
Alfrei dropped the swords he held just as soon as he finished off the last of the Reapers that tried to take his head. It was over, right? There wasn't any more of them coming, are there? He looked back wearily to the lot he had been desperately defending—wounded knights and civilians alike. These people were likely to be unfortunate enough to have not escaped in time and had he not found them, trapped between stone walls and certain death, they would have no doubt been added to the casualty count dreaded by every single knight out here. Emotions he had kept repressed began to stir at the thought. The casualty count was something he would rather not think about now, it was no question that it was probably high enough as it stands—the only prudent thing to do was to make sure it wouldn't rise any higher.

Graceless as it may look, the Vice Captain of Squad Eight dropped to his knees exhausted. The long hours of continual fighting, moving between adjacent districts, all the while leading incompetent knights had him reach and far surpass both his physical and magical limits long before he actually realized it. His eyes wandered across the devastation that laid bare before him. What was once a bustling district, now reduced to nothing more than a shattered shell of its former self. Could he call this a victory? Sure, he had successfully thwarted what looked like a massacre in the making, he took down Light-knows-how-many of the enemy forces in this District, and managed to save what many people that remained huddled together behind him! But why does this feel like such a crushing defeat? Why does his heart ache so? Before he knew it (and before he could do anything to stop it), he felt the wind coolly kiss the trails of tears that had shamelessly started to fall from his eyes.

"Sir Alfrei?"

The voice, though obviously sounded close to being dead, still held a certain air of urgency. The voice belonged to Knight Claudio, the one whom Alfrei had roughly introduced himself in the heat of battle. By then, Alfrei already knew that he had no time to entertain his thoughts, nor did he have the time to shed tears. With the back of his right hand, Alfrei wiped away any remnants of the sorrow he felt from his eyes. How much evidence of it was left there? He did not know. All he knew was that his attention was needed elsewhere other than his own—probably useless—thoughts. He was slow to get back to his feet, a cause for concern that didn't escape the eyes of the knight that called for him.

"Are you alright good sir?"

No. He wasn't alright—and the probability that anyone else would be alright after going through this experience... well, the answer should have been pretty obvious. He had wounds (lots of it) but they were superficial—they can be healed. His pain alone was nothing but an insignificant speck compared to what the Lindelans were experiencing now as a collective. When he finally turned to face the owner of the voice, Alfrei had already settled back to being the Vice Captain that he was.

"I'm fine Knight Claudio, thank you for your concern." a tempered response; it was a miracle his voice didn't crack. "More importantly," Alfrei's gaze finally met Knight Claudio's own, "I need a sit rep."

The knight stiffened at the command and saluted once before taking a breath in preparation for the exchange of words. "Firstly, in behalf of my squad," Claudio paused to look back at the few wounded knights mixed in with the civilian group before continuing, "or what's left of it... we thank you for your assistance. Had you not arrived in time, me and my men, along with these citizens would have met our fates here and now." he bowed gratefully as he continued, "From the bottom of our hearts, you have our gratitude."

"Raise your head, Knight Claudio. There is hardly any need to thank me." Alfrei responded, his tone falling one notch short of being icy. He was being appreciated for his efforts, normally he would feel a sense of achievement, but his heart contained nothing but sorrow. "What happened to District 30's defense?"

The weight behind the query seemed to have crashed down on Claudio, given away by the sudden darkening of his expression and the way he averted his gaze from Alfrei's eyes. "It is as you can see sir." his voice dropped a tone lower as he spoke, "We were overrun." Claudio summarized, hands tightening into fists as he did so. "Lady Karna—err.. I mean, Knight Commander Karna fought valiantly to hold the district, but was ultimately outmatched by the things you slew when they came."

Alfrei could see Knight Claudio's pain through his eyes, and he instantly recognized it. How could he not? The pain of losing a love was something he was all too familiar with. However, instead of trying for hollow words of comfort and encouragement, Alfrei deemed it appropriate to remain silent and just listen.

"Things were going our way as far as Sinners and Pure Sinners go—they were easy enough to deal with," the knight recounted his tale, "but things spiraled out of our control when these monsters started showing up." now he was gritting his teeth in anger, "They tore through our walls like it was made of paper, slaughtered anyone along their path, knight or civilian alike there was no distinction, just... absolute carnage!" Claudio's eyes flicked over to a dead Reaper, filled with spite towards the creature, "When Knight Commander Karna realized what was going on, it was already too late to order a retreat, and then..." the light in his eyes faded, alongside his voice.

By this time, Alfrei already knew that the next part was probably the most painful part for Knight Claudio to retell. He didn't have to; it was never easy. "It's alrig—"

"But then we realized what these Reapers were really up to." Claudio cut him off, "They went straight for the Civilian Shelters we had, tore down the gates and the next thing we knew, we were desperately fighting back while they went on with a killing spree... and we couldn't stop them! Lights above we couldn't stop them!"

Blood trickled down from the side of Claudio's lips, a testament to how pained the knight was at the experience. "...and they were counting—we could hear them as they slaughtered people left and right!"

