Hi Y'all!
This shall be Minty place for her Resume shall go.
So go ahead and call me Minty please. When you contact me do tell me what I can call you <3
If I happen to forget anything just pm me and ask away <3 I don't bite, but some of my characters might [/winks]
:: Writing Style/Ability ::
Well, I would have to say I love to do three plus paragraphs for the average post. For introduction posts I would say I love to do them five plus paragraphs. So please don't come with me to one sentences, sure it can be smaller if nothing happening. It shouldn't be to long, as we can easily make something happen or time skip.
So grammar issues or spelling? I have grammar issues, and you will see it in the samples below. I do reread what I write, but things still slips into the cracks ><;; For spelling, I do use word document as well as chrome as I know silly typos can happen. Hell, there a few times I even used dictionary.com to hunt for the word. I even looked upon before as I kept swearing it started with an a not a u >>;;
I do write in first - third person. Whatever floats your boat I am down with it. <3
:: Timing and Availability ::
I am a live in the Eastern Time Zome, a live in Nanny middle of no where. People around where I live isn't the kind you really want to mingle, not that I am judging them as there could be a few nice ones in the middle. The few times I've walked around no one really outside and when they are you wave they give you a dirty look. So I am on a lot, don't get me wrong just because you see me on after you post doesn't mean I get straight to it. I do take care of my niece and I cook dinner usually six days out of the week and clean.
But I try to reply to you every day to every two days. Any longer feel free to nudge me. Shortly you get the information about Communication <3
:: Communication ::
I love to Communicate!! Especially coming to plotting and getting to know my fellow role-player. I've made wonderful friends in the past. <3 We can't do a role-play that both of us are having fun if its only one person ideas. To me if that happens I rather just stop the role-play and figure out something else we might like. If nothing else floats our boat and we don't want to say in contact we don't have too. I rather not make our role-play seem like its work, it should be fun an escape to some or something so magical they can't wait to get back to it.
So please feel free to contact me through Skype ashley.rivers26 or even through pms here.
Also note, if you ever need to go away for a period or need a break. Just tell me. <3
:: Genres ::
Lordie, this could easily be super long. I am down with many and most of them out there. I think the only one I suck at is horror and major fighting scenes. Feel three to click [urlhttp://creativefreedomrpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=73&t=47781]HERE [/url]<3
So some of my favorites would include.
Fandoms : Magi, K-Project, Warehouse13, GRIMM, S.H.E.I.L.D, MARVEL, Sense8, Arrow, Supernatural. Twilight[idea based no real characters]
Historical: Rome, Egypt, Europe, America's Asia [those are some of my places for location]
Medieval Fantasy :: Give me a LOTR type to, random Waring Kingdoms of Elves or Fairies
Fantasy :: From Magic Powers to Vampires to even Fairies and werewolves.
Futuristic :: It would be fun to play space pirates to humans living in different colony.
Realistic : Slice of Life, to College or even older Character. If you want to include another era not just modern, I am down with it.
most of these samples can be found on another site <3
soon as i get some from here i add them.
Introduction Sample
The bifrost took time to complete, more time then Thor wanted. Even with his great father’s powers, one could not rush such an important tool. A tool that would let them check many different planets some that they called home, while other places they protected. Much like how Thor looked to Earth, a place he could protect, and a place that he felt at peace at as it showed him another side of him. It showed him his humanity, showed him there was more things to the world then just him and needing to sit on the throne his father would allow him one day. By the time he would sit on it, maybe then he would be ready. Now? He would admit he was not ready; he still needed time before he felt like he could lead his people in the way his father led before him. A way that would bring peace to many worlds around them, something they wanted no needed.
When it was rebuilt he wanted to rush off to see Jane, someone he had grown to care about. It was his mother stopping him, his mother telling him he should speak to the Gatekeeper. Before he did anything rash he did go to the man and he told him. Jane was now together with a man and married, it broke apart of him, but he knew he shouldn’t make such a woman wait it had been over a year if not longer since he had last seen the woman. So, returning to his mother he thanked her and then went to speak with his father.
In the throne room Thor kneeled down as Odin looked onto him. “If you are sure you wish to spend more time there then I will allow it. Earth has done you well and working with those of other skills has too.” Odin spoke as he looked onto his son, in amazement. Yes, Thor told him about the other heroes of earth. Heroes that helped make his son a better Asgardian, showing him truly how to work with other people who had skills. “I thank you father.” Thor said as he stood up on his feet as his mother moved to him giving him a hug. “Be safe my son, and return when you’re ready.” A kiss on each cheek, she backed up and stood alongside her husband a smile on her lips. She was truly happy to see her son becoming the man he was now, it still hurt thinking of Loki in the cell away from all this.
