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From a small and secluded terrace she looked, gazing into the shining moonlight above her village. The golden light of the yellow moon illuminating the desert and the pueblo like the shining beacon of a lighthouse, from there, she could see all the great stars and constellations that shone in the sky ever since the beginning of time. They were the same stars that the elders of the past had seen and counted, and that the elders of today now used to mark the passage of time and the dates of important festivals and rites.

The great

and endless sky above was as clear as it could be, for this was long before

there were any machines and factories smoking up the bright blanket of stars that adorned the nights of that which we now know as New Mexico. The stars told her many tales, for her job as the shaman’s apprentice, was to interpret their

meaning and the messages the gods had put on them for her people. Legend tells that Grandmother Spider sent by Tawa, the creator of all of the worlds, as a messenger of the gods to mankind, wove her cosmic web against the backdrop of endless space, with the stars being shiny dewdrops whom she used to communicate messages to the shamans and elders of man. Each different star, its shininess, position and visibility told a particular story to the people below, and announced to them, which would be the best season to plant and harvest crops such as blue maize, ensuring the survival of the people for another generation

in the harsh environment that is the desert mesas.

As she raced her eyes through the night, she noticed many signs of generous rainfall and bountiful harvest. Those filled her with joy, knowing that her people would not go through hardships like last year, when the drought killed all the crops and the entire pueblo nearly starved to death, having to survive on scarce stocked provisions and wild game (Again made rare because of the drought). Good times were coming, and she could not wait to tell her grandma, who was the village’s elder shaman, about the good news.

However, something was odd on Grandmother Spider’s web tonight, for amongst the many auspicious stars, there was also one she had never seen before. She had looked at these same skies for over 3 years on her training, yet not once had she seen this strange new celestial body before, shining where yesterday there was no light.

It was a strange star indeed, shining with a different glow than any of the others she

had ever seen before, scintillating with shades of pink, yellow, turquoise and burgundy. The young apprentice rushed down the terrace and into her grandmother’s house for advice on this mysterious message from the gods or its

meaning. Her grandmother, an old and wise woman who had stargazed her entire life looking for word from the gods, told her that she had never seen such strange celestial apparition, but remembered well what her mother told her

about mysterious flashing lights popping up on the starry sky.

She told her apprentice that those lights were

signs that the Kachina, servant spirits of the gods who rule over the forces of nature, would wish to speak personally to the shamans of man, to tell them

about their future and what it may hold in the grand scheme of things. The old Shaman told her granddaughter that it was her job elder shaman to go and receive the message of the Kachina and figure out what fate had reserved for

their people, and that many shamans wait their entire lives for the great honour of meeting these noble spirits in the flesh. She told the apprentice that she was supposed to go to the far off lands to the west, where the veil between the spirit world and that of humans was weaker, and the Kachina would

be waiting to deliver their message.

Her granddaughter however, pleaded her not to go, for the old woman was just as frail as she was wise, and the apprentice feared that her dear grandmother might not survive such a long and arduous journey. She offered to go in her grandmother’s stead and deliver to her and the village people this message so urgent that the guardian spirits had to come in the physical world to deliver to them. The grandmother advised against it, saying

the young apprentice was not prepared to talk with the spirits, for their knowledge was vast and overpowering and untrained ears could easily go mad from the unfathomable truth they might hear.

The apprentice on the other hand, was unmoved, and assured the old woman that she was ready for whatever unfathomable truth about the universe these ancient spirits might deliver. She said she would rather become a babbling madwoman than have her beloved grandmother and mentor

die a miserable death in the ruthless wilderness of the desert. Her grandmother on the other hand, feared for the apprentice’s life herself, but she agreed

that her old and shaking legs probably would not let her go much far into the wilds beyond the safety of the great mesa.  She packed her granddaughter a bag full of supplies such as food, water and medicinal herbs and pleaded the young lady to be careful on the new and dangerous path she chose to tread.

