I wanted to take my time with this post. You see, I have been honored with the nomination for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Lois, from Living Simply Free bestowed this honor upon me last week. I'd like to tell you a bit about Lois and the blog she keeps.
Lois blogs about her past, her heart's desire, and finding a life that suits her, by thoughtfully simplifying. One of the things that makes her blog so special is that Lois is very candid about her struggles and her joys. Do you know the feeling, when you think you've got it going on, and you meet someone who truly humbles you, in their abilities, their humanity, and their kindness? That is what I feel when I read one of Lois' posts. You absolutely have to read Choices and the Consequences that Follow. As I read this post, I had a gut reaction, wanting to jump from where I sat, and do something, get involved, while at the same time, I was saddened by a loss with which wasn't mine to begin. Please read this. You'll be moved as well.
To be nominated by Lois is humbling. As I accept, I spread the blog love on. Thank you so much, Lois!
Here's how it works:
Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post.
Write something about the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
Tell 7 things about yourself.
Nominate other bloggers for the Beautiful Blogger Award, and comment on their blogs to let them know. No number was specified to me, but online, I found other bloggers were nominating 7 new bloggers for this award.
I feel odd telling 7 things about myself, as frankly, I'm a rather dull person. But here goes:
1) pumpkins -- I love pumpkins. I dedicate a small part of the yard each year to a pumpkin patch. Years ago I had a bench in the patch and would go outside and sit amongst my pumpkins. In my dream life, I would have an enormous pumpkin patch and grow blue and white ones in addition to the traditional orange variety. So far, this year I have 5 pumpkin babies.
2) disneyland -- my favorite family vacation memories were from Disneyland vacations. When I'm down or stressed, I go online to one of the many Disney message boards and read other people's trip reports. I grew up in So. California, so maybe that's where the Disney affair comes from.
3) my faith and church -- having strong faith and going to church each week changes who I am on the inside, each and every week. I drag myself there on Sunday mornings, grumpily wondering why I make myself go. Then sometime during the music, I begin to feel the change happening. And my grumpiness morphs into cheer.
4) flowers to remember loved ones -- I plant flowers to remember those loved ones who have passed away. I have irises along a path to a small pond, because they remind me of my grandmother. She had irises along a path in her yard. I planted some yellow roses because of a dream I had after my mother passed away. In my dream, my mother told me to pick up a yellow rose bush, while I was at the nursery, for remembrance. So I did. I have since managed to kill off those two rose bushes, so I will be buying another two this next spring.
5) bridges -- I have a huge fear of driving over bridges. I have to scrunch down really low so as not to see the edge of the bridge or how high up we are. This is quite a problem, as to get into town in downtown Seattle, I have to drive over a bridge -- no other way into town from the north, except by boat.
6) changing the world -- if I could do one thing to change the world, I'd get rid of all the grumpies, (they harsh my mellow, man). But then I'd have to go, too. Oh well, so much for world change.
7) snack food favorites -- I have two favorite snack foods that I could live on if I had to, popcorn and toast. See, I told you I was a pretty dull person.
And now, I'd like to spread this wonderful blog love on to these 7 blogs. They're all different. Some have very good and helpful info, others are humorous and make me laugh, others have beautiful photography of nature, which always cheers me, and all are written by the loveliest people that I just want to share them with you. Visit them and see for yourself.
Tracy at Cocopaws
Sarah across the pond at Everyday Life on a Shoestring
Shara at Mama's Mission
"June" at Live and Learn -- Toss and Turn
Connie over the back fence at Food Stamps Cooking Club
down under at Economies of Kale
Belinda at the Frugal Workshop
Again, I just want to thank Lois for thinking of me and my blog. I'm honored to accept this award and pass it on to some of my favorite bloggers.