

"Masques don't always protect ourselves, but sometimes those around us..."

General Information:

Name: Arrail Arralies

Alias: The Masque of 1000 Voices

[Age: 1234 (relatively young)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Birthplace: Tau Space

Arrail was born as the child of a venerable Eldar Scout while in a deep cover mission behind the lines of the Tau Empire. Ever watchful of the threats that lurked there, the stealth laden scouts waited for years, observing and reporting their findings to the craft-world as any new developments came to pass, acting as parents in their spare time. The Tau had always been an aspiring ally of the future seeing Eldar, as the only civilization still adapting and creating new technology which also adhered to some of their morals. The presence of the Eldar would also be a great boon to the greater good without doubt, and thus, their ways and customs needed to be learnt. It wasn't until a century of waiting that the plan for coalition attempted to come to pass, a Farseer, ever so cautiously calling for parley to the Air caste ethereal which dominated the Tau Empire. The Mother and Father of Arrail joining the Farseer as honor-guard along side a warlock and a Herlequin troupe member.

Through some democracy, an uneasy alliance began to be made, but it was the presence of the scouts which put the Tau on edge, long knowing of the incredible stealth capabilities of the Eldar, the Tau grew paranoid that their civilization would naught but live in the shadow of the age old Methusellic race that had knocked on their doorstep. It was in an instant that the fire-caste warriors were upon the party, and through psionic might, the Farseer and her entourage managed to flee from the meeting hall under heavy fire, racing down hallways, fighting through the myrriad of foes which blocked their path. However, as it came to a head at the scout camp the parents of Arrail turned once they reached a bottleneck, in an attempt to hold off any and all pursuers for the crucial moments it would take to destroy the webway gate with Eldar Melta Bombs, barring off Tau counterattack, but perishing disappearing in the aftermath.

Arrail, in a final act by her parents, was handed to the Harlequin as an offering to do with whatever she will, and so, Arrail was raised among the Troupe.

Physical Appearance:

Age Appears: 20

Race: Eldar

Height: 5'11”

Weight: 62kg

Physique: Incredibly slender and fit, sleek but well toned muscle covers her frame, ideal for performance and acrobatics to a superhuman extent.

Hair: A long, crimson mane of radiant strands, glistening like ephemeral fire in the presence of sunlight.

Eyes: Fractals of azure blue, betwixt its many shades like a raw crystal, fractured and fragmented, though glimmering. It seems as if the kaleidoscope like patterns change depending on the angle they are observed from or the light which is subjected to them.

Skin: Vibrant and pale, near translucent white.

Scars: Not a single one.

Other: Never talks with her own voice, but rather, a mask donned with a soul stone, talks with the voices of many, many others.


Arrail is a Solitaire, meaning that she wears a bright pink and royal purple checkered cloak and elegant white wraith-bone mask of her station with a small soul-stone on its lips and several on the masks' forehead, representing Slaanesh in the Dance without end. Arrail wears a skin tight Domino-field suit with a pink stripe down the middle, bordered with purple and black at her sides. covered in very little mesh-armour plating over her chest falling into an armored hanging coat for some additional protection and wraith-bone boots bearing 2" heels which raise to the height of her kneecaps, covering them like Armour with small slits for mobility.

Beneath her clothing, Arrail is supple, and barely looks to be threatening, her large alien eyes portray nothing but an almost soulless innocence as well as her smaller frame than many Eldar troops blatantly undermines her legality.

"I dance the dance eternal, I dance the dance of history, I dance the dance of death..."


The Masque
The Masque of 1000 voices is an artifact which allows a Solitaire to talk without spreading madness with their haunting voice, an Ivory white mask made of Wraith-bone and studded with a Soul-stone on the lips, three smaller vertically on the forehead and several tiny glitter like shards across the mask, hold the souls of 1000 beings, not all of them eldar, but orks, humans, dark eldar, Arrails' predecessors and others all of varying stations and livelihoods, each of them with a voice, the Masque itself is also capable of producing with the faintest hint of psychic potential.

Singing Executioner:
A double ended Singing Spear used by Arrail, modeled in slight after the executioners used by the howling banshee Exarchs. The weapon can be thrown short distances and return much in the same way as a singing spear, but, as Arrail has no psychic potential of her own, her Masque needs to be activated to do so. Otherwise, the singing executioner has no other special characteristics other than its second blade.