Therefore, with her pack on her back and the fate of her people on her shoulders, the young apprentice set off into the starry night, passing through the towering sandstone formations that rose from the ground as if they were the pillars the sky itself. The beauty of the scenery made even more striking by its harshness and

simplicity, as the roving tumbleweeds raced across the sandy floor and the melancholic howls of the coyotes filled the air with an eerily beautiful symphony. No matter the circumstances, no one could deny that it was a beautiful night, one that felt like it was special and meaningful somehow. Moreover, the apprentice wondered, what was the sort of message the spirits had to deliver to her people? Was it a good one? Who could know for sure, but the sheer pleasantness of that lonely summer night on the desert made her hopeful that it was something good for her people.

After many weeks of tiresome marching and path finding, there she spotted it; rising from the horizon was a mighty rock, the one all of the peoples of the pueblos and beyond referred to as the Spider’s Rock. Legend tells that this was the place where Grandmother Spider herself, the messenger of the gods came to the physical world to give mankind the gift of fire. For many peoples of the desert this was believed to be the earthly abode of the spider goddess herself, and the place where the world of the spirits blend with the physical world. The apprentice took her perilous steps up the mighty sandstone cliff, a climb that had killed many shamans before her, but that she would do again gladly if it meant a better future for her village and her people.


reaching the top of the formation, there she waited for the thick blanket of the night to envelop the land again, and the mysterious sparkling star that puzzled her in the previous nights to make an appearance once again. Yet when night came, something had changed from the previous days. The lone mysterious star had grown brighter, and was apparently moving with astonishing speed towards the direction of the young woman. The apprentice stood in awe as what was once a tiny shining dot amidst the dark of open space now appeared as a massive ball of lights overshadowing the moon itself and continuously growing in size with each second. That was when the realization hit her, the star was not growing in size, it was drawing closer in proximity, and as it came nearer and nearer, she could finally see that this was no star at all.

The object that came into her vision was large, larger than the entire mesa where her pueblo stood, its shape resembling that of a disk or a bowl, and throughout its extension, a hundred thousand scintillating lights shone brightly as little suns,as the object whirled profusely around the starry night. Its texture was smooth

and shiny, made of a metallic material that glinted bright shades of green like a precious jade, and each one of its lights twinkled independently from each other with a dizzying variety of different colours. If such a sight would make

any of us, in the modern age of smartphones and televisions drop our jaws in awe, imagine what would be the reaction of a young girl from a small tribal village over 900 years ago? Well, she was absolutely flabbergasted by the apparition, for there, standing right in front of her, was something no child of man has

ever graced their eyes upon since millennia.

As the object drew closer and closer, a larger light started to appear on its lower section, differently from the rest of the lights, this one did not sparkle but shone as a bright blue beacon, lighting up the entire vicinity with an eerie blue glare.  Suddenly, as the blue light got stronger, a single large beam of light emerged from it, and struck the middle of the cliff, resulting on a powerful blinding flash that turned the entire world into white for a few minutes. The apprentice was temporarily blinded; the brightness of the flash clouding her vision for 10 long minutes,yet when she opened her eyes, what stood in front of her only puzzled her even more.

In front of her, stood a collection of at least 12 creatures, most of them lacking any face or defined form, yet something about them that was oddly familiar, and when she finally got close enough to take a better look, she realized that she had seen them before, at least in some way.

The creatures, though at the very best described as “fungoid” or “plant-like” in

nature, bore a striking similarity to the ceremonial costumes, dolls and

figurines who represented the spirits called Kachina by her people. For many

millennia, her people held celebrations honouring these spirits and asking them for rain and good harvest with festivals and dances, where people would dress themselves as these beings for the duration of the ceremony.  The traditional vests and figurines depicted bizarre and outlandish, yet ultimately humanoid figures. Now what stood in front of her were creatures that looked like nothing that had ever lived on

earth, be it man or beast. The old depictions of her people, she realized, were the only way humanity interpreted the formless and ultimately indescribable entities whose very existence seemed incomprehensible even for the most trained of eyes.

Realizing their identity, she bowed herself in reverence to the creatures, whom her

people believe controlled the weather and rain, and ruled over the forces of mighty nature itself. As outlandish as they were, these were sacred spiritual guides of her people, and she knew as a good apprentice that she owed them her utmost respect. It was difficult to understand the Kachina’s reactions, as they had no face or expressions whatsoever, and from what was visible, no means to communicate words, yet inside her by means she could not fully explain; from

her very gut, she knew that they had been pleased with her demonstration of reverence.