The sorrow had left Alfrei's heart in an instant, only to be replaced by immeasurable anger. To think that the Reapers did all this for sport?! It was beyond forgiveness! If only he got here sooner! If only...

"Down to the last of our men, Knight Commander Karna's final order was to save as many as we possibly could—get them out of here while she tried to buy my unit some time." Claudio fell to his knees when the strength in his legs finally gave, and the man broke out in sobs of regret and anguish. "She valiantly kept those things at bay for as long as she possibly could, up to her final breath she fought honorably, until she fell in battle... and all I could do was watch her from afar... powerless to even do anything... I failed her! Damn it I failed her!"

"No." Alfrei said firmly, much to Claudio's surprise. "All things considered, you carried out her last order splendidly. Look behind you Knight Claudio, these are the people that owe their lives to the both of you, as well as every single knight of District 30 who fought bravely. Instead of blaming yourself and wallowing in self-pity," Alfrei turned his gaze to the few knights who have managed to survive, "stand up and get stronger! Enough so that the next time you stand on the battlefield, under the same conditions, all of you would have what it takes to stop tragedies like this from happening!" he said it loud and clear before turning back to Claudio, "You can hold your head high, you've made her proud, you've done well, and I am sure Lady Karna is smiling down upon you from the heavens."

After giving Claudio a pat on the shoulder, Alfrei turned to the rest of the survivors of District 30. "We have managed to set up safe zones in the island center. We best get a move on now while there's still light. I can't say for sure that the fighting is really over, but I'd rather not take chances. Gather your belongings and help those who can't move well—I would love to have all of you in those safe zones where we can better protect you than out here. We're moving in five minutes!"


One final swift and precise slash to the neck and the Reaper was no longer a threat. Just as soon as the headless body of the Reaper fell, Fiona began to heave huge gulps of air as she flicked Nirvana clean of Reaper blood before sheathing it back to its scabbard. By her count, that was the last one. Or was it? She had been fighting almost non stop that she had lost track of how many vile creatures had a taste of her blade. Her eyes widened at the sudden deafening roar of victory from the knights of District 22. It was the confirmation that she needed to finally acknowledge that the fighting was over, for this part of Lindela at least. The female knight's thoughts began to wander off towards the other districts. How were they faring so far?

"As to be expected from one belonging to Squad Eight."

The voice that spoke from behind her pulled Fiona back to the present. She eased her guard and slowly turned around, only to find this District's Knight Commander Belford, accompanied by two of his own knights, bowing their heads before her.

"We are in your debt...?"

"Fiona." she helpfully supplied.

"Ah, it is an honor to know your name, Lady Fiona, we are in your debt. Because of your impeccable timing, we were able to cut down our losses by a significant margin. For that, you have our deepest gratitude."

Was it good news? Was she supposed to feel relieved? It may have been by a significant margin as this Knight Commander phrased it but losses are still losses, and those losses were still lives forcefully snuffed out, people who have been robbed of their future. The disconsolate female knight turned away from Belford's gaze, tickling the man's curiosity.

"You seem displeased. Did I say something to offend you my lady knight?"

The question grabbed hold of Fiona's thoughts that were once again starting to drift. Perhaps she was just exhausted that she was finding this man's manner of speaking a tad bit irksome, even though she was used to such manner of speech from her lineage. "N-no, it's nothing." she immediately diffused the Knight Commander's attempt to prod. "It's just..." she paused, unsure if she should continue to speak her mind. Better not.

"Yes milady?"

"Think nothing of it Knight Commander Belford. Wishful thinking have no place on the battlefield."

The Knight Commander smiled a sorrowful one but understood the meaning behind her words. Even he had his wishful thoughts, that it would have been better to have no losses at all than to have to speak and sound proud about suffering minimal ones. All things considered, talk of casualty count was not an easy subject to discuss, no matter the circumstance. "Forgive me for being insensitive Lady Fiona. You must be tired. Please, feel free to take a break. I have absolute confidence that my men can handle it from here."

A break? That doesn't sound so bad, but was Knight Commander Belford truly this dense? How could he expect her, a member of Squad Eight, to slack off and take it easy? While the intention behind the suggestion meant no ill will, it came off more as an insult rather than concern. No, she would have to decline.

"I'm afraid I do not have that luxury—none of us do." her words were as sharp as her gaze that were now directed back at Belford.

The Knight Commander sighed, "Alas, your words ring true. I was just looki—"

"Yes I know Knight Commander, and I am grateful for your concern but there is so much more that still needs to be done. I will not rest until this body refuses to do my bidding."

Impressed by Fiona's resolve, Belford could only smile in admiration. "You inspire me Lady Fiona, not only by your grace in combat but with your chivalry as well. We are truly blessed to have a knight of your caliber among our ranks."

"You overpraise me Knight Commander Belford. I do not fight for recognition, nor do I crave praise and glory. I am simply doing what is within my power, nothing more and nothing less." she smiled dismissively. "If you'll excuse me, I would like to go tend to the wounded."

"But of course." the Knight Commander replied and moved aside, "It has been a pleasure exchanging thoughts with you, Lady Fiona. Let us do what we can for the people. I too shall not rest until this body refuses to move." he flashed a smile, one that was not returned. "May the Divine Light shine ever-brightly on our path."