Shuriken Pistol & bombs:
Arrails' sidearms are nothing but a basic Eldar pistol with no special effect or modifications and a single melta bomb clipped to her waist should she need to use it.

Harlequins Kiss & Rive-blade
The harlequins kiss is a small extendable tube weapon mounted under Arrails' left wrist, extendable in combat with incredible speed sending mono-filament wires into an opponent, turning their insides into little more than a red paste. The rive blade, is a similar extendable weapon mounted under Arrails' right wrist, a potent armor-piercing blade used to eviscerate opponents quickly

Armour & D-Field
Arrail wears light weave armour over some of her body for light protection in the form of a long scale coat, layering the billowing effect of her visage under her checkered cloak, but otherwise protects herself with a Domino-field suit rather than the more common Holo-suit of the harlequin. The D-Suit projects a wide area of dazzling crystal effects as well as the trailing images making her incredibly difficult to target in combat and up close.

Arrail is a cold, heartless, soulless harlequin, but, in the wake of this, she is able to emulate emotion and empathy more than aptly, enjoying in some strange sense to act as someone who is disturbingly kind in this world of darkness and Chaos. A role which stands as an interesting juxtaposition to the rest of the waking world. Arrail by and large prefers to be alone or with a small troupe opposed to large groups of people or armies, especially over long periods of time. However, Arrail has been known to occasionally work with others to further her own goals.

Arrail, is also to some extent, completely and irreparably insane. The process of becoming a Solitaire, and the trials she had to undergo created several psychic schisms within her mind, potentially causing the lack of personality which is evident by her person. Also, as these events came to pass recently, the trauma is still very apparent, and should 'desire' in the form of Slaanesh in sufficient powers be near her, it can cause her faux personality to break down, and her to become under incredibly stress, lash out, and act erratically.

Powers & Abilities:

Arrail has no soul, and therefore has no presence in the warp as well as being immune to psionic effects, though not immune to the effects of chaos magic. Considered an 'anti-psycher' or a 'blank' to some, it makes Arrail have very few issues with the warp as a whole, meaning she alone has very little issues with traversing the warp, or dealing with chaotic influences. However, everything has its price, as she believes her soul is held firmly by the God of Desire, and least Arrail pass the many tests of the Laughing God, her soul is damned. However, as she was wearing the masque on her coronation as a Solitaire, the soul-stones caught her fleeing soul, though it still hangs in the balance...

Harlequin Physique (Solitaire):
Arrail is able to move, spin and jump at speeds far exceeding other Eldar and even most other harlequins, though she is young, inexperienced comparable to other Solitaire, she has the raw skill and potential of an expert dancer, in both production and combat. Arrail can be seen on the battlefield as a colorful blur surrounded in glimmering diamond images, leaving behind her little more than the piling up bodies of her victims.

"My parents fell in a blaze of glory for the craftworld, If only I could do the same..."

Arrail was born to a pair of venerable scouts, but was raised within a Harlequin troupe of some considerable size. Through the course of her life, she learned the dance without end, painted her face, coloured her hair and practiced with the special weapons of the Harlequin. Offered the chance to join one of the aspects, Arrail declined, rather than to pay homage to those who took her in and saved her life, considering herself to have a great debt to the Harlequins of the Troupe... As she grew older she became fascinated with the Dance without end, ever wondering of the role which she would be able to play within it, be it as a death Jester, Warlock, Shadowseer, Mime, or Avatar... though, of all the roles in the dance, there was one which daunted her above all others, the dark, and tainted role of the Solitaire. Which to her, like many other roles, she feared and was uneasy of the troupes semi-loyal Solitaire, whom would route from his travel to perform with them at their many venues.

Over the years, Arrail had some training, enough to become a trouper, and over centuries performed under the likes of Warlocks, Archons and Farseers who called on their troupe for their performance.

It wasn't until a decade awaited performance of the Dance without End that Arrail was able to observe the dance in its entirety. She watched as they performed in awe at the remote location. But it wasn't long until the dance fell under a devastating orbital attack... Drop-pods fell from the sky as Black Templar space marines attacked the nearby villages in order to claim more terrain for the Empire of man, having stumbled along the troupe and those who had come to witness the great dance. The battle was fierce, but it was amid the combat which Arrail saw for the first time, the dazzling spectacle of the greater troupe, working together in harmony as they attempted to fight the grand elite that were the Empires' Space Marines.

