Digital Headshot Commissions Anyone?
In a perfect world my leg would be better by now and I would be able to go back to work and start paying off things I need to pay off and buy stuff I need to buy… but things never really work out how we want them to and I’m getting kind of desperate. My health insurance ran out last month too, and I’m finding myself needing to refill some prescriptions and make some doctor visits. So I’ll have to pay full price until I can find something else to cover it.
So! If anyone is interested I would be willing to open for some digital headshot commissions at $50 each. (Or possibly headshot sketches at like $10 if those quite aren’t in your price range) I picked headshots as opposed to something else because a: they’re really fun and easy for me to do which means b: I can knock them out pretty fast.
If you’re interested shoot me an email at:
Ideally this is something that I would want to just power through for this week only, and then get back to old art I still need to finish, so I’ll probably only take on like 4 or 5 (unless I get them done really fast).