

The Plot

There are two packs. Pack A and Pack B. Pack A 'owns' the small town and has been the resident pack there for hundreds of years. Pack B is a break off of a much larger pack from the North. They move into Pack A's territory and the two Alphas fight. Pack B's Alpha takes over the tribe/pack and the two packs become one.

For simplicity we'll call Alpha B the Alpha who now rules the combined pack. Alpha A is the dead Alpha of Pack A.

This brews some animosity between some of the members of Pack A. The Beta of Pack A was Alpha A's son and he feels vexed at being taken down a notch on the pack's hierarchy as Alpha B and Beta B are brothers and they now rule the tribe. Beta A also wants revenge on his father's death. Brewing even more animosity towards the two males.

Link to IC

Basic Notes and Expectations

If you are familiar with the Hero System then this will be fairly straight forwards. If your not then don’t worry I will explain as I go so it’ll make sense. This is based off the system, but is my own creation and NOT the actual system so yes there are a LOT of differences.

I ask that everyone read through all the provided information before joining. I have decided to make character creation similar to a dice based system I quite enjoy and a point based system will follow for the rest of the game.

That being said I prefer to RP the actual events then to rely on dice for the majority of things. So most encounters will be done using Play-by-post responses. However, certain combat situations especially if they are between pack members will be done using dice.

Basic Things To Remember

{-} I work full time
{-} This RP will be slow paced at 1 post a week with a 2 week grace period.
{-} I expect Alpha standards to be kept.
{-} If you need help just ask I don’t bite.
{-} Please follow my canon information.

Basic Things For Joining

Since there will be a limited number of spaces available I ask that before you begin character creation you get a concept approved by me first. Especially if you plan on taking one of the available positions.

There are no ‘humans’ as primaries unless I give permission first. We are werewolves and the tribe/pack structure along with the lore are expected to be followed when creating your character. If you do go human only then I will have to modify the build template for your character and therefore you will have to talk to me.

How Character Creation Will Work

{-} Character Concept
{-} Approval
{-} Rolls
{-} Character Basics (characteristics, attacks and defenses, movement, combat, skills/talents/perks, powers, equipment, disadvantages)
{-} Approval
{-} Character Details (bio, personality, appearance of both human and werewolf forms)
{-} Final Approval


The City

The populace of Earth became aware of the supernatural world in the early twenty-first century. It wasn’t that the supernatural was no longer there, it simply was that the populace no longer believed in it. As most things when the masses are exposed to the supernatural in a large dose they are forced to realize that it is real. When science cannot explain it away and the proof is undeniable it becomes a fact. A fact that could no longer be ignored.

The war that spilled into the streets of the normal realm was always there being waged in shadows. Darkness and Light. Vampires and Werewolves. The courts of Fiery. It really doesn’t matter how or when really. Only that these wars became predominant in the normal realm and the impact of the scientific world meeting the supernatural meant that greater weapons became available to fight the wars and so it was that our world changed forever.

The City is where this RP will take place. It is a small urban central in the center of a large mountain range. There is a mass development around a mining town. The mines are very active and there are four different mines that are open. There are precious gems in two of the mines and metal in one and coal in the other. The primary source of heat in The City is coal.

At the dawn of 2020 the energy crisis hit full tilt and it was discovered that a breed of Fae could be trapped and used to create minerals that could then be mined and used as fuel sources. Such as coal. However, these beings were tied to the earth itself and couldn’t be used to create something that was destructive to the environment. This meant that mining took a very different turn. With the help of the Fae Folk a more natural way was discovered to mine. The tunnels are made using crystals and the minerals/metals sought are brought to the surface using Fae magics. Since the Fae cannot be exposed to direct sunlight they are always kept below ground and thus the Tunnels and Lower Cities grew to be even larger then the Upper Cities.

A typical City is layered into four central Layers:

{-} The Wild-lands that surround the City. A space where all of the preternatural creatures who require natural contact, like the Werewolves, are free to hunt and roam and usually make their homes either on the outskirts of the City or right int he Wild-lands.
{-} The Upper City. Usually at the center of every major city there is a towering City that spans well into the skies were the larger preternatural and flying preternatural beings reside. Examples of the beings who live in the towering heights of the Upper City are the Dragons, the Phoenixes, ext.
{-} The Central City. Very much resembles a modern city and usually where the human population and more humanoid preternatural call home.
{-} The Lower City. A large span of tunnels and buildings made right into the earth going down towards the core and often way too hot for mere humans to enter the lower reaches of the cities. This is where the Fae folks and the other nocturnal preternatural make their homes. This is also where one would go seeking a Vampire.