Dozens of Troupers fell to the heavy fire of the bolter weapons which splintered their ranks, four harlequin dying to every space marine brought down with them, but as the death jesters pounded back in return with their heavy weapons, having assumed position, and the shadowseer supporting the greater troupe with his powerful psychic abilities, the avatar and the soloist, the Solitaire, stood in the center of the combat, untouched by the likes of the crude augmented humans, like a whirlwind within their ranks. Battling against a solitary terminator and captain which lead the marines in their awesome assault!

The Solitaire, taking a daring strike, relying on his holo-suit, landed an incredible stab with the harlequins kiss, ending the terminator once and for all, but, opening himself up for a single blow from the captains' power-fist, ending the life of the Solitaire, but once again opening the captain for a return blow from the Avatar, decapitating the human and forcing the humans to retreat from their assault. A phyrric victory at most, having lost one of the greatest performers in the troupe, the Harlequin retreated through the webway, but not before Arrail approached the body of the Solitaire, leaning down, and taking the mask from his body, recovering the soul stone which she believed his spirit would be housed in...

How wrong she was.

Her tune had changed when it came to the Solitaire, working harder and harder to succeed, wearing the masque of 1000 voices, she learned much from the whispering soul-stones which peppered the mask, driving her forward to inevitable success. After she turned 900, she finally reached her goal, volunteering to take on the position of the Solitaire which would become loosely loyal to their troupe, send them new Harlequins to replenish their ranks, and become Slaanesh in the Dance without end. And through her induction... she lost her soul. But wearing the mask during the exercise trapped her soul within the soul-stones of the mask as it left her body preemptively, and she was granted her wargear.

Over time she found herself not liking the bustling groups of the troupe, and distanced herself from them, she found herself travelling on her own more and more to discover the artifacts of other Soloists which were scattered around the world. It was from a particular Archon, who granted her the D-field suit to replace her own holo-suit, in a successful effort to create a connection with Arrail. Over time, she tinkered with her singing spear, adding an additional, executioner like blade, fashioned light Armour and acquired a melta bomb for versatility. Having been a Solitaire for little more than three centuries, she's sent back little more than a handful of aspiring troupers and a number of others... but, after meeting with the Dark Eldar whom bestowed her with her beloved D-field, learning of his son and his ways, Arrail quests to add a special member to her troupe.

A death Jester... by the name of Asduthara Kaera Ar'ovyn


Name: Fain Wolfblade
Age: 750
Race: Renegade Space Marine / Pirate
Gender: Male
-- Height: 8’6”
-- eyes: bright ice blue
-- skin: lightly tanned
-- physique: well muscled with a softly angular face and high cheekbones. His eyes are angled slightly and almond shaped with blue irises.
-- hair: long and braided into a series of small braids with beads of gold, silver and jade woven into them. His hair is black with white streaks bleached into the hair.
-- piercings/markings: Fain has 3 loops of metal with beads of bone in his left helix. One intricate ‘dragonlike’ black metallic earring in his lobule. He has a single skull and wings tattoo on his left shoulder that wraps around his arm.
-- Armor/clothing:

Helm: The helm that he wears is shaped like a skull with large blue lenses covering his eyes. The helm has two large wings on either side of his head that look like the wings of a hawk but more spiky like it was formed from long blades rather then feathers. The lower form of the ‘skull’ helm is the breathing apparatus with large industrial looking cables running down tot he shoulders of the suit.
Suit: The main suit is made from overlapping layers of metal plates that are covered with spokes and skulls. The same symbol as his tattoo is painted in blood red over the black metal on his shoulder armour. The skull of the painted symbol is an actual skull skewered on a spike. There are also chains that cover the armour.
-- Primary motivator:


This is often times a forgotten motivation for a pirate, driven by more then just money however, he strives to seek balance and understand. Fain grew up harsh and jaded by his past. Distant, withdrawn. Never having been held or cared for has left deep wounds and it drives him to acquire the kind of power that he couldn’t hold otherwise. The selfless past was never his truest calling.

The Truth

The ultimate harbinger of life or death is truth. The knowledge that the truth can bring and what one does with it strengthens the resolve of the truth path. This is about as philosophical as Fain gets.

