
Welcome to Creative Freedom! I'm sure you'll find our home here to be very hospitable and welcoming. We are a tight family here so be sure to prepare for some tough lovin’ in the form of hugs, glomps, sloppy wolf kisses, and other assorted methods of saying “Nice ta meetcha!”

My name is Leumas and I am a mentor of the site (though you probably figured that bit out for yourself well enough ;)). Welcome aboard Noir, or should I say Zero! Happy to have you again! Feel free to direct any of your questions to these fine people I have listed below. Just click on the names to view their profiles.

Mentors: FellRaven, Hobado, Leumas, Lollipop, and Mizagium

Moderators: Dadsky, Fearless_Sissy, and Muse Delacroix, as well as Dragon_Maiden and Metilinos, our two global moderators.

Admins: Asteria and Eferhilda, owners of the site, along with the lovely Sounds_of_Silence

Any of these people will be more than willing to help you with anything you might need. You can always PM a staff member if you have any quick questions you need answering. Clicking on the chat located right below the Chit Chat and Random Talk forum on our index page will allow you to jump right in and mingle with our members. Simply create a profile by clicking the link in the bottom right of the chat screen. Be sure you use the same name you signed up with, or a shortened name we can recognize you by. The chat is an excellent way to get information about the site quickly from anybody who is online—but of course it’s also great for random fun! Finally, be sure to take a quick peek at the global announcements at the top of all boards. It contains the wonderful Rules and other helpful Tips, Tricks, and tools of the Trade. Please don't hesitate to get involved in the role play or join an open thread! If you need an extra guide or are just looking to see a manual for this darned thing, we have one right Here. Have a wonderful time role playing and I hope to see you around the site as well.

Oh, and I almost forgot. GLOMP

Statistics: Posted by Leumas — Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:35 am

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