The spirits turned to each other and suddenly many luminescent flashes ran through their body in alternating patterns, something she somehow inexplicably understood, was their form of communication. Then, the tallest one of the bunch, who stood in the middle of them moved towards her on its slow but steady gait. Just everything about the Kachina felt wrong, as if they were not made for this planet at all and struggled to cope

with merely existing on it, which made sense, considering their supposed spiritual and otherworldly nature. The slow and somewhat clumsy creature finally stood in front of her, and though it said absolutely nothing, for some unexplainable reason, she realized that the creature was asking her to stand up and face it.

The creature then produced a tendril from its formless body and slowly touched her forehead with it, and then, out of absolutely nowhere, this tendril fused with the very flesh of her head and felt around inside until it found her brain. What happened next, felt like an entire lifetime, yet it only lasted a fraction of a millisecond.

The apprentice was sent to a state of trance, where she had visions of the world and the future of all of mankind. She saw hundreds of thousands of years into the future: Images of places and events that were yet to take place. Images of war and strife, with weapons that quaked the world like thunder and death and could obliterate entire cities far larger than any desert pueblo. She also saw the future of the people, as a nation of strangers with pale skin and spears that breathe fire drove them from their lands on a far off future. She witnessed war crimes and the collective extermination of millions of people inside weird and deadly smokehouses. She marvelled at people flying through the sky in metal birds and then gasped in horror as they were also used to set people and buildings ablaze. She saw torture and religious persecution, innocent women accused of being witches burned at the stake as well as just about every atrocity that would happen many centuries to come.

She experienced all of that in gruesome and excruciating detail, and while she also did experience many good things about the future, the sheer horror of those experiences would haunt her like a ghost for as long as she lived. Nevertheless, perhaps the most shocking part of her revelation was the far distant future, which would also explain the reason why the Kachina were there in the first place, and why they were sharing this message with her.

On a time so far in the future that would seem distant even to us in the age computers and machines, humanity, now finally experiencing prolonged global peace and unparalleled technological development, had finally made contact with another intelligent race from beyond the stars. This contact however, unlike what we would have hoped, was not peaceful, and these beings, even more outlandish and alien than the bizarre Kachina, would effortlessly conquer the earth and bend all of mankind to their will. Yet, they would not destroy us, no, that would be far too merciful. These creatures, who consider themselves gods in their own right, want to shape all the life in the universe to their will. Those beings, she saw, would mutate humans into livestock, pets, brainless slaves and even commodities and utensils, turning the progeny of man into a grotesque menagerie of degenerated abominations that would make any sane person’s stomach turn, for this was a fate a billion times worse than death.

The Kachina, as it was revealed on another vision, were fighting those evil conquerors for millennia. They were doing a remarkable job on keeping them at bay in the far away space, a long, long way from the milky way, yet they were slowly losing ground and one day, they’d succumb to the ferocity of these cruel and despotic fiends just as man would.

The real reason that the Kachina contacted humans for so long and shared messages with them was that, they need our help. They were trying to show mankind future happenings and technology so that the societal development of our species is sped up in a way that humans may one day finally catch up with them in terms of technology and help them defend the galaxy before it is too late. The Kachina are not spirits of the elements or earth, she would find out, no, in fact, they weren’t from earth at all, they came from beyond the stars and they brought with them a plea for help.

How desperate must they be that a species as primitive as humans is their only hope to defeat such a foe? How strong and incomprehensible is the might of their enemies? How many other intelligent species remain unconquered and untainted by the evil of those who lurk beyond?

If those questions terrify you, imagine it for a North American tribeswoman over 900 of years ago, try to think what her reaction was after she was exposed to all of this with terrifying clarity and gruesome detail, and try to fathom what could have possibly run through her mind on the very moment the visions ended.

The creature who shared the visions with her withdrew its tentacle from her head and for 10 minutes, she stared a thousand yard stare into the alien being, her body in near absolute shock from all that information.

