
I’ve done some awesome manifesting in my life. When I turned 18, I decided that since I no longer needed my parent’s permission, I could buy my own plane ticket, register for a visa in another country, and travel.

I had a one-track mind for five months. I worked three jobs and slept 5 hours a day (one of my jobs was 10pm-6am, the other 7am-3pm, and a third, once per week, 5pm-10pm) and devoted all my free time to getting a passport, visa, plane tickets, and everything else I would need. In mid-June, I stepped on the first plane I’d ever been in, and flew to Australia for a month. It was amazing.

Six years ago, I was in a horrible relationship. I was so emotionally traumatized I didn’t know what to do. Desperate, I got up every morning at 5am (the only time I had alone) to write gratitude lists for an hour. I knew that if I didn’t like what I saw, I needed to visualize what I did want. And I also knew that being unhappy and feeling defeated would only bring me more of the same. I took the advice of The Secret and wrote what I wanted in the present tense…”I am so happy and grateful now that…” I wrote about the great house I lived in, my business, the way I structured my day, and being in a loving relationship.

Within months (July to January) I: left the relationship, rented my own apartment and bought a car, and met the man who is now my husband- who I have that loving relationship with. A year ago, we bought a house that so closely resembles my original vision six years ago that it still gives me goose bumps.


And now? This month I started refining my vision. I have been getting really clear on what I want in my life. I started writing my “I am so happy and grateful now that…” gratitude again. And let me tell you… this morning I woke up before 3am with inspiration, drive and excitement for something I’m manifesting. A resource landed in my email that took me right to the next phase in my growth. I’m seeing a clear path to what I want that I’ve never seen before- even though I’ve wanted this for years. (I’ll tell you all about it once it’s fully manifested- so check back :) and I’m putting it into action.


These are just three big things…but we do this with countless small things. Think about all the coincidences in your life- “I was just thinking about that!” or “I can’t believe you said that, here’s what’s going on with me…” We’re manifesting what we’re focusing on, without even paying attention.


“Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. Put another way, thought is creative. Your thoughts are the causes that create the conditions of your life. Everything you have in your life today you have attracted to yourself by the way you think. You can change your life because you can change the way you think. The reason some people are more successful than others is simple. Successful people think differently from unsuccessful people. And if you develop the ways of thinking of successful people, you will soon enjoy the results successful people enjoy.“

-Brian Tracy. [1]


Take a few minutes a day to pay attention, and watch how quickly your dreams, goals, visions and desires come to you. If you’re skeptical, like I was, awesome: because you’ll be even more blown away. Just commit to trying it for 30 days and see what happens. Even a week of sustained visualizing, in my experience, is enough to start things in motion.


The 3 Steps I Take to Manifesting:


1. Imagine what you want

Your process for this is unique. You may start by realizing what you don’t want (like I did with my relationship) and then aiming for the opposite. You might write down a lifelong dream on there that you feared was a little too big. A hugely helpful exercise for me is to imagine my perfect day in my perfect life, if I could have and do anything.


“While you are visualizing and idealizing your perfect future, you let your mind float freely. You imagine for the moment that you have no limitations whatsoever on what you can be, do, or have. Imagine that you have all the knowledge and experience you need. Imagine that you have all the money and resources you need. Imagine that you have all the friends and contacts you want.. Imagine that all opportunities and possibilities are open to you. Imagine that if you can dream it, you can do it.” –Brian Tracy [1]


When you’re done with this step, you want to have a positive list. Not, “I don’t want to be treated abusively anymore” but instead, “I want a relationship that is loving and based on mutual respect.”


“With every thought we think, we either summon or block a miracle. […] It is not our circumstances, then, but rather our thoughts about our circumstances, that determine our power to transform them.” –Marianne Williamson [5]


2. Focus on it

I’m getting real about focusing on what I want. As I recently wrote, I made a short list of what I want to spend my brainpower on, and by default, everything else is on the “do not focus” list.


“Successful people think about what they want and

how to get it most of the time. As a result of this mental focus, they accomplish much more than the average person, even though they may have started with no particular advantages.

Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, tend to think and talk about what they don’t want most of the time. They think and talk about who they are mad at and who is to blame for their problems most of the time.“ -Brian Tracy [1]


“…cultivate the power of driving from your mind and putting out of sight whatever makes you feel unhappy or whatever you discover that is unprofitable to remember.” -Prentice Mulford [4]


3. Envision yourself having it & be grateful for it

Once you know what you want, envision it every chance you get. This is how athletes become Olympic medalists. [2] When you hold a vision in your mind, you are creating your vision in the flesh. Thoughts become things.


“Thoughts and beliefs materialize themselves in flesh and blood.” –Prentice Mulford [4]


While you’re seeing the vision in your mind, feel the gratitude for having it now. When I first learned about this, it sounded trite, but I was so desperate I was determined to try it. I thought, what could it hurt? So I put my whole visioning power behind having it now and then said, “Wow, thank you, thank you, thank you.” I really believe this step is the rocket fuel.


“Start by using this sentence for all of your wants: “I’m so happy and grateful now that… ” –The Secret  [3]


“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”

-Philippians 4:6 NKJV


“Gratitude is merely the secret hope of further favors.” – François Duc de La Rochefoucauld


“Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.” -Christiane Northrup


“Successful people have tremendous clarity about who they are, what they want, and how they are going to get it. Unsuccessful people usually are unsure and confused about who they are, what they want, and where they are going.”  -Brian Tracy. [1]


“If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.” – Gerald Good

This is what I do. When I stick to this list, amazing things happen. It’s exciting, especially now, when I’m in the beginning of seeing a big dream come true.  Energy is flowing through me, and I am on fire. For me, there is no doubt this works. Try it yourself and let me know what happens. :)




1. Focal Point by Brian Tracy: A Proven System to Simplify Your Life, Double Your Productivity, and Achieve All Your Goals

2. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

3. The Secret (Extended Edition)

4. Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford

5. The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson: On Work, Money, and Miracles

Flickr photo by CubaGallery

Manifest Your Dreams in 3 Steps: How I Do It is a post from: Creative Spiritual Women

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