“It is ready.” Heimdall spoke as he stayed near the key, the key that allowed others to travel to other worlds. Sif took a step for until Fandral rested a hand on her shoulder as if to silence her. Sif seemed to understand and kept her words to herself. “You are becoming a great leader we will happily follow you wherever you wish.” Fandral spoke as the others agreed with him. “If there is any trouble do not hesitate to come gather me.” Thor spoke as they nodded their head telling him he would be gathered if there was trouble.
“I will see you soon my friends.” Thor flashed his smile and stepped into the gate as it teleported him to earth.
----Flashback End---
“I thought all of Hydra was destroyed when I took out RedSkull.” Steve spoke to Nick as he couldn’t help but sigh at the older Solider; the man had become ice for them saving thousands and thousands of people that night while he lost the love of his life. “We had thought so, seemed like they have been laying dormant.” Nick said as he looked towards the rest of the Avengers.
“Most of you have become too active in the media. Reason we are going to send Thor to this woman.” Nick Fury spoke as he nodded to Maria Hill as a file was passed around and a picture was shown on the screen. “She has the ability to create and control fire, something Hydra would love to get their hands on. For her safety and ours it would be better if she joined our side.” Nick spoke as Steve took over telling the rest of the plan, for someone that been in ice so long he had a great ability in leading the group.
A aircraft ride was something Thor became accustom to so far it was unique in a way and not as fast as his way of flying, but it got the job done. “I will not harm an innocent.” Thor finally spoke as Captain America looked up and smiled almost as if he knew the Norse God would have said that. “Of course not. I do not trust Nick Fury, but I do trust what we as the Avengers stand for. If anything we will bring her in and if she disagrees then we will put her in our books and let her go. Only reason for that is to keep her safe, I do not like the idea, but Hydra is dangerous and whoever is leading them now is not good news.” Steve spoke passionately as Thor nodded his head, he was not used to taking orders other than his father, but Steve had proven himself more times than once.
A small nod of his head Thor went back over the papers they was handed as the aircraft continued on their way. Natasha and Burton was already on the ground they had a previous assignment that was close to Los Angeles California, they was even keeping an eye on her encase something happened before Thor was able to make it up to her.
“You are sure she is here in this park?” Thor spoke as he moved forward on the sidewalk as a mother and child walked together and a father pushed the stroller. “Yes. She is five hundred feet near the fountain on her computer.” Natasha spoke into her cell phone as she sat on the bench, Hawkeye leaning against the tree a news paper in front of him acting as if he was reading it.
A few minutes later he seemed to get to where the fountain was where everyone else was located as his blue eyes glanced around putting the ‘phone’ back into his pants as he looked back up he noticed her at a small table that was found her. Thor was unlike the others brash in a way, straight to the point not one to beat around the bush.
“Hello, Hinami. It is good we found you before the others have gotten a chance.” Thor spoke as he could hear yelling in his ear and ignored it. “Have you notice others been watching you before today?” Thor asked as his eyes stayed focus on her knowing they were safe for the time being. Natasha and Burton had his back not that he couldn’t deal with some riffraff’s. His hand itched to have his hammer, to be out and exposed was not something he was used to. It wouldn’t take long for it to come to him if he truly called for it, as he had a reason leaving it in an open spot where one wouldn’t get hurt with a hammer moving across the sky.
One time he needed something he couldn’t find it, he knew where EVERYTHING was here in the tardis. Last place he put a cup? Easy, forth drawer from the bottom in the sitting room for lefts and two rights. Where was the book about Green Horns? No, not the library it was in the room with the green horns under the Great Luus Horn. Every place had a home and every item he had he knew exactly where it was usually. At least until one of his companions decided to move something that was something he dealt with at the time usually the Tardis moved it back or he moved it back.
“Damn it! Where is it?” He said as he walked in another circle as then a light bulb went off, his hand railing near the control panel. “My head is so stupid! That boy is the worse of the worse!” Doctor quickly spun around and moved to the console, hands and fingers started hitting buttons and turning switches. The humming sounded started causing a determination in his eyes to find what belonged to him, if he could have brought a certain blond with him to show him you had to be choosey on who you brought into the Tardis. Soon it disappeared where he was on Earth and headed back months ago to where that boy had lived.
