapy will having their Open House! We are celebrating by putting our Leaderboard back up; With a catch!
Every score that goes up must be judged by one of our eight coaches!
Doors to the gym will open at 9 AM as per usual but instead of classes we will be running an open gym style day with all hands on deck. Everyone can come in and try their hand at their favourite bench mark workout and have it judged!
From 11 AM to 2 PM Optimize will be opening their doors for an Open House so we can see what they have in store for us! Be sure to come out and support Aaron and Arri!
Scheduling and Class Changes:
Starting this week we will no longer be offering the Farm Strong Olympic Lifting Classes. This means we will be running a regular class in that time slot to match every other day of the week; No more 6pm insanity! Woohoo! We are working to find an alternative time that works for everyone and we will post an update when we know more.
Everyone likes to work on a bit of mobility and flexibility right….. We are putting together a weekly class to help work on both! We are still programming the classes out and figure out things on our side but the class will be slotted in a Sunday morning time slot along side our Gymnastics Class once we are ready!
Events and Competitions:
As promised there are a tonne of events happening this month so if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask!
January 10th – Body Composition with Kelsey
From 8am to 10:30am any member or non member can come in to have their body analysed by the In-Body 230 BI. This machine takes a measurement of vital information including lean body mass and fat mass, body weight, skeletal muscle mass and body fat mass, percent body fat, and segmental lean muscle analysis.
The cost is $25
There are some requirement for anyone looking to have the test done which can be found on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CrossFitArmoury
To sign up follow this link https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/home?studioid=28344 and click on the body composition tab.
January 16th – 18th - Battle on the Boarder
We have a collection of athletes making the trek out to Lloydminster for this competition, so be sure to check out the Leaderboard this weekend!
All details on this competition can be found at http://www.battleontheborder.ca/
January 31st – Lineage Winter Massacre
If your not familiar with the Winter Massacre it is a yearly competition held at CrossFit Lineage on the south side of Edmonton. This year we had a tonne of team register tor represent CrossFit Armoury! We will be closed this Saturday but instead we encourage everyone to come out and cheer our teams on!
Details on this event can be found here https://www.facebook.com/events/509808109121874/
Its going to be a busy month, so train hard everyone!
-CFA Team