-- Core Traits:

Emotional disposition: acerbic and sarcastic. Fain doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him and though he rarely speaks he often reverts to sarcastic quibs to conceal what he really thinks or feels. A thick shell of deadly calm is what he displays as far as emotional reactions to things. He’s acerbic and prides himself on his lack of social skills. Fain also enjoys displaying the fact he’s bad to the bone. If there is one emotion Fain will display it’s anger and that is never a wise place to be in. More likely to attack first and ask questions later or when everyone’s bloody Fain isn’t known for patience or for sanity. Fain was trained to have no use for emotional dispositions or human emotions and has thus learned to burry his own emotions so deep he hardly ever even realizes he feels them. Only two emotions really are felt deeply: love for Aleria and anger.

Moodiness: Fain is calm in all things unless he’s angry then watch your back. He takes shit from no one and dishes it out quickly enough. Though most often he’ll stab you or blast you rather then let you know you’ve pissed him off.

Outlook: Pessimistic. The world is what it is and it isn’t going to change. Lucks a bitch and he’s her welcomed pet...

Integrity: Unscrupulous. He’ll do what he wants and the rest be damned.

Impulsiveness: Controlled. He keeps himself on a tight leash and is a very focused individual. Once he takes a contract he sees it through no matter what. Even if it means he is covered in blood at the end. He will do what is necessary to achieve his goal.

Boldness: Cautions. He’s not timid in the least he’ll do what’s needed to be done and he won’t hesitate to act, but he is paranoid and vigilant. He expects betrayal and rarely does he trust anyone. Aleria is the only person he’s ever trusted and the only person he would lay his life down for.

Flexibility: Stubborn. He’s not known to deviate from a path once he’s on it and he’s a stubborn bastard who’s dead set in his ways.

Compartment: Discordant. He doesn’t care what you think of him. He’s crude, acerbic and sarcastic and he likes it that way. Social skills are for those who serve.

Interactivity: Reserved. He’s not shy, but he is a loner. He likes himself best and he doesn’t try to make friends. He is who he is and he doesn’t much care if you like him or not. He has a few close friends. Of those the most closest one is Aleria.

Disclosure: Secretive. He doesn’t like to share. He’ll reply with a quick sarcastic comment about not being a woman when pressed on how anything makes him feel.

Conformity: Heterodox. He is who he is and he won’t conform to anything or anyone. He brazenly disregards laws as much as he does authority.

-- Necessary Personality Traits:
Honor: Fain is a man who has a strict code of honor even though it flies in the face of his tougher then nails attitude and deadly demeanor.

Loyalty: Fain is loyal to a fault and would rather die then bring dishonor on his lineage, family or bloodline.

Duty: Fain is duty bound by the codes of his people. It is something inbred into him with his upbringing. He will abide by his code no matter what the cost to himself.

Family: Fain is bound to his family above all things. He will always put them first. Think of them first and foremost.

-- Secondary Traits:

Sense of humour: crude, dry and sarcastic
Sexuality: heterosexual
Religion: none

-- Habits and Hobbies:

Quirks, Habits, and Oddities: Facial tics (you know he’s angry when he develops a tic in his jaw that indicates he’s getting ready to explode along with a slight tension building in his muscles. Usually a good indicator that violence is imminent), Name dropping (he swears. A lot. Mostly because it gets under peoples skin and because he enjoys being socially inept), Blade sharpening/playing (he likes to toss knives around in his hands or sharpen his knives in public places.), Insomnia (Fain never did like to sleep because he was weakest when he slept. Thus he learned to go long periods of time with little sleep. Though it makes him edgier then normal. Not that many would notice since he’s always edgy and ready for a fight). Explosives (Fain likes to study explosives and find ways to better the process, even though he prefers blade to ranged weapons. He’s always had a fascination for explosives.)

Hobbies and Enjoyments: Fights, Explosives, Killing things, Alcohol, Weapons, Aleria.

Equipment: Powerweapon Sword, a few knives (6), lightning claws (gauntlets one on each hand), Bolter, Chaos Marine Power Armour (decorated with chains, skulls, and spikes)

Skills: proficient with blades weapons, swift movement

Bio: Fain was taken from his family at a young age for ‘testing’ he had no idea what that implied. No idea what that even meant. Fain thought he might be the only one of his family taken, but his twin brother Alerian was also taken. Fain looked at his brother as they were forced to undergo a ‘testing’ when both were barely old enough to understand. After their testing, neither boy knew how he’d done, Fain and Alerian were both taken to a monastery and began their transformation to Space Marine.

Where Fain found the lifestyle to his liking. Where he found the selflessness easy to bear Alerian didn’t. Alerian had been struggling with concepts of identity all throughout his early adolescence that Fain didn’t understand. Fain enjoyed the training and the lessons and the changes to is body.