"Yes... I'm sure we'll need it... now more than ever." Fiona's voice trailed off as she walked her way back to the District Center.

"Forward!" Georg roared at the troops he had taken command of, "Let the blade of your swords be the last thing these creatures lay their eyes on!"

District Three, another one of those Districts that would have fallen had Georg arrived too late. There were corpses everywhere, friend and foe alike. A gruesome sight—sickening to the core—and if the corpses were not enough to portray the bloodbath that transpired here, District Three's walls and streets had also been generously splashed with red almost everywhere one could look. Perhaps a sick artistic touch by a death god itself. Georg would not stand for it. These vile entities needed to be taught a lesson, one that he would be glad to teach for a price—their lives.

The small group of knights led by 'Berserker' Georg himself tirelessly hunted the remnants of District Three's attackers. While it became common knowledge that it was best to fight a Reaper when one had command over Divine Magic, Georg proved to be an exception. Together with his large judgment sword, he brought terror to the remnants of their enemy with his sheer brawn and ferocity, coupled with his once-again-awakened brilliant battle sense, honed through the numerous experiences he had accumulated since the First War, Georg had made it clear that he was certainly a force not to be carelessly trifled with.

With him at the front during their charge, the Reapers (despite being powerful creatures themselves) could do nothing but retreat, until the lot of them had finally been backed into a corner. Like a predator that had trapped its prey, Georg moved in for the kill, giving specific orders to the men he led to not join the fight. Their confusion at the order was washed away when Georg unleashed his fury upon the evil that mindlessly massacred innocents. A display of such brutal fighting style was not for the faint of heart. Even seasoned veterans found themselves cringing at what one could only describe as 'barbaric' strikes. It didn't take long for the battle to end, perhaps it was for the best that the Reapers had fallen beneath his feet so quickly.

The awed knights could only stand in silence as they watched Georg slowly lower his massive weapon. So this was the once famous 'Berserker'.

"W-well done Sir Georg!" one of the knights managed to muster enough courage to speak. "I-I-I think that's the last of them." he stuttered.

Georg suddenly snapped his gaze to the side upon hearing the words, catching a glimpse of his companions with his eyes that still looked like that of a crazed beast.

"B-but you sure took them down fast... without Divine Magic too! You're imp-impressive!"

Impressive? He did not have any intent to put on a show, nor did he plan on showing these knights a flashy fight. Brutal and efficient, that was what he was all about back in the day. Now that the God of Sin had returned, he needed his old self back if he wanted to survive the upcoming fights. This he had already made peace with when he first learned of its resurrection.

"B-but... don't you think you could have.. you know... exercised a little restraint or mercy for that lone Sinner in that last group?"

Georg's eyes sharpened even more at the remark. "Hmph!" he scoffed, keeping his gaze locked on his companions for a good minute before tearing it away himself to look at his handiwork. Surely, today was not a day where mercy for the enemy should be abundant.

"Spread out and look for survivors! The stench of death is starting to irritate me."

Their unit had already begun to disperse, but Georg was the last to move. In his current state, his senses were heightened more than they normally were. Right about now, he was certain he heard something to his west. Choosing to follow his instinct, Georg headed due west, until the sounds he heard slowly began to make sense. He could hear the sound of anger and hate, foretold by the grunts made from effort being exerted. He could also hear cries of pain from the loss of loved ones... and lastly, he could also hear the anguished groans from the one bearing all of that.

His strides quickened, turning left at the first corner street, then jogging the rest of the distance through an alleyway into a small clearing behind a house. He was right in his initial assumption. Before Georg's eyes, a group of civilian survivors were pounding away at a Sinner with sticks and stones, undoubtedly succeeding in breaking a few bones as they continued to lash at the helpless creature. He wanted to just stand there and watch, to allow these people to let off some steam, yet the oath he had sworn to won him over. As a knight, he needed to be the guiding light of these people, a role model, a beacon of hope and good if he were to put it eloquently.

There was no way he could let them stain their hands with blood, this much he already knew.

"Stop what you're doing now." he calmly spoke as he interrupted their manic outrage. He had observed enough to piece this particular puzzle together. This group was a family, mourning over the loss of a member—a child by the looks of it—possibly no older than ten years of age, though it was quite hard to tell from the mutilated heap lying in a pool of blood.

The grief stricken man froze at Georg's words, as well as the two younger boys he was together with. It took them a few seconds to turn and face him, only to reveal tear-filled eyes as they all did. From the looks of it, given how their hands were bleeding from self inflicted wounds by using such crude weapons, they've been at it for a while now but just couldn't land the killing blow. "Why?!" the head of the family spoke, "Why should we stop?!" he asked again, "This creature took away my son!" he pointed the thick wood he had been using to beat the crap out of the Sinner at the mess that Georg didn't have the heart to look at a second time. "Look at what it did to him! And you're telling me to stop?! How could I possibly stop?!" he yelled and turned around again, readying his arm for another crack at the Sinner. However, just as he was about to bring down his hand, he felt a tight grip that restrained him from any attempt to hit the Sinner.

