
Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Christians Can Be Terrible – You Should Know This Going In: By Derek Rishmawy - Rishmawy says: “Remember where you came from. You weren’t on the spiritual a-team either. You’re still not. And yet you don’t want to be ‘associated’ with those people because you’re name is such a big deal? Paul says to us here, ‘if your name is anything, it’s only because “in Christ’ you have gained wisdom, righteousness, and so forth. It is because holy Jesus was willing to identify himself with what is low, foolish, sinful and broken’–you know, you and I. If you have any great shame, any great disgust at the sin of your fellow believer, make sure it is because you care about his name not yours.”

2. Tangled Up in Blue: Depression and the Christian Life: By Sammy Rhodes - Rhodes notes: “But sometimes depression may show up through no fault of my own. This is the kind of depression we don’t know what to do with. The kind that can’t be repented of. The kind that can’t be explained. The kind that gets passed down in families, that seems to be much more the result of imbalances in the body or brain. The kind that Jesus, instead of taking away, asks us to learn to live with faithfully as we trust and follow him.”

3. Why Does God Let Me Stay So Weak?: By Mark Altrogge - Altrogge says: “Do you feel weak? Confess your weakness to Jesus. (He won’t be surprised). Confess your sins. Confess your failures as mom or dad. Tell him how much you need his grace not to get angry. Tell him you need his grace to love that brother who it’s so hard to love. Ask him to give you the grace to rejoice in your pain and be content in your trial.”

4. How I Evolved on Gay Marriage: By Matthew Schmitz – Schmitz says: “Despite my eccentric evolution on gay marriage, I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy a certain fugitive solidarity with those whose paths differ from my own. A strange portion of the intellectual discovery and growth in friendship I’ve enjoyed these past years has come about not despite, but because of, the vexations of the gay marriage debate. Those with whom I disagree have helped me see how the strands of the Christian sexual ethic combine to form a great tapestry, the patterns of which would be much more obscure had they not prompted me to think through how sex intersects with Scripture, nature, culture. For this, I owe them a great debt. I hope that in the years to come I can do something to repay it.”

5. Dr. Sam Lamerson Named President of Knox Seminary: By Knox Theological Seminary - Dr. Samuel Lamerson has been named the new President of Knox Theological Seminary. Dr. Lamerson will also continue to teach several of his New Testament classes and to speak and teach at various churches in the south Florida area.

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Religion at Reformed Theological Seminary and a Masters of Arts in Christian and Classical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary.

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