~Four days later~
That boy had moved him and his family, so after finding some information he had found the parents. Only, to be sent off on another wild goose chase to find him in reality that location was the middle of the ocean and was almost swallowed by a whale. No, he had no plans on being Geppetto even if the guy was nice and his alien toy oddly became human like in the end. The situation was odd, something he wasn’t going to deal with since that wanted just to be with his friend his ‘father’ Geppetto and it was a good one.
When he returned he saw the paper and the ‘museum art stolen’, it wasn’t just that, it was the types being stolen. It didn’t help that nothing was tampered with, even another news paper said, invisibility something most humans couldn’t do. There was more going on then the eye was catching, he would catch that thief and take what was his back. Maybe, even allow Torchwood to know about this little ‘problem’ something he knew a certain male would take care of if the Doctor requested it. What he knew now and his little problem might be better dealt with someone who had the power to do so.
A humming noise entered an empty hallway of the museum as the door opened and stepped out a man who clearly shouldn’t have been there. After all, he wasn’t in uniform for the people that would go into the storage room. “You! What are you doing in this protected area?” A man with glasses said suit and tie, on his badge name, ‘Peter Williams Coordinator’ “Here to help.” The Doctor said pulling out his wallet showing his id. “You’ve called to see what’s going on if it’s an inside job or something more.” He said as the man punched in a few things and saw he was correct. “I do wish to keep this a secret, but if you have any problems, or find out what going on have someone lead you to my office." The man said as his beeper beeped again. “I must go; I have other business to attend to. Please Mister. Who find what going on; I want the artifacts back if we can.” The man said and quickly turned away leaving the Doctor there in the empty hallway. “I will do that.” All the Doctor said and quickly turned away exiting out into another door only to be lead where more people were at.
Something was different was here, something that belonged, but didn’t belong at the same time. A few more steps his eyes quickly caught the site of the younger red headed female, who was staring at a painting. Was she it? There was something different about her then the woman two paintings over, almost as if there was something special about her. Pete went to ‘accidentally’ bump into him as the Doctor seemed to be two steps ahead of him and instead of bumping into him he bumped into a woman with a wine class in her hand causing a scene as the Doctor moved forward not looking back at the man who tried to bump into him.
Stepping beside Claudia his eyes seemed to stare at the painting named, ‘The Execution of Lady Jane’ a young woman blind folded and would soon have her head chopped off all because she didn’t have the support of the council. “She died too young.” He finally spoke out, his English accent shown he was from..well one would assume it was around here. “The Nine Days Queen she was called, beautiful for someone so young and inexperienced.” The Doctor said glancing towards her, his brown eyes seemed to sparkle slightly as if he knew more then what he was letting on and turned his eyes back to the painting.
Average Post Sample
No, Octavian hadn’t wanted to step in, as most matches he would have loved to watch. Seeing the abilities of others was a whole other thing. It was not every day you could catch someone so in tune with their pokemon. It was the sight of the blood that made him act rasher then he would have ever done, none of his pokemon battles ended up in blood and the one time it had, it was because of the force the pokemon fell not because of the attack persay.
“Wait!” He called after the two men that was running off, but stopped himself from following after them. His blue eyes fell onto the other..male? Female? He wasn’t exactly sure, but he had some questions for the person who was in the battle with those other people. The pokemon was called back into their pokemon balls, safer than just leaving them out of it especially with the wounds on him. Even the tone was confusing him, which was rare for him to be confused by a person looks, okay, voice to and the way they carried themselves too. “You might be able to take care of yourself, but your pokemon was already extremely hurt.” Octavian stated the truth, it was a good thing he came he didn’t want to know what would have happened if the battle would have continued. “I do..” The kiss on his cheek caught him off guard causing him to stop what he was saying.
Then the male looking female introduced themselves. “It’s nice to..” Again, he was cut off, his left eye twitched slightly he really was not used to being cut of this way. Sure, he dealt with hyper active trainers, people who didn’t know when to shut up even a few crazy fangirls. The guy quickly turned and started to rush off back towards town, the town was in a distance meant a pokemon center.
“Pidgeot return.” The pokemon returned as he looked to Leafeon. “Back into the ball for now Leafeon until I know what more is going on.” Leafeon tried to move to show its dislike for being stuck in that pokeball until Octavian pulled Leafeon pokemon ball out. “Leafeon, return.” He said as he started after the other male. “Madam Lavina. I do have a few questions for you, but let us continue towards the town’s pokemon center.” Octavian said as he followed the other a few feet across from him.
“I heard rumors of some organization corrupting pokemon and using them to kidnap and kill people pokemon. Was that some of them you was dealing with?” Octavian asked as they started to come closer to the entrance of the town.
Statistics: Posted by The Fairy Mint — Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:10 pm