Now that Georg had walked closer to them and restrained their father, the two young boys wizened up and let go of the rocks they held, backing away to their heartbroken mother who could only do nothing but cry. Whether it was out of fear or respect for his authority, he did not know, but he was grateful that he now only had the father to deal with. "I told you that's enough!" he warned again, tone firmer and a notch higher to demonstrate authority. "Let go of the wood. Doing this would not bring your son back."

The man deflated upon hearing his words, as if he was smacked in the face with the harsh reality. The knight was right, he would not get his son back by killing this Sinner, but he still wanted justice! He was just about to tighten his grip on the wood once more, only to realize that he had surrendered it to the knight before the thought of justice crossed his mind. With nothing else to channel his emotions into, the man turned to Georg, spite visible in his eyes that judged the knight as they scanned his person. "Where were you..." he sobbed, "Where were you knights when we needed you?!"

Moot point. The question was best not answered for Georg knew that no matter what he says, his words would provide no solace to the man's grief. It was what it was, they weren't there for him and his family in their time of need, and it was no secret that Knights were under oath to keep the people safe. This was but a failure on their part from a civilian's perspective, one that he would not agree to, or deny for the matter. "If you're looking to hear an excuse, you wouldn't get one."


Georg's eyes held the man's gaze strongly. "If you're looking to hear an apology, I also have none of that for you—just as I do not have words of comfort and empty promises all the same."

The man's expression softened into confusion, obviously not understanding the knight's point.

"All I could give you right now, are words of wisdom," he paused, making sure he had this man's attention before continuing, "Vengeance is bittersweet, and it does not come without consequences. It doesn't matter if it is for lofty ideals like justice or righteousness—the result is all the same; it changes you, sets you on a different path. Into what or where? I cannot say, but I know that the life you used to have will be no more, and you'll someday find yourself on that different path, wishing that you hadn't made such a choice."

It took a while for the man to respond, as if he took to heart Georg's words and pondered on them. The next thing he knew, he had torn his gaze away from Georg and laid them upon the Sinner that suffered his wrath earlier before this knight's intrusion. "Tch! So you're saying that I should forgive this creature? Fool myself to think that everything is going to be alright?!"

"No. I made no such request from you." Georg stepped closer, now standing side by side with the man, eyes locking on to the Sinner that looked as if it was begging for its death. "To say that I completely understand your pain would be a lie." Georg took a deep breath, "and to ask you to forgive right away would be stepping out of line. Healing takes time, that much I know." he tried to catch the man's gaze but to no avail, "I merely want you to remember what these Sinners really used to be, and to keep that in mind at all times. You have a life ahead of you, as does the rest of your family that survived. Do not throw that away for vengeance."

"I... understand..." his words rumbled from the depths of his being, straining himself as he forced the words out of his mouth.

"Good. As long as we're clear on the matter." Georg concluded his lecture, thankful that he could use reason with this man. With a quick motion, Georg scribbled a message on a piece of paper and whistled for his carrier pigeon. Moments later, the bird flew away in haste. His attention however, was diverted back to the man when he heard his voice once more.

"Are you going to save it? Because if you are, I only ask that you not do it in front of our eyes..." the man painfully pleaded.

Of course. Georg wasn't heartless to have to subject their family to such a sight after what they had been through. This Sinner took the life of one of their sons after all. "You have my word, citiz—"

"It's Thomas, my name is Thomas."

"Very well then Thomas, take the rest of your family out of here and head to District Eight. Just outside the alleyway I came from, you will find my knights already waiting for you and your family."

"What of..."

Georg didn't let Thomas finish. "I'll personally see through handling your young one's remains. I'll make sure he gets back to you once you have settled in District Eight. No parent should ever have to..." Georg opted not to finish his words. "Please, leave the rest to me."

Georg watched the family file out into the alleyway, and when nobody else was left but him and the Sinner, he turned his full attention to the creature. Surprisingly, it was still alive. He had been secretly hoping that it would have died on its own by now but its resilience was quite something. "You're surprisingly tough for a small fry." he said to the Sinner as its eyes looked at him in fear. "A shame, you probably would have become a wonderful knight had you made the right choices in your life." Georg continued on as he slowly pulled out his sword from his backside and pointed it at the Sinner, eyes sharpening into a menacing glare. "Do not judge me for this Sinner. To me, your sins have gone far beyond forgiveness when you attacked this island and slaughtered people. For killing this young one..." he trailed off and pulled his sword back.

"A swift death is all the mercy you will get from me." he added just before he delivered the final blow.

This time, even forgiveness had its limits.

The embers of battle had begun to dissipate as the forces of Light succeeded in defending their hometown, District Five. Despite overwhelming odds for having been an outer district, the knights that defended it gave it their all and more, never succumbing to despair, not once even thinking of surrender. Perhaps it was The Lion's ferocity rubbing off on the rest of the district knights when he took command, or perhaps it was simply just the will each knight had to keep fighting—nobody could tell. All that everyone who survived knew, was that they never gave up hope, put up a good fight, and that they stood strong in the face of defeat. They should relish the moment, take pride for having endured such a beating, and for ultimately coming out on top... yet all that could be heard from District Five was a deafening silence.

