
Because the Bootstrap Wizard is one of the most handy elements that can be used inside a project, we want to help you out. So today we present you a list with 10 useful and free Bootstrap Wizard.

Tell us what you think and leave us a comment if you think something is missing from the list.

1. Material Bootstrap Wizard

Material Bootstrap Wizard is a fully responsive wizard that is inspired by the famous Google's Material Design and comes with 3 useful examples and 5 colors.

2. Bootstrap Wizard BootZard

Bootstrap Wizard BootZard is a Bootstrap form wizard template which is: free and comes with fields validation.

3. Bootstrap Application Wizard

The Application Wizard is a Bootstrap addon that allows multi-step forms to progress in a natural order while remaining flexible.

4. Twitter Bootstrap Wizard

Twitter Bootstrap Wizard is a jQuery plugin that uses Bootstrap's tabs & pills components to generate an interactive step-by-step wizard UI.

5. Twitter Bootstrap Wizard Plugin

This Twitter Bootstrap plugin builds a wizard using a formatted tabbable structure. It allows to build a wizard functionality using buttons to go through the different wizard steps.

6. FormValidation with Bootstrap Wizard

In this example, you will see how to integrate FormValidation with Bootstrap Wizard.

7. Bootstrap Wizard - v0.1

Bootstrap Wizard is designed as a clean wizard to be used in a Bootstrap Panel, a Modal, etc.

8. Easy Wizard

Easy Wizard is a jQuery plugin used to create a wizard interface which displays your step by step progress in a Bootstrap modal window.

9. Twitter Bootstrap Wizard

A Bootstrap component for breaking down long forms or page structures into smaller, easier to digest sections, presenting them into the form of a step wizard.

10. Bootstrap Wizard

The Bootstrap Wizard is a fully responsive wizard that comes with 3 useful examples and 5 bright colors.

The post 10 Free Bootstrap Wizards appeared first on Creative Tim's Blog.

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