That being said the City we will be using for this RP is a smaller city. One that doesn’t have a very large Upper City at all. There are only TWO dragons that reside here and neither are well known to the regular populace. There are no other preternatural residing in the Upper City of Algor.

The Werewolves

Since our characters will all be werewolves for the most part I shall spend time actually describing the Werewolf Lore, where as I won’t really touch on any of the other preternatural/supernatural beings who inhabit the world. Just know that they are there and they will play a part in the story. Just not as anything more then NPCs or sideline notes.

There are many ‘weres’ out there. There are werebears, werepanthers, weretigers, you name it. If it’s an animal and a human combination of forms it can exist and it does. The Werewolf is the most common were form that is seen in the preternatural world. There werewolf is a human being who’s natural form is a combination of two: Wolf and Human. It is said that a Werewolf is born of twin spirits that of a wolf and human combined at the time of conception and therefore the baby born will be the holder of two shapes: human and wolf. Modern science has shown that it is a mutation in the genetic structure of the human that allows for an instability of form. Whichever you choose to believe the fact stands that a werewolf is a human who can shift into a wolf.

All werewolves have wolf like qualities and thought patterns.

A human and a werewolf will not be able to be told apart simply by looks or any other such things. A werewolf can pass as human with quirks that mark them a different. There are a lot of differences between a werewolf and a human, these mostly lie in the behavioral patterns of a werewolf. Of course the biggest difference is that a werewolf can turn from human to wolf at will and are forced to do so every full moon.

The full moon marks the time when a werewolf will be driven to hunt. This is a sacred time for the pack when they are all together regardless of preferences or desires and they will all hunt together, feast together and mate. This is also the time when a mate is chosen by a female.

All females choose their male mate. It isn’t done the other way around. A male can and will entice a female to choose him, but in the end it is the female that chooses her mate. She will usually choose the strongest available male who will produce the strongest offspring.

Females will fight over a male, especially if he is in the upper hierarchy.

Males will fight for their place in the hierarchy.

Both Males and Females will fight to defend territory and their young.

The Alpha is always male as is the Beta. This is how it is. Females don’t have a place in the hierarchy as such, but they do have a place and rank based on who their mate is. For example the Alpha’s mate is going to dominate over the females of the tribe and lesser males who don’t have a place in the hierarchy.

The top places in the pack are earned by battle. There are no birthright. It is all about strength and skill. Even if a werewolf pack will unite to defend against any attacker that is outside the pack. They will not hesitate to fight within the pack if they think they can take a higher place.


Needed Characters

Approved/Reserved Characters


Claimed by Fain



Alpha’s Mate


Beta’s Mate


Pack Member (Old Beta {son of Alpha A})


Pack Members



Character Concept

For your character concept simply fill out this form:


[b]Position in pack:[/b]
[b]Primary Occupation/Profession:[/b]
[b]Which pack do you originate from:[/b] A or B

Character Sheet


Character Name Full

Position in Pack:

STR: Value / Roll
DEX: Value / Roll
CON: Value / Roll
BODY: Value / Roll
INT: Value / Roll
EGO: Value / Roll
PRE: Value / Roll
COM: Value / Roll

[size=125][u][b][font=Papyrus][color=#7EA4A4]Attacks and Defenses[/color][/font][/b][/u] [/size]
Primary Attack:
Secondary Attack:
Tertiary Attack:
Base Attack Value:

Physical Defense:
Mental Defense:
Base Defense Value:

[size=125][u][b][font=Papyrus][color=#7EA4A4]Combat Information[/color][/font][/b][/u] [/size]
Base CV:
Adjustments CV:
Total CV:

[size=125][u][b][font=Papyrus][color=#7EA4A4]Skills, Perks, Talents[/color][/font][/b][/u] [/size]
List all here / Rolls

[size=125][u][b][font=Papyrus][color=#7EA4A4]Powers[/color][/font][/b][/u] [/size]
List all here / Rolls

[size=125][u][b][font=Papyrus][color=#7EA4A4]Equipment[/color][/font][/b][/u] [/size]
List all here

List all here / Rolls
Total Disadvantage Gain:




How To Build A Character

Characteristics are bought using a limited amount of points. Everyone will have a base of 150 points to start off with. Then you will roll a total of 12D6 and add that total to your points value.