They were not the only district attacked.

Where they succeeded in defending District Five, others fell in the wake of this onslaught...

..and so the victorious feeling remained ever elusive.

Lance sat himself at the side of the main cobble road, his back rested on a wall (or what was left of it) from what was once a dining establishment. He was facing the District Center, eyes locked onto the crumbled establishment that used to be the district hall. A sad sight to see, that their symbol of strength at the center of the district, was reduced to nothing more than a pile of rubble. However, that was not what bothered the surviving knights the most. It was the knowledge that Vicar, their Knight Commander, the person supposed to be leading them to victory, had been slain in combat—and it was neither a beautiful death nor was it a meaningful one. Lance's own thoughts unconsciously drifted back to the memory.

At Knight Commander Vicar's demise, the morale of the knights suffered a devastating blow. With nobody to lead them, defeat ominously loomed above their heads. The chaos that engulfed the District seemed to have intensified in response to their peril, pushing the knights ever so closer to the doors of despair that eagerly welcomed them in. Despite that, even in the face of terror and carnage, torn between a choice of death or destruction, the knights still felt themselves blessed, for they had him; the one man that rose to the challenge. He never wavered, never showed weakness or hesitation, and more importantly, he never gave up hope.

Those who witnessed his valiant charge were inspired by his courage, and those who fought alongside him told tales of valor and unmatched skill. As he danced around the battlefield, not only did he take down a great many of the invaders, he also sparked hope in the hearts of those who were on the verge of giving up. Where one light succumbed to the darkness, another shined even brighter. The Lion had showed his true worth as a knight, his leadership, his strength—the reason why he was labeled another hero from the First War, and his comrades acknowledged them.

The sound of clinking armor headed his way drew Lance out of his brooding thoughts. The battle may have been over for District Five, but work had only just begun. Two knights approached Lance and stood a respectful conversational distance from him before they stiffened to a salute.

"Captain Lance, we have gathered all the surviving stragglers and wounded knights around the district and begun treatment as you ordered." one of the knights informed the resting knight.

Eyes never leaving the sight of their crumbled hall, Lance nodded in acknowledgment. "That's good. What of the shelters?"

There was a noticeable pause from the two knights before the other one continued with their report. "We've... lost four shelters.." he informed Lance, tone as grim as the news he carried.

Four shelters. That would easily mean hundreds of men, women, and children have lost their lives today because they couldn't effectively defend the District—a victorious loss if he were to put it to words. Lance hung his head low, gritting his teeth in frustration. "Damn it!" he lashed out, one hand curling to a fist and immediately struck the pavement. If only these knights were tougher, if only these knights didn't slack off like they did during peace time, if only... he breathed deep, stilling the swirling emotions he was beginning to lose grasp of. They did all that they possibly could, and this was the result of their efforts. It wouldn't be fair to look for anyone to blame.

"And the scouts?" Lance grumbled, head still sunk as he asked.

"No signs of enemies around District Five's perimeter sir, it's like they vanished without a trace."

A sigh of frustration escaped his lips. "Tch! Tell them to keep looking. A force as large as that couldn't simply come out of thin air. There has to be something that they used to get the jump on us."

"Yes sir, will do!" the knights acknowledged, "and uhhm... we have about fifteen squads, including the injured ones and yours, still intact sir."

Fifteen squads?! Out of fifty squads stationed in a district, only thirty percent survived?! Truly, this day never had any good news at all! Lance wanted to hit the pavement once more but refrained from doing so. These knights were looking up to him now and it wouldn't help their morale to see him getting bent over matters he no longer had any control over.

"I see. Have the squads fed, healed, and on standby. We're going to have ten squads escort the civilians from the remaining shelters over to District Eight. We've received word from them that Master Guilford and his squad had secured the center districts. The remaining five squads, mine included, would stay here on alert."

"As you command sir! Is there anything else?"

"There's nothing else for now. Dismissed."

Lance watched the two knights walk back to where they came from until they disappeared from his sights. Those two looked just as young as him when he first joined the knighthood. Such a young age and they were already risking their lives on the battlefield, where life was as cheap as a loose rock on the ground; it was a depressing thought. He then began to wonder what kind of life those two would have chosen to live if things were different. Would they be farmers? Blacksmiths? Tailors? Miners? Who knew? All that Lance understood was that it didn't matter for nothing has changed. This world was still under the threat of the God of Sin, and there really wasn't a clear future for many to look forward to.

"You look dead tired."

Preoccupied with his own thoughts, Lance failed to notice the approach of another knight until she spoke to him. Yulia was already standing to his right when he turned his head to look at her. She had with her two water bottles, offering one of them to him which he appreciatively took. He looked dead tired huh? Well, she didn't look any better than him at that.

"Yeah.. well.. Lunaria takes a lot out of me when I use it. I'll live though." he responded and took a quick gulp of water.

