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Ever since I was a little kid, I've always hated clowns. All my life I always asked myself why clowns exist, clowns are too childish for adults and too scary for kids. What I hate about clowns is that I know a clown is just a 40-year-old man who never went to college and now had to deal with an awful low paying job. I have never been afraid of clowns, but I hate clowns really bad.
Let me tell you what happened last night.
I was sick of reading bad horror books and I asked my dad if he had a scary movie I could watch. He said he had one that was so scary that he had nighmares for a month when he was in his mid 20’s, then he looked at me and said:
“Since you are brave and all, you will probably consider it “boring”. But in case you are interested, I think the DVD is in the basement.”
I went to get it anyways, I was really bored that day and I thought anything would be scarier than the creepypastas I had read. I went to the basement and there is was, a red DVD inside an old card box. I then proceeded to quietly watch it in my bedroom, since it was late in the night.
I don’t recall the name of the movie, it was so dull and stupid I even forgot its title. I got so bored past the first 40 minutes that I started feeling my eyelids very heavy. I must have fallen asleep afterwards.
I was feeling very tired, I wanted to sleep some more, but I woke up and got out of bed. I didn’t know why I had done that, it didn’t make any sense.
I wanted to go back to bed, but my body wouldn’t follow my orders. I limply approached my desk and sat on the chair. My desk had now a big mirror where my computer monitor used to be. At this moment I was very confused. Of course, I didn’t know it was just a dream at that moment, I thought what was happening was real.
I couldn’t control my body, I just stayed there without moving an inch. I was facing the mirror, and since my room had some light that came from the outside street lamps, I could see my reflection in it. I apparently was wearing white and purple makup, I looked like a total freak! I looked like a sinister clown!
At this point, I gained the control over my eyes. At least I could control where I looked at. I looked at (pretty much) everything that was in my eyesight and besides my reflection and the mirror, everything was normal. I was still wearing my pajamas and there was nothing “paranormal” under the desk or on the wall.
I thought this was all a weird prank from my brother, but I still couldn’t move my body. I couldn’t even control my blinks! All I could do was control my eyes. There had to be a logical explanation for this.
I then noticed something that really creeped me out. In my reflection, my nose was painted in dark purple, but my real nose wasn’t. My real nose (not my reflection) wasn’t painted at all. This meant the thing I saw in the mirror was not my reflection, and in fact I was not wearing that weird makeup.
As soon I realized this, the reflection started smiling weakly. I started freaking out, this was getting really messed up. I wanted to get the hell out of my bedroom, but I couldn’t.
After what seemed like half an hour, his smirk started growing bigger. I felt really helpless and I still couldn’t move my body. And even though I could just avoid looking at him, I wouldn’t. He looked so... eery...
I tried my best not to look at him for at least one second, but then I observed another thing that was not right. Even when I wasn’t making eye contact with him, he would just keep staring at me.
I tried to remain calm, I wasn’t in pain, no one had died, and there was no one threatening me with a gun. But as soon as I looked in the mirror one more time, I got really scared. His smile was very big and his eyes were wobbling, then his eyes started to reach out of the face, in an almost cartoonish way. This was biologically impossible, I was dumbfounded.
His mouth, still smiling, started moving slowly. It seemed like he was starting to whisper something. I couldn’t hear what he said at first, but after some seconds he started to speak louder.
He had a really strange voice, like a mixture of childish clown and anxious psychopath. He spoke in a language I never heard before, I couldn’t make out even one of his words. He was starting to speak fast and louder, but I still didn’t understand anything.
Now he was screaming really loud, in fact, so loud it was hurting my ears. I was so damn scared I would piss my pants if I could.
This “event” had been on for at least 4 hours, I was so impatient and scared, I wanted it to end soon.
In a swift movement, the reflection and I stood up. He shouted in a demonic voice:
There was a loud crack, something broke right in front of me.
I was shaking, my body was actually shaking. The reflection looked at me and started laughing like a fucking psycho. Why didn’t anyone hear him? Everyone in the entire neighborhood would have heard him.
I noticed I already had the control over my body, I was so nervous I fell on the floor. When I tried to get up I saw something that scared the shit out of me, my arms were all twisted, so twisted I could see the flesh and bones.
I screamed very loud, I was so startled by this I even started crying. I could still hear the other one laughing while lots of blood came out of my arms. Suddenly, I lost all my strength, my eyelids were very heavy and moments later I was unconscious.
