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== ''Do you Enjoy Rain?'' ==

There was a soft pecking noise as small pale fingers struck several keys in quick succession, and shortly after the noise had stopped, the mingling of letters now posted on the blaring white document that sat open on an old battery-driven desktop computer spelled only three words "Beware.. The.. Wrain.."

Josh was so excited to finally be out on his own, well, partially on his own. He was only Twelve so of course a babysitter would be an obvious conclusion. He had heard from his parents that she would be arriving shortly, and from what they could tell, she was an excellent young lady. Almost unable to contain his excitement at the prospect Josh ran down the 14 carpeted stairs that connected the first floor to the second floor, as quickly as his short legs could carry him. Oddly enough, as soon as the loud thump came from his soles hitting the wooden floor, the doorbell rang out, as if it were a loud cheer.

Josh proceeded to the door, and peered out a small peephole that had been lodged in the middle of the door, he could see what

appeared to be a pair of tanned slim legs partially covered by a flower-pattern skirt. He then remembered what his father had said 20

minutes earlier when he had left "Remember son, she'll be wearing a flowery skirt, with black heeled shoes, her skins also a little brown from a recent tanning she said, Hahahaha." Josh's icy-blue colored iris's traveled downward to snag a glance at the ladies feet, Black heels could be seen through the hole.

All the requirements had been met and so, Josh unlatched the lock with quick *clang* and placed

both of his small hands on the brass knob, turning it a few inches to the right before pulling, the door slowly creaked open, revealing a young blonde woman who looked to be in her early 20's, a flowery skirt, pitch black heels, and a creme colored blouse that was appropriately buttoned. Her skin looked almost like a light shade of caramel, and the golden strands of her hair curled around her face. Her eyes looked brown to josh when he stared up at her, but at the same time, they looked too light to be brown.

Josh had never met someone who looked so

pretty before, so he was so nervous he nearly choked on his own words as he opened his mouth to speak. "A-are. You C-c-Clara?!" he stammered loudly at the end of his question, more loudly then he had meant to. The young woman just gave him a bright pearly-white smile as she replied "Yes, I am, your parents told me you had some homework that had to be done, and to make sure that I set you on it straight away." Clara reached behind her and shut it, also pulling the latch lock, back into place.

"Aww homework? Can't I just do it later?" his voice bore all the disdain he could muster, as if he were trying to communicate it to Clara without directly saying he hated it. Clara just gave him a soft stare before shaking her head from side to side, causing her golden curls to bounce around in the space about her head "No i'm afraid not, Up to it young man." Realizing he was defeated Josh gave a small sigh, and then retreated back up the stairs to his room.

Once he was in his room Josh could swear he begun to hear a soft patter on the roof, as if thousands of small water droplets were hitting it "But mommy said it was supposed to be sunny today." Josh was a little disappointed by this new development, but there was nothing he could do about it, thus he strutted over to where his small workbook had been laid, and opened to page 18, it was a few basic math problems that he had yet to finish " I hate math" he grunted, picking up the No.2 pencil inside of the workbook, pressing it to the paper, he became as busy as a bee.

It had been 15 minutes since Josh had started working, suddenly a large flash of lightning made its presence known, as it lit up the house brilliantly, and once it had finished its brief light show, All power in the house immediately ceased, it was as black as night within it. Josh quickly looked out the window at his neighbors house, and through the torrent of rain, he was able to see that the lights were still on. His heart had already begun to quicken in its pacing as he ran out of his room and down the hall, to the top of the stairs "C-Clara, somethings wrong with the lig-" just as he was about to finish his sentence he got a cold chill that shimmied up and down the back of his spine, almost as if someone were watching him.

Clara was nowhere to be seen, not that she could be seen anyways, Josh was frightened beyond measure at this point. His gut told him that returning to his room would be a mistake, and at the same time a voice inside his head screamed at him not to go down the stairs, a few seconds of deliberation, and Josh began to put one foot in front of another until he was descending the stairs. The patter of rain that was ever present at this point began to grow heavier and heavier, and each step made the most awful creaking noise, as if they hadn't been maintained for ages.

Upon reaching the last step, instead of joyously thumping the floor, Josh was so quiet when his foot touched it. you would think he wasn't even there. His heart was beating so loud, he almost wanted to tell it to shut up, for fear of something within the abyss being able to hear it. Moving his limbs slowly towards the living room off of nothing but memory of the house, Josh began to see a small light coming in from one of the windows, and sure enough Clara was sitting right in front of it turned away from Josh.