After their brief exchange of words, silence descended upon the two. The last time they spoke to each other was when she punched him in the face. Still, she didn't appear to be hostile now, which made Lance feel a little relieved. Yulia even took a seat beside him leaving only a little space between the two of them. However, the silence lingered on. Her eyes looked mellow but distant, gaze fixated on the same crumbled structure Lance had been staring at earlier. Looking at her, Lance couldn't help but wonder what kind of thoughts she was having now?


The question caught him off-guard before he realized that he was staring at her. Lance felt silly. "Sorry.. uhh... you're not gonna punch me again are you? Coz I sure as hell can't take one right now." he tried for truth with a touch of humor.

She laughed a little; it worked, "No—I sure as hell can't throw one right now." she said, stretched the length of her legs on the side road and leaned her head on his shoulder. They were tired, too tired to keep moving around. "But I will kick your ass if you try anything funny." she warned the Lion but got no response. The silence went on for a good while.

"You were amazing..."

Once again Lance was caught off-guard, by the sudden praise this time. Not too long ago, she hated his guts and probably wanted to kill him, but now she was here, cuddled with him and giving him praise. Why the sudden change of heart? Just what exactly was going on in this woman's head? Lance could only wonder.

"I don't think I am." Lance responded solemnly, "If I was even half close to being amazing, things might have turned out differently," he paused, placing his gaze back on the ruined district hall. "for a lot of things..." he trailed off. Yes, the truly amazing knights were the ones who could make a difference, like those two. But him? He's not even close to their shadow... amazing was not him. "I just did everything that I could... and even then it wasn't enough."

Silence once again enveloped the two resting knights. Yulia's thoughts however, were that of his words.

When Knight Commander Vicar and his entire unit died before her eyes, she had already given up. Had it not been for Lance's trinket that fell out of her pocket, she never would have found new hope. Whether it was because she desperately wanted to live, or because deep down she truly believed in this man's ability, she did not know. All she knew was that she had already entrusted her life, as well as the lives of the knights she was fighting alongside with to this man, all before she even realized it. She rallied them to his side, and it was then and there that she saw firsthand how truly great her Captain really was, making her see the man in a completely new light. Just by watching this man desperately fight to protect the people and her fellow knights, was more than enough to douse the anger she felt towards him.

Had she forgiven him? No, not yet. However, she had found it in her heart to accept him.

For a lot of things, he said. Yulia looked up from his shoulder, only to catch a glimpse of the regret painted on Lance's face, as well as the deep sadness contained in his eyes. Somehow, the same sadness she saw him portray that night was in there somewhere. She laid her head back down. For some reason, it pained her to see him like this. In her entire knight career, even when she was shipped off to Palaugrim under Sigfried's command, this was her first time fighting in a desperate battle for survival. This was the time she truly understood what horrors knights have to face, what sacrifices they had to give, and all the pain that came with it. She wondered just how much pain this man went through, what sacrifices he had to give, and what horrors he had already faced in the past. Perhaps she would never know, perhaps he would rather not tell, but even so, she wanted to be there for him. For all the new horrors they would have to face, the sacrifices they still have to give, and through all the pain they have yet to feel, she wanted to be there, in his squad, together with this man.

"You give yourself far too little credit. We're alive because of you—this district never would have survived if you weren't here." she finally tried to console him, "All the other knights that survived have been talking. They are thankful to you, telling their own versions of how they saw you fight for them and the people. I'm also quite sure the people of District Five would be too..." she trailed off, snuggling closer to the man, "Just as I am... Captain."

"Yulia..." he ran out of words except for one, "Thanks.."

"Say... is my brother a great knight?"

Though it was a sudden change of topic, Lance smiled at her question. "Yes." he answered with absolute confidence, "Yes he was. He's one of the greatest I ever had the pleasure of working with." he answered truthfully.

"You know... I once told him I wanted to be a knight too, so that I could be with him always.." Yulia reminisced, "but he wouldn't let me. Instead, he made me a promise. He said: I'll make this a better world so that you don't have to be a knight, and we could always be together."

"I know. It's the very same promise I told you that I intended to keep." Lance confessed.

"Well, I'm a knight now, and my brother is gone.. that's two parts of that promise already broken."

"Yeah.. I guess there's that." Lance scratched his head, "Tell you what, I'm still here, and the first part of that promise has yet to be fulfilled," he pulled Yulia's chin up so he could look her in the eyes, "so I'll make you a new promise. As long as I have breath in me, I'll give everything I got to make this a better world.. for you, and everybody else."

There was an ample amount of quiet air between the two after he had made his vow, neither one tearing away from each others gaze. Yulia smiled, "Are you going to kiss me now? Because I remember telling you that I'd kick your ass if you tried anything funny." she giggled.

"Wha..? N-no! I'm not gonna do that!" a blushing Lance countered defensively.

"Good. Because I haven't forgiven you yet." Yulia giggled again before laying her head back on his shoulder, "I'll hold you to that promise, Lion Lance."

"Yeah.. I know you would. I won't let you down, and I won't run away anymore."

The sun had begun to set as the two continued to share a quiet moment together. For now, after such an ordeal, no matter how short, a moment of peace was something everybody deserved.

"Could you tell me more about my brother?"

"Of course. What do you wish to know about him?"