Fain rolled 12d6+150 and got a total of 195:
5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 4

Which is done using:



You then take this as the number of points you have to split amongst the characteristics. These characteristics will determined your characters overall abilities. Since combat will be done using the dice rolls to determine damage / hit / order of priority this is important information.

Like I mentioned early though the majority of this RP will be done using posts rather then dice. There will be very little dice rolling after char creation.


{-} A characters raw physical power.
{-} 1 point = 1 STR

{-} A characters reaction time and agility.
{-} 3 points = 1 DEX

{-} A characters health and hardiness.
{-} 2 points = 1 CON

{-} A characters total damage threshold before death. AKA how much damage a character can take.
{-} 2 points = 1 BODY

{-} A characters ability to take in and process information quickly.
{-} 1 point = 1 INT

{-} A characters mental strength and strength of will.
{-} 2 points = 1 EGO

{-} A characters impressiveness (forcefulness, charisma, bravery, confidence, bearing and leadership skills)
{-} 1 point = 1 PRE

{-} A characters overall beauty or handsomeness.
{-} 1 point = 2 COM

To calculate Roll use the following equation for each characteristic: 9 + (characteristic/5)

STR: Value: 25 / Roll: 14
Roll = 9 + (25/5) = 14

--- --- --- WW --- --- ---

How To Build A Character Cont.

Attacks and Defenses
Every character will have a basic set of defenses and attacks based on being a werewolf. Depending on how you choose to place them. There are three attack slots that can be used, there are no more then three allowed. I will make a list of what these attacks are. There are two attacks that are standard to all characters. Your choice will be of one other attack that will be a weapon or weapon combination. Remember however that weapons cannot be carried in wolf form.

Most werewolf fights are done in wolf form. So make sure to take this into account when placing your attacks in sequence. Your first attack is what your character is most likely to attack with first and will have zero delay penalties affecting the dice roll. Secondary attacks will have a half penalty and tertiary attacks will have a full penalty. Depending on if a secondary or tertiary attack is done first.

For example:
A character chooses to use their tertiary attack first they will have a full penalty which means that they will have a -3 to their first attack then all subsequent attacks are done normally. If a secondary attack is used a first attack then the character will take a -1 to their first attack. If a primary attack is used first the character will receive no penalties to their first attack. Penalties are taken to weather or not the attack will hit. NOT to damage.

All characters have:

{-} Fangs
{-} Claws

Choices for other weapons:

{-} Firearms
{-} Martial Weapons (swords/daggers/ext)
{-} Bows (compound or crossbow)

Note: see section on combat information for CV enhancement values.

Whether you choose to give your characters two katanas or one bastard sword doesn’t mean anything regarding how many attacks you get or the value of those attack. That is purely for RP fun and personal taste. You choose how many weapons you want.

On the same note. If you want to have a gun, and a sword. You can still use your sword to fight even if it’s not one of your weapons. You just loose your STR bonus when using the untrained weapon. Therefore you only use 3D6 rather then 3D6 + STR value.

Combat Information
When calculating if you hit with an attack you use the CV value of your target to know how high you have to roll on 3D6+STR value. This has nothing to do with Damage. That is later.

Base CV is calculated by taking DEX/3
Adjustments CV is calculated by looking at the weapons table bellow.
Total CV is the total of Base CV + Adjustments CV.

Total CV will have to be calculated for each weapon (primary, secondary, tertiary)

Table of Weapon CV Adjustments

{-} Fangs

5 points = +1
{-} Claws

5 points = +1
{-} Firearms

5 points = +1
{-} Martial Weapons (swords/daggers/ext)

5 points = +1
{-} Bows (compound or crossbow)

5 points = +1

After the initial buying phase you can use skill points to buy extra bonus for your weapon CV. The idea behind this is that your character would have spent more time training to fight using that weapon and so would have greater skill with it. This purchase can only be done using SKILL points not any other form of points. There are three form of points Characteristic points, Skill points and Power points. They are not interchangeable.