"Ahh Clara I'm so glad I found you, what are you doing over there at the window?" Josh's voice was nearly filled to the brim with

relief, but Clara did not respond to him, he drew closer to her while still talking "Clara? what should we do about the lights?" again, no

response came, the relief that josh had started to feel, was beginning to reverse almost as quickly as it came, the next time he opened his

mouth his words were fuddled as if the lump from their initial meeting had returned "C-Clara? W-What-ts wrong..?" this time, a voice did come

as a response "Tell me Josh, Do you enjoy the rain?"

For some reason, instead of being reassured by Clara answering he grew even more unnerved "What do you mean..?" Josh asked, answering a question with a question. "I said..." Clara spoke again "''Do...You...enjoy... The...Rain?''" something was different about the way she spoke. it was as if her voice had an eery undertone that almost echo'd her words in a distorted manner, and upon closer inspection Josh had noticed Clara didn't look like Clara anymore, instead her once Caramel-like skin was now devoid of color except for a blood-drained paleness, on each side of her neck were two quarter-sized black holes that seemed to be oozing some sort of onyx-colored liquid, her hair was no longer blonde, it was Black and very stringy, with low volume that almost clung to the head instead of simply being attached. The visible skin that josh could see had black lines running up and down underneath her skin, her veins were completely visible..

"Because... I do." and upon stating that with it's now creepy undertone, the figure formerly known as Clara turned around to look at josh, It's eyes were bulged and instead of being bloodshot, nothing but Black Sclera could be seen with red irides, The same pearly whites from before were still there, except they had evolved into elongated fangs, each tooth being a few centimeters longer than a normal human canine, each one with a pointy tip that looked serrated. instead of a nose, there were only two ovals in the shape of nostrils, much like a skeleton, The overall shape of its face appeared hellish and sunken in, Josh nearly fainted when it turned around, but somehow managed to remain conscious.

The creature tilted its head sideways and opened its mouth revealing folded ridges inside that almost looked like the insides of a funnel, and then. It let loose a terrible scream, one such that Josh could not even begin to describe, it was almost as if a hawk had screeched in his ear while a pig squealed in the other, his mind practically forced his legs to move as it shouted at him to RUN AWAY. Josh's legs took off at a speed even he didn't know he could achieve, running up the stairs faster than ever before, his heart pumping in his ears, every hair on his neck standing on end, and a Loud crashing and thumping noise right behind him.

Josh ran into his parents room and quickly shut the door and locked it behind him. Unlike the front door, his parents door had two latches, Josh saw a pale light in the room and walked over to it, it was his dads computer, he had left it on. quickly he sat in the chair, and his small pale fingers went to work on a notepad that was flashing on the screen "Beware... The.... Wrain.." he typed, he had realized he misspelled rain and was about to correct it, until.. he noticed something.

All of the banging and thumping had stopped and all of the sudden it was deathly quiet. This almost put josh's mind at ease, until he turned around, the latched door was standing wide open, and The creature was standing right beside it, It rushed at him while screaming "YOU'VE BEEN A BAD BOY JOSH!" He didn't even have time to scream, and all at, once it was pitch black once again. and after precisely 30 seconds, every light in the house was back on and the power had been returned, the chair sitting next to the computer was spinning, and it was completely empty.

'Unbelievable" Detective Nikolas Reeds said, "I can't believe four people disappeared over the span of a month: Clara Barlow, Ronald Ardel, Anna Ardel, and now Josh Ardel is gone as well." he rubbed his temples intently as he stared at the old computer screen that contained Josh's last message 'I guess that's one more poster to make." he murmured sullenly before pressing the power button on the computer.

Mary Alice was playing by the old playground near Kline's Foster care, she stopped suddenly when she noticed a small boy barely swinging on the swings, She gingerly walked up to him, a small boy with dark ruffled messy hair, and Icy Blue iris's he stared at her as she approached "Hi.. my names Mary Alice, whats yours?" it was several seconds before the boy replied "Josh.." he said, Mary Alice gave a small grin as she spoke again "Well Josh, do you want to be friends?" the boy never took his eyes off her before finally smiling a big pearly smile "Sure" but he didn't stop there as he said one last thing "Mary Alice, Do you Enjoy the Rain?"

'' FIN''

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