"Everything about him as a knight."

Twenty-four knights led by Natalia combed through the houses and establishments of District Fourteen. They were doing a thorough search, looking for survivors, wounded knights, as well as any stragglers from the enemy forces. While Vlad had taken charge of getting the people holed up in the shelters over to the center districts, Joaquim deemed it prudent for someone to make sure they haven't left anyone behind. While the fighting had already died out after Joaquim and Hyuga forced the enemies to retreat from this District, her two squad mates gave chase, looking to find clues as to how their enemies got through their defenses so easily. Trust Hyuga to notice things a few knights would spare the time or thought to in the midst of a heated battle.

"Nothing here!"

The message had been repeated several times amongst Natalia's knights. Although this was already the eighth area in the district that they searched, they have yet to find a single soul that survived the onslaught. Disheartening. Where life was once thriving, now only death remained.

"Tch!" Natalia clicked her tongue in disgust, "Fall in! We're moving on ahead!"

Each of the knights did one last check before regrouping and moving on. While these knights may have chosen not to say anything, Natalia could easily read what was going on through their minds; it was an easy telling given their hopeless eyes, that they were not expecting to find anyone alive. Not her though. If there's one thing she had learned from her Captain, it's to never give up hope. There has to be someone—anyone out here left alive, and they were going to find them.

She was just about to follow her knights when she heard a rustle, making the female knight freeze in her footsteps. It wasn't just a rustling sound made by the blowing wind, it was the sound of something else! Hope and fear welled inside her heart: hope that it was the single soul they've been searching for, and fear that it might just be another enemy straggler. She listened closer, trying to confirm if it was just her mind playing tricks on her, but there was that sound again!

Bolting into action, Natalia broke formation and sped to her left, leaping over debris that lay scattered along her path. Cutting across the street, Natalia proceeded to the entrance of an alley, skidding to a stop before bursting into full sprint once more into the said alley. She had her holy whip drawn, magic gathered in her off-hand, and prayer surrounding her just in case. The sound intensified, becoming clearer and clearer as she drew closer. Now she could hear the sound of grunting, that meager voice that likely belonged to a youngster exerting effort to push or lift something. Natalia stopped at the alley's cross section, looking left and right before finally spotting the source of the sound.

Her heart broke at what she saw.

Not too far from her was a young girl, probably no older than five, pulling on the arms of what Natalia could only assume as the kid's dead parents. They had been slashed from the back, cuts deep enough to say that it had been a quick death, one that they gladly took in exchange for the life of this young one.

"Lady Natalia!" three knights called for her name as they caught up to her, acknowledged only by the raising of a hand from the female knight. Those newly arrived all turned their gazes to the direction where Natalia looked, and it didn't take longer than a second for their words to be blown away.

"Poor soul..." one of the knights mumbled, "We'll take ca—"

"No. Leave this to me." Natalia interjected, "Continue with your search. We'll meet at the district center in thirty."

The knights acknowledged her orders and left, while Natalia turned her gaze back at the child. The young one had not realized it yet, refused to accept that her parents were long gone. She was still there, trying her hardest to get them to stand up and move, all the while calling for them as she tugged and pulled. Each slow step Natalia took forward, reminded her of her own dark past, she was just like this when her own parents passed, but she had her brother to help her through it, but even he was taken away from her. She understood the pain this young soul still had to experience, the hardships that would no doubt come to her life after all of this, and one look was enough to say that the child didn't have the strength to endure... to survive.

Tears began to fall from Natalia's eyes as she refused to look away from this heart-wrenching scene. There was no doubt in her mind that this child would need a pillar of strength, someone to help her survive, to guide her to the Light just like what her Captain did for her when he came to her aid in her darkest time.

Yes, this child would need someone like that.

Natalia was just about to reach out for the child—who did not even pay her any attention—when her hand stopped midway. Could she do it? Could she be that pillar of strength? When she stopped to think about it, the God of Sin having been resurrected was still a major crisis they have yet to deal with. There's just no guarantee that she would survive through that ordeal! She wasn't as strong as her Captain, nor was she as skilled as any of the crests! Even then those guys admitted that their survival was questionable. How could she possibly think that she had what it takes to be this child's strength?! Natalia took a sharp breath as she steeled her shaken resolve. This wasn't a matter of can or can't, she just has to do it.

She would not leave this child alone, she would give her a future she could look forward to!

Surrounding herself in gentle Light, her hand that froze earlier finally moved forward and she took the child into her arms. Natalia hugged her tight, repeatedly whispering to the child's ear...

"Everything's going to be okay, you don't have to be afraid, I'll always be here for you."

"Hyu, are you sure we're in the right place?" the one-eyed knight questioned the Dreamer, scratching his head as he looked around the outskirts.

They've chased down the last group of fleeing enemies far out into the outskirts, losing sight of them when they thought they had them cornered. Now here they are, facing a hillside with nothing but patches of trees surrounding them. The Dreamer had just gone out from his Oversight spell after surveying the immediate surroundings. He heaved a sigh as he turned to face Joaquim.