Skills, Perks, Talents
Skills are bought using a limited amount of points. Everyone will have a base of 100 points to start off with. Then you will roll a total of 6D6 and add that total to your points value.


Fain rolled 6d6+100 and got a total of 117:
4, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1

Which is done using:



As you’ll notice there are less points in Skills. This is because it takes a lot more time to learn skills then it does to train the physical body, also because our characters will be werewolves their characteristics will be much higher then an average human to start. Skills on the other hand need to be earned and for one to have a good level of strength in a skill one needs to dedicate the time to it. That is what the skills points indicate. How much of your characters life has been dedicated to learning that skill.

All character ages are to be between 20 - 40 years of age. If you want a lower age range or higher age range contact me first. This age range is considered the adult range when a member of the pack is in their prime. That is why I am using it as the base age range for the skill table.

All skills have to be taught. No one has a natural skill without taking at least one point in it or getting free points (there are some skills where every werewolf has a free 5 points)

Skill points are divided as follows:

{-} No Skill -- 0 points

Character has no idea/knowledge/skill to perform these tasks. For example, a character who has never learned the basics of mechanics will be at a loss for how to fix a car when it breaks down. A good example of this is: the tire gets a slash in it while driving down the road. A character with no skills in mechanics will be at a loss on what to do and be stranded until someone helps him/her out.
{-} Elementary Skill -- 1 to 9 points

Character has a basic understand of the skill. For example writing. Everyone learns to write in school. This means that they can write like an average adult, but that they didn’t dedicate their time to learning this skill. Thus they are not an expert at it. They will make some spelling mistakes, some grammatical errors. They won’t really enjoy reading as a hobby.
This means the character can do the tasks that fall under this skill category, but that they don’t particularly take enjoy in it. It’s not something they were motivated to learn beyond the basics that everyone knows.
{-} Average Skill -- 10 to 15 points

Characters with average skills in an area will be able to do or guess at challenging problems found in that skill class. For example using the mechanics example from earlier. A no skill individual will be unable to do anything about the flat. An elementary skill individual will be able to know that they need to use the jack to lift the vehicle and how to take the tire off and put on the spare, but won’t know where the best place to jack the vehicle is and could cause damage. An average skill individual will know where to put the jack, how to safely jack the vehicle and change the tire to the spare. The difference might seem small. However, it’s not.
If you damage your vehicle while stranded in the wild-lands chances are your not getting back without turning into a wolf and running all the way home.
Average skill means that the character spent a little more time learning the skill and actually wanted to understand it. There would be some interest in the skill set, maybe a hobby or just happenstance of family (father is a mechanic for example).
{-} Advanced Skill -- 16 to 19 points

Characters with advanced skills in an area are those who were really passionate by the skill. They took this on as a serious hobby. Though not professionals at it, they know enough to get themselves into trouble.
For example using a mechanical example, a character with advance skills would be able to restore/maintain their own vehicle. They would be interested in mechanics and know how to do it. Think hobbies. Hard core hobbyist who dedicated themselves to the hobby.
{-} Professional Skill -- 20 to 25 points

Characters with professional skills means that this is the career path the character chose. You can only have ONE Professional skill set. Everything else must be bellow 20 points.
This is your characters job of choice. What they do for a living. Be it mechanic, mining, ext.

Skill categories list:

{-} Acrobatics

Characteristic Used: DEX
Calculation: 9+(DEX/5)+points

{-} Acting

Characteristic Used: PRE
Calculation: 9+(PRE/5)+points

{-} Analyze

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Bribery

Characteristic Used: PRE
Calculation: 9+(PRE/5)+points

{-} Bugging

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Bureaucratic

Characteristic Used: PRE
Calculation: 9+(PRE/5)+points

{-} Computers

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Criminology

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Cryptography

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Deduction

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Demolition

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Disguise

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Electronics

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Forensic

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Forgery

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Gambling

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Interrogation

Characteristic Used: PRE
Calculation: 9+(PRE/5)+points

{-} Inventor

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Knowledge (pick an area)

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Language (max of four)

