
This post brought to you by ezH2O Bottle Filling Stations. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Creative Green Living.

Do you carry a reusable water bottle with you? Nearly everywhere I go, I either have a water bottle or a travel cup with a lid so I can stay hydrated.

If I run out of water, though, things can get tricky. Have you ever tried to fill a water bottle at a regular drinking fountain? You have to hold the bottle at an angle in order to catch the water - and often times you can't even fill it half way because the angle makes the water start running out of the top before it's full!

I'm so glad that I've started seeing ezH2O bottle filling stations by Elkay popping up at places like the airport, city hall and even grocery stores near me. The machines are super easy to use - just take the top off your bottle or cup and hold it under the spout. The motion sensor turns on the water and turns it off again when you take it away.

The water is nice and cold, it fills your bottle all the way AND you didn't have to touch a drinking fountain - which is a huge plus during cold and flu season when the less you can touch community spaces, the better.

A Win for Schools!

The ezH2O stations aren't just great for moms with water bottles. They are awesome for schools, too! Here are some of my favorite reasons to ask your school or PTA to look into installing an exH2O station:

Makes healthy choices easier - Instead of buying soda or juice, having a water bottle refill station makes it easier to choose water.

Limits waste - Encouraging students to use their own water bottles helps keep the amount of trash generated low.

Hygienic - the no-touch system means less places for students to share germs.

Speed - an ezH2O filling station will fill bottles faster than a traditional drinking fountain - AND fill them all the way! No need to hold your bottle at an awkward angle to fill it up.

Take a look at this case study to see how ezH2O bottle filling stations positively impacted a California school district. The amount of money they are saving annually just by installing a handful of these machines is amazing!

Having used these in lots of different public places around Portland (the airport, city hall, etc) I would love to see one of these installed in my son's school. I love that the system filters the water and makes it easy for kids to refill their water bottles from home. When drinking water becomes easier, that's a win for everyone!

Win a water bottle filling station!

Elkay is giving away 10 water bottle filling stations to schools across the United States. Want to enter your school to win? Use the Rafflecopter widget here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(or use Twitter to nominate your school)

Click here to learn more about the ezH2O Bottle Filling Stations by Elkay.

About the Author:
Carissa is a green lifestyle expert and mom to two boys. The owner and lead writer for Creative Green Living, she is also the author of two e-books including the best-selling beverage cookbook, Infused: Recipes for Herb & Fruit Infused Water, Tea and More. Her goal is to empower families to make healthier choices that are easy, taste great and are fun!

Follow her on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter or join the Creative Green Living community group on Facebook.

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Sponsored post disclosure: This post was sponsored by Elkay. All opinions expressed are 100% mine and reflect my authentic experience with this brand. I only recommend products I personally enjoy and think my readers will as well. For more information, see my full sponsored post and review policy.

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