Fain felt stronger and more powerful, but he always watched out for Alerian first and his duty came in a tight second, so much so that most wouldn’t be able to tell that Fain was loyal first to Alerian and then to the empire of man.

When Alerian left the Space Marines to follow Slaanesh. Some things even Fain didn’t know about Alerian, one of those was that Alerian wasn’t comfortable with being male and felt drawn to being female. So he made a bargain with Slaanesh which transformed Alerian into a female and she became Aleria.

When Alerian left to become Aleria Fain followed, but couldn’t bring himself to give his life to any gods. Fain had lost faith in any gods a long time ago. Instead he sold his skills to the highest bidder and became a pirate. A renegade. Something that suited Fain. Allowing him to follow his sense of honor and his code, but still be unfailingly loyal to Aleria.

Name: Aleria Wolfblade
Age: 750
Race: Chaos Space Marine
Gender: female
-- Height: 7’6”
-- eyes: bright ice blue
-- skin: lightly tanned
-- physique: a lithe delicate build with gentle cruves. Her eyes are angled slightly and almond shaped with blue irises.
-- hair: long and braided into a series of small braids with beads of gold, silver and jade woven into them. Her hair is white.
-- piercings/markings: Fain has 3 loops of metal with beads of bone in her left helix.
-- Armor/clothing: her armour is mostly concealed by the large flowing blood red robes worn. Only over her chest and abdomen going up to her neck can the armour be seen as metal plates of a dark gray metal shined to a reflective sheen that forms over her breasts and is decorated by chains over her abdomen and some edges on the lower breastplate and upper neck burnished gold with skulls formed into the metal. Along with Slaanesh’s symbol carved into a large metal plate set right at her hips in the center of her. Chains fall to either side. The belt holds the layers of fabric that make up her dress. She wears large billowing red fabric sleeves and a hood over her head covering her long white hair. The sleeves cover the armour underneath.
-- Appearance: Aleria looks a lot like Fain, but with more feminine curves. Her eyes are the same as Fain’s and her face looks like a younger girl version of his.

-- Primary motivator:

Aleria likes to sow discordance, to disrupt the natural order of things. To cause confusion and discord. She isn’t easy to predict, most often doing what isn’t expected or what would cause the most disruption.

Aleria lives to serve. Her service is dedicated to her god Slaanesh, mostly due to the boon he granted her. Aleria has loyalty to one, and that is Fain. She hero worships her twin.

-- Core Traits:

Emotional disposition: Aleria is fiery and passionate. She lives by her powerful emotions. From passion to anger to lust to love to destruction. Whatever emotion she feels she seeks to indulge. Often her emotional disposition will shift on the very hairpin of a single moment, word or thought.

Moodiness: Aleria is fiery and impulsive. She’s driven by her emotions and the power of being ‘better then anyone else’. So she’s conceited too...

Outlook: Pessimistic. She doesn’t think much of the world as it is. If she could survive watching the universe burn she’d sit there roasting marshmallows and enjoying the show.

Integrity: Unscrupulous. She is a manipulative type, willing to lie and deceive to get her way or achieve her goals.

Impulsiveness: Spontaneous. She is very impulsive living on the whim of her emotions, desires and power.

Boldness: Intrepid. She is daring, reckless and willing to do anything she wants.

Flexibility: Stubborn. When she sets her mind to something she’s as stubborn and unmoving as a house.

Compartment: Agreeable. She can be quite charming and sweet, even cultured if she wishes to be.

Interactivity: Engaging. Aleria is a charmer. She likes to get to know people. She likes to talk. She likes to be the center of attention.

Disclosure: Candid. She doesn’t care what people know about her. Unlike Fain she doesn’t hide anything, unless it’s a secret she wishes to keep. Secrets are power she isn’t afraid to use.

Conformity: Heterodox. She won’t conform or be made to conform.

-- Necessary Personality Traits:

Dedicated to Slaanesh: Aleria owes her current femininity to Slaanesh and thus owes her life to him. Much like her loyalty to Fain is unyeilding and unwavering her dedication to Slaanesh is allconsuming. She worships her god and is willing to do whatever he desires of her.