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Lipreading

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Lock-picking

Characteristic Used: DEX
Calculation: 9+(DEX/5)+points

{-} Martial Arts

Characteristic Used: STR
Calculation: 9+(STR/5)+points

{-} Mechanics (pick a vehicle type, up to two vehicle types)

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Mimicry

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Navigation (all wolves have a natural 5 for free)

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Oratory

Characteristic Used: PRE
Calculation: 9+(PRE/5)+points

{-} Paramedic/Medical

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Persuasion

Characteristic Used: PRE
Calculation: 9+(PRE/5)+points

{-} Science (pick a branch and level)

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Security Systems

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Seduction

Characteristic Used: PRE
Calculation: 9+(PRE/5)+points

{-} Slight of Hand

Characteristic Used: DEX
Calculation: 9+(DEX/5)+points

{-} Stealth (all wolves have a natural 5 for free)

Characteristic Used: DEX
Calculation: 9+(DEX/5)+points

{-} Streetwise

Characteristic Used: PRE
Calculation: 9+(PRE/5)+points

{-} Survival (all wolves have a natural 5 for free)

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Systems Operation

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Tactics

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Teamwork (all wolves have a natural 5 for free)

Characteristic Used: DEX
Calculation: 9+(DEX/5)+points

{-} Tracking (all wolves have a natural 5 for free)

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Trading

Characteristic Used: PRE
Calculation: 9+(PRE/5)+points

{-} Weaponsmith

Characteristic Used: INT
Calculation: 9+(INT/5)+points

{-} Other (specify and ask permission first)

I shall tell you based off what you choose.

How To Build A Character Cont.

Skills, Perks, Talents
There are two other aspects of skills to consider while building your character an allocating your Skill Points. Those are the Perks and the Talents. These are a little different then skills, but still fall under the same category as Skills. They follow the same layout as skills do for point distribution except that there are no professional perks or talents.

Perks and Talents work on a buy system. You pay a price for the level you want from none to advance. However, you can’t buy a perk or talent your character couldn’t use in game because of their history/other information.

Perk categories list:

{-} Access

Description: their position in the pack or human job gives them access to otherwise restricted areas

{-} Anonymity

Description: they have spent a lot of money or lead an illegal life and have invested in learning how to hack government databases in order to erase all records of their existence.

{-} Computer Link

Description: has an unnatural ability with computers to get into any place. Nothing digital is safe from them. More often called hacking.

{-} Contact

Description: they have developed a list of contacts in high ranking places. Usually government or law enforcement contacts.

{-} Deep Cover

Description: the characters records indicate that they are someone else. Their true identity is hidden so deep no one knows who they really are. Not able to be used on pack members. Used ONLY on humans and in the human world.

{-} Influence

Description: their position in the pack or human job gives them influence to some degree.

{-} Fallowers

Description: the character has servants determined by the number of skill points spent.
Elementary: 1
Average: 3
Advanced: 5
Can be purchased multiple times.

{-} Money

Description: they have a lot of wealth/resources

{-} Reputation

Description: the character is well known for something.

{-} Vehicle or house

Description: you have to purchase a vehicle or a house/apartment/whatever if you wish to have one.
Elementary: Apartment (crappy car/truck, beater)
Average: Condo (regular, nice, new car/truck)
Advanced: House (expansive fancy car {don’t go crazy} if you do want to go crazy you have to also take Advanced Money then you can go crazy.)

Talent categories list:

{-} Ambidexterity

Description: character can use both hands equally. The fluidity of this depends on the level taken.

{-} Danger Sense

Description: character can ‘sense’ danger like a sixth sense.

{-} Eidetic Memory

Description: Character has a photographic memory.

{-} Enhanced Senses (all wolves get 5 points for free)

Description: character has better senses then normal.

{-} Lightning Calculator

Description: tCharacter can perform mathematical calculations quickly and accurately.

{-} Lightning Reflexes (all wolves get 5 points for free)

Description: character reacts faster then normal.

{-} Lightsleep

Description: character is rarely surprised while asleep.

{-} Perfect Pitch

Description: character can identify and match any musical pitch. Can be applied to an instrument or vocal.

{-} Speed Reading

Description: character can read much faster then normal.




Statistics: Posted by Fain — Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:09 pm

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