Even though one cannot tell what goes in the mind of an alien creature, or if it has

feelings and emotions similar to those of humans, she could somehow understand that the luminescent sign the Kachina creature flashed at her as she stared at its misshapen form was filled with the closest its species could feel to sorrow

and regret. It was probably the closest thing in their method of communication to “I’m sorry…”


creature moved back near to the others of its kind, and in a blinding flash as bright as the last, they disappeared from her sight as if they had never been there. Again, she was blinded for several minutes, but regained her sight soon enough to see their flying, shiny spacecraft disappear in the horizon back into

the farthest reaches of outer space. For minutes she stood there, just glaring at nothingness for the revelation that was shared with her in that fatidic day was enough psychologically wreck the poor girl to the point of no return.

She made the voyage back the next day, and when she finally reached back to her village, the people all noticed her stare. The same stare often showed up on the faces of the warriors after a particularly nasty battle or on the faces of mothers who lost their children or children who lost their parents. It was undeniable that she saw something beyond horrifying, and went through enough pain that her entire complexion had turned pale. She refused to eat, locked herself in her quarters mumbling incoherent words and talking about the lights in the sky and the demons that lurk beyond. Moreover, she kept repeating one single phrase (“We must be ready…”), in unison and the entire village worried about her mental state, without being able to as much as grasp the meaning of those words or why that formerly sane young woman was acting like that.

Her grandmother blamed herself, for she knew that the girl was too inexperienced to handle such a message, yet the apprentice herself knew that not even her wise and old grandmother could handle such a terrifying and oppressive truth as the one that was delivered to her that night on Spider Rock. The apprentice’s young husband cared for her during these hard times. Every day he worried more and more about his wife, yet he never left her side, for the young lad loved her deeply and the fact that the poor woman was suffering so much caused himself an excruciating amount of pain, so he vowed to help her recover.

Things did not go very well in the next weeks though, and following night after night of remembering those visions as bad dreams, the apprentice woke up in the middle of the night and gouged her eyes out to stop the pain. She thought that the visions would go away if she did that unthinkable act of self-mutilation, and as a result, she nearly bled to death. Were it not by the efforts her beloved husband and grandmother, she would

not have lived the other day.

Her nearly suicidal attempts however were not enough to stop the visions, so she decided

she would give an end to all the pain for real this time; on a dark desert night, she set off alone, without warning her loved ones of her departure, and headed several miles north of the village even though she was completely blind. A miracle she did not fall on a ravine and died, but finally, she reached a secluded place alongside the rocky ridges of the mesa. It was small cave, barely tall enough for her to stand upright, but it was there that she decided to leave her message. Taking with her a few natural paints her people used to dye clothes, she started to draw nearly everything she saw. From the European colonists who’d come many centuries later to the invasion by the monstrous creatures from beyond our galaxy , se covered up all of the walls of the cave with paintings, and even though she was blind, her memory alone let her reproduce the things that haunted her mind on astonishing detail. She left her people her message and her testament, for she knew that she could not live much longer bearing this painful knowledge anymore.

The next day her body was found on the bottom of a cliff near the pueblo, her face, smashed against the rocks, was nearly unrecognizable after the fall. She felt so badly tormented by the visions of that day, that she preferred death to the continuation of such living hell.  Her poor husband, desolated and heartbroken slit his own throat a few days later.

It was the grandmother however, who ended up finding the cave, and everything the apprentice painted within it. She showed up the drawings to her people and while none of them was able to understand them, they made a vow to protect the apprentice’s memory no matter the cost, and even today, the location of the cave is kept secret.

On modern days, most people consider this

story all but a legend that is told among the Hopi and the Zuni peoples of New Mexico and Arizona; however, two things are certain. First, this old legend predicted many events that were to happen with staggering accuracy. From the Salem witch-hunts, the holocaust and many other events that pre-Columbian Anasazi peoples could have no idea were going to happen someday. Second, there are leaked FBI and CIA reports of a hidden cave in New Mexico, full of cave paintings that they say the natives refer to as “The Blind Woman’s Cave”. The leaked FBI reports mention that the cave “must remain secret from the public”, for its contents would cause “Mass popular hysteria on a worldwide scale”.

Make of this information what you want.{{By-user|Written by Leonardo F. Oliveira}}

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