-- Secondary Traits:

Sense of humour: sometimes silly, sometimes dry and sarcastic depending on her mood
Sexuality: bisexual
Religion: dedicated to Slaanesh

-- Habits and Hobbies:

Quirks, Habits, & Oddities: humming (Aleria likes to hum to herself, often for no reason what so ever), superstitious (she believes the universe shows her signs of Slaanesh’s will in various forms like omens and signs).

Hobbies & Engjoyments: Being with Fain, dicing/gambling, fighting, weapons, studying and learning especially about Slaanesh

Equipment: lightning claws (two gauntlets one on each hands), a priceless white dagger threaded with a black core through it’s center, bolt, grenade launcher (with Krak and Frag grenades)

Skills: proficient with ranged weapons, good aim

Bio: Aleria was at first known as Alerian and was the twin brother of Fain. The two entered the training together after passing their tests. Alerian had a hard time adjusting to the physiological aspect of being ‘selfless’, Alerian isn’t selfless and though for a time he managed to keep himself from becoming self involved he always thought he should have been a she.

For a time Alerian worked as a Space Marine, but always hated humans viewing them as weak and lesser beings, always wondered why he should serve them when he was far more powerful then they were. It angered him. He hated to serve weaker creatures

He didn’t feel right being a he and that conflict led to his flirtation with Slaanesh and his eventual traitorship which led to his being granted a boon by Slaanesh to turn him into a her. Alerian became Aleria and she worships Slaanesh with her whole heart, and when she left she took Fain with her, because Fain is ever loyal to Aleria and Aleria is selfish and desires to have her treasured brother with her. Although Fain never took to the worship he did become a renegade for her.


Name: Shas'nel T'au Doran'Por, "Nel'Doran'Por", Fireblade Stillwater
Age: 55 (Effective age, has spent long time periods in cryostats)
Race: Tau
Gender: Male

Appearance: Coming from the revered sept of Tau, Fireblade Stillwater is primary marksman in a rapid deployment cadre from the Tau home world. While he's clearly growing older, he's as strong and hardy as ever. His body is covered in sinewy muscles, his skin has started to develop small dark spots to indicate his advanced age. He's slightly wrinkled, though it is clear he is a man for laughs - his smile wrinkles and cheeks are the most affected, and a smile and glinted glaze is never far away. He carries himself with a casual demeanor not often seen in experienced Fire Warriors such as he, which may come from the same quirk that caused him to walk the path of a fireblade as opposed to a powersuit pilot. Beyond this, he seems to take good care of himself - always neatly groomed, clean, and respectably clothed.

Personality: Fireblade Stillwater is a man of conflicting personality extremes. He's energetic and boastful at the best of time, and hates the concept of being idle, yet on the battlefield, he radiates a steady calm and clarity from which his name has come. He's eccentric, eschewing battlesuit technology in favor of the firing line, though he's tactically orthodox and very bound to tradition. Another quirk of his eccentricity is his fondness of speaking to aliens. Kroot, Gue'vesa, whatever they may be, Fireblade Stillwater will always engage in conversation with them. This leads him to understand alien languages to an extent; He knows enough to communicate with the most common alien auxiliaries without relying on a Water Caste translator. He's diligent to a fault and can sometimes be seen for days at a time in the practise yard or pouring over tomes of wisdom. He's rumored to have no interest whatsoever in the opposite (or same) sex in particular, though this has never been confirmed. He's very attached to his weapons and armour, and when he's not either talking, training, reading, or fighting, he's maintaining his equipment with the delicacy and care you'd expect from the Earth Caste. To sum him up with five words: Dilligent, Eccentric, Curious, Aggressive, Steady.

Bonding knife,
Combat Armour,
Pulse Rifle with Markerlight,
Photon Grenades

Skills: Deadeye marksman, proficient field officer, good with communication - poor in a melee and can get nausea from flight.

Bio: Stillwater's early life was like any other Fire Caste child born on T'au. From birth it was right into the academy to study and train for warfare, together with his comrades. His first few years of service showed the same routine life - it was when his squad was qualified for promotion to Shas'ui that he stood out. Choosing to remain in the firing lines rather than join a Crisis Team, he was nominated as Shas'ui sergeant at the time. After his old friends were all wiped out by Space Marine devastator squads in the Damocles Crusade, Stillwater's conviction that his place was in the firing line only strengthened. Today, twenty years after his promotion to Shas'ui, he's now his cadre's fireblade, one of the finest riflemen in the T'au Fire Caste Command; And his service is as eager as ever.

Statistics: Posted by Ragnar Ice-Blood — Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:57 pm

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