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Every father gets excited when they're wife gets pregnant...I was

excited...until I lost my first baby...

My wife, Lilah, was pregnant with our child Christi. God, I felt so happy that in just 4 months, our little Christi was to be born. Of course...I worried...a few years ago, in 1984, my wife was 3 months into pregnancy. She was pregnant with our little daughter, Olive. When we saw her on the baby monitor, she was so tiny, but she was so active. Moving and kicking. It was a beautiful thing to see that your first child was health as ever. It was March when Lilah first found out that she was pregnant. I hugged and kissed her, feeling so alive, from after all the sex we had and the fears of not getting children, it finally happened. We had a baby shower in May. Our friends and family had brought wonderful gifts for the baby. Pink blankets, toys, and a little stuffed teddy bear that belonged to my mom when she was a kid. She gave it to me when I was 6. It was a beautiful teddy bear. But now, The teddy bear was all worn looking. Patches of fur gone, a missing eye, and an ear almost torn off, I thought that my mom would have thrown that damn thing away.

2 months past. Just 5 months into pregnancy, my wife grows very ill, we botched worried about our little Olive getting sick. So, we went to the doctors daily.

"She'll be fine." Said the doctor, coming out of the room that my wife lay in. "Why must you come back every weekend"

"We're worried about our child!" I said in an annoyed tone. The doctor just looked at me, studying my body language. The doctor just told me that the baby was to be okay, and that we didn't need to worry, unless it got worse. And with that, me and Lilah went home...

August 13th, 1984. I burst through the hospital doors, with my wife bleeding and screaming bloody murder.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP! MY WIFE NEEDS HELP!" I screamed. Two doctors and four nurses help me put my wife in a wheelchair. I held her hand as they took her to the ER. When they got her there, my wife squeezes my hand and yells,

"OUR BABY! OUR BABY'S DYING!" I looked at her, looking so confused and worried. But before I could say something, the doctors escort me to the exit.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't be in here!" One of the nurses said. As they escort me out of the room, they close the door behind me. I was now super worried.

"What if our baby doesn't make it!?" I thought. I standed there, waiting. Soon, I'm walking in circles, biting on my nails, for 3 hours.

Then one of the nurses walk out very quickly, holding something wrapped in a blood-stained blanket. I gasped at the site, then one of the doctors walked walked out.

"What happened!? Is my wife and child alright!?" I said in panic. The doctor looks at me, then sighs.

"You're wife is weak, but she'll live...."

"And my daughter!?" I snapped.

"...I'm sorry...your daughter as died in the process...she was delivered too early." I stared at the doctor, eyes widened and tears spewing from my eyes. I wipe them away. I standed there for a long silent time, until I said,

"May I see my daughter?" The doctor, lulling off his gloves, says,

"...of course.." He then leads me to see my dead daughter.

Me and the doctor enter a room, where the nurse was standing in front of a jar. The nurse turns to see me and the doctor.

"...this man would like to see his daughter." The doctor says. The nods her head, and says in a quiet voice,

"..o-of course." She moves away from the jar. As I walk slowly towards the jar, I could see in the jar. I kneel down near the table that the jar was sitting on, looking in to..see my daughter...her arms shredded, her skull caved in, and her eyes open, staring at me. I gagged at the site, a sob breaks from my chest...

That was in the past...now, me and Lilah will keep our Christi alive and well till the due date of her delivery.

Christi was born August 13th, 1847...the day Olive had died. Christi was a beautiful baby girl. Red hair, green eyes, and a smile that cheered up anyone's day. She was so beautiful.

Christi is now 4 years old, walking around and jabbering like a babbling brook.

A month pasts, and Christi has been talking about a friend that she's been talking to. I asked her who her friend was...

"She's my sister." Christi told me. As I looked at her, I told her,

"C-Christi...you don't have a sister.." She looked at me with a serious face. She looked angry, she didn't speak for a minute. She then gets up, and walks to the swing set, away from me...

I think about Olive...how her little corpse seemed to stare back at me..we had never told Christi about Olive at all. We never told her that she had a sister that had died in her mother's womb. How could she have known about Olive?

That night, I stared at the ceiling, breathing slowly. Thinking about Christi and.."her sister." I look over at my wife as she sleeps so silently. Then I look at the clock. It was 2:34...I then close my eyes...

As soon as fall asleep, I hear some yell,

"DADDY HELP ME!" I wake up, look towards my right to see my wife gone, then I look to the left towards the clock, it was 2:56. I got out of bed and ran to Christi's room. Before I got to her room...the screaming stopped...I froze in my steps and standed in fear.

".....C-Christi?..Lilah?.." I then started to walk slowly towards my daughter's room. As I did, several thoughts ran through my head. I get to the door, and as I grab the door knob, I pull my hand back. The knob was icy cold. But I got the strength to grab the door knob and open the door...what I saw was a horrific sight. My wife was sitting in a corner, lifeless. She was choked with her own intestines, her eyes were gorged out, and something was laying in her hand. It was hard to see. I then looked to the left and my heart jumped out of my chest. I saw a girl standing in front of my daughter. The girl was very skinny, her hair was a black color and it was all snarly and wet. She was covered in some kind of reddish orange goo that covered most over her body. Christi was on her knees, smiling and mumbling words to the girl.

"CHRISTI!" Christi looks at me. As she did, the girl looks at me and I could see her clearly. Her arms were scarred and her skull was slightly caved in, and her eyes...her eyes...

Breaking news, a family was brutally murdered last night at 2:58 a.m. The bodies of Lilah and Ryan Sheldon were found in the bedroom of 4 year old, Christi Sheldon. Strangely, her body was not found. Police have searched the area, but there was no sight of her, as well as the killer. Investigators have found strange fluids on the victims and on the walls. Scientists checked the samples of the fluid, and as it shows, the fluid shows that it's from Mrs. Sheldon's womb...this case is still unknown...

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