Today I woke up on the floor, I must have fallen from my bed when I was asleep. I got kind of creeped out because I woke up in the exact place where I died in my dream.
When I got up, I saw everything was normal, as I expected. No mirrors, nor laughing doppelganger, no nonsense. My arms were normal, I was fine and there was nothing to worry about. After all, this was just a nightmare.
UPDATE: Last night I got a really weird nightmare where I would slit my wrists and die.
Yesterday I went looked into the word “Khamothetis” and thing similar to that but I found absolutely nothing. I searched on google and always got 0 results. Then I had an idea, maybe there was some info on the deep web.
I opened Tor and typed this word in lots of search engines. In two hours I only found one thing, a creepy picture of a smiling clown with dark purple and white makeup with black background. Since in the deep web there’s lots of messed up things, I discarded what I had found as information. The day occurred normally and I went to sleep.
I had the exact same nightmare last night. When I woke up today everything was normal...
UPDATE: When I was researching stuff about weird dreams I found an article that said this:
“Real vs Not real? Dr.R.Leonard can answer that! According to him, there is a great way to distinguish dreams from reality. In dreams we still feel that everything is real because of our senses, but that’s not the case. When we are dreaming, our brain creates a recplacement of “senses”, which makes us confused when we don’t know what is real or not. But all dreams have one thing in common: they don’t have beginning. This applies to literally all the dreams we have, and according to some studies most dreams don’t even have an end (...)"
I am calm. It doesn’t matter what the article says, I know for sure it was just a nightmare. Yes, yes I know that if the article is correct it means what I experienced that day was real. I clearly remember the beginning of the "dream", which was when I was waking up and getting out of my bed. I am also certain that I was conscious during that experience. But I still refuse to believe that what I felt and saw was real, it can't be! It couldn't be real! There are still lots of variables I haven't taken notice of. I need to look deeper into this issue.
I have been having that awful nightmare where I slit my wrists for a week now. I think I need to look more into this. I will write more when I find all the answers to this madness.
UPDATE: I was doing research in the library and I came across a book that mentioned this entity. I got frustrated because it's full of religious bullshit, but I tried to be open-minded and now I've got some information.
Apparently, "God" created a creature called "Kamo Thes Thes" right after a child murdered his father. This creature resembled regret, its purpose was to basically scare the shit out of kids who committed horrible sins at a young age so that they'd never become evil adults.
Kamo Thes Thes would possess a kid’s psyche and reverse it. This process of reversion would be extremely painful for the kid and they would suffer all kinds of hallucinations and night terrors until the end it.
I brought the book with me. Today I’m tired as hell and can’t think straight, I’m going to bed.
UPDATE: In the book there was a part that said that when a kid confessed his sins to the world, he would be released from the grip of Kamo Thes Thes. I’m not going to confess.
If I confessed what I did last year, I’d be in an asylum for the rest of my life. I realise that this weird entity is real and that what has been happening to me is real, but I will never confess what I did.
Everything makes sense now, and if all I have to do is endure these nightmares for six years, I still think it was worth doing what I did. As long as I maintain my sanity during all this time, nothing bad will happen to me.
I regret nothing.
UPDATE: These have been the worst months of my entire life. It hurts so much. It hurts to be forced to act and think in a different way. It’s awful not being able to sleep or rest for one damn second.
But I can’t give up, I must persist.
UPDATE: Today I realised something. That entity is not exterior to me, it’s inside of me. It has taken over my mind, and I am helpless. I can’t control my mind, my feelings or anything at all. It has discovered my true fear: helplessness.
When I can’t control my surroundings, I must control myself. But when I can’t control either, I hurts. I don’t know if I can live like this.
UPDATE: I slautghtered that bitch. She was weak and she deserved to die. I had no tolerance for weak and depressed people, specially my mother.
She was always the kind of person who thought the universe was against her. Every night, she would pray to God and ask “Why do you hate me?” and things like that. My mother was toxic and I still don’t regret killing her.
Man, I’d love to have seen the police officer’s face when he arrived at the crime scene. The body parts were scattered all around the house and all the walls were stained with blood. That was the best day of my life.
I decided I will neither confess nor endure. I’d rather die than experiencing more pain, and I’d rather die than confessing.