CC Deville wrote:
Chip cards only work at Point Of Sale (POS) terminals and ATMs/ABMs. For online shopping, chip cards work the same way mag stripe cards work online; the cardholder (or fraudster) enters the credit card account number, expiration date and CVV2 code (the three digit code on the signature panel). I believe that banks should improve CVV2 security by requiring the cardholder to get a one time CVV2 code via email or text message (only to known, established emails/telephone numbers) in order to make online purchases. It would be a pain sometimes but if it could prevent a worthless West African, Eastern European or former USSR fraudster from ill-gotten gains from the rest of the civilized world, it would be worth it.
You have won the most random question of the week. Very random indeed.
Are you referring to U.S. issued credit cards or Italian/European cards?
Statistics: Posted by spetho2001 — Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:38 pm