"As sure as the sun always rises in the morning." he answered, "There aren't any escape routes passable by foot around us. Even if you're four-legged or not, the only place you'll find yourself in if you followed the path they took..." he trailed off, hands spreading out to indicate location, "is right here."

Joaquim sighed but opted not to contradict the Dreamer's assumptions. "Fine. We'll search the area." he decided and turned towards the group of knights they had with them. "Alright listen up! I know you're all exhausted—we all are—but I need you to gather your strength. Our work is far from over! We all know Sinners don't just vanish in thin air, and we all know Pure Sinners can be felt even if they are burrowed. Hyuga says we're in the right place, and I believe him. They had to have some sort of escape route hidden nearby. It's also quite possible that they used the same way to get into this island. Let's pair up and start looking! If we can find the path they used, we can form countermeasures so that they can never invade the island again. Move out men!" Joaquim finalized his orders and turned back to Hyuga.

The Dreamer was currently in the process of emptying his water canister, pouring the rest of its contents above his head, an attempt to revitalize himself no doubt. Joaquim was impressed by this man today. The moment they got here, Hyuga turned into a completely different person. By no means was he the usual man-of-science they had all been accustomed to, today he was a knight worthy of a place in Squad Eight. He alone defended several shelters from wave after wave of enemies, saved probably more than just hundreds of fleeing civilians, came to the aid of numerous squads in peril, and even formulated defensive strategies amidst the heat of battle to help turn the tide for some districts. However, accomplishing such amazing feats must be taking its toll upon him now. Joaquim felt bad for having dragged Hyuga with him around Quadrant One of Lindela.

"Hyu, you can take a break if you need to." Joaquim offered kindly.

Red eyes slowly turned to look at the eye-patched knight, one brow lifting at the offer, "Well, well... aren't you being nice? I'm fine Joaquim, you don't have to worry about me."

"I'm just saying Hyu. You've been firing off pretty big defensive and offensive spells ever since we got here. Surely you're tired."

"Exhaustion is a small price to pay for the safety of this island." Hyuga's tone dropped one note lower, a hint of sadness mixing in with his words. However, before Hyuga could let out any further emotion, he composed himself and grinned at Joaquim, "Besides, one of the downsides of being a caster-type knight is that we burn stamina like there's no tomorrow. However, it's not like we haven't found a way to deal with that slight disadvantage. So I'm still good to go Joaquim."

"Hahaha! Convincing as always when you're not talking about science projects." Joaquim quipped, "It's just that Natalia said I should bring you back to her in one piece. I'm just trying to keep my promise to her." Joaquim laughed again.

"Urk! S-She said that?!" Hyuga's eyes widened in disbelief. "Grr.. that woman!" he grudgingly added, "I thought I told her to stop saying unnecessary things! Argh! When this is over, she and I will have to talk!"

The reaction took Joaquim slightly aback. He hadn't really expected this kind of reaction from him but it did confirm his suspicions, as well as their Vice Captain's gossip. "Hyu..."


"You do realize I was kidding right?"

"Wha..? Y-You were?"

Joaquim looked at the black-haired man seriously, "I was." he said before bursting out into laughter. "But you know, I think you two are the perfect match! An airhead and a smart-ass." he continued laughing before he patted Hyuga on the shoulder, "Good luck Hyu. Come on! Let's get looking!"

"Knights escorting a large group of civilians coming in! Raise the gates!"

District Sixteen's gates slowly rose at the command from the watchtower. Earlier today, this district was one of those under siege but now, it had been turned into a complete fortress. Vlad looked at the knights that lined the walls with their bows and arrows, standing on high alert. There were also squads on horseback patrolling the perimeter in tight intervals. Truly, he couldn't even begin to comprehend just how his Captain had managed to turn these mediocre knights into a steadfast bulwark.

Upon their approach to the gates, a group of knights greeted the convoy of people and guided them into the district. One of the knights from the district remained and seemed to be looking for the one in command, but all the other knights that were escorting the civilians turned to Vlad, and so the knight approached him instead.

"May I have your name and squad number, knight?"

Not used to such formalities, Vlad cleared his throat before speaking, "Vlad Eriste of Squad Eight, at your service sir."

There was a noticeable shock from the knight asking for his name and rank, followed by a not-so-subtle widening of his eyes as he learned of Vlad's name and squad number. It didn't take too long for the knight to change his tone with him. "Apologies sir Vlad, please pardon my rudeness! Might I trouble you for some details? We're trying to keep things organized inside as per Master Guilford's instructions."

"Sounds exactly like what the Captain would do..." Vlad scratched his head sheepishly, "Very well. What sort of details do you need?"

"I can write them down as we walk." said the knight, "You must have been through a lot and probably want some refreshments. Please, this way." he urged Vlad to follow him.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Vlad followed the knight into District Sixteen. He was tired—really tired—but felt like he still couldn't rest and that there are other things he felt like he needed to do. He answered all of the knight's queries as they walked into the district, all the while observing the numerous civilians that had taken refuge here. Apparently, his Captain was segregating people. Those who lived in the most badly hit districts were to be sent up to Gless until their districts have been rebuilt, and those who were fortunate enough to have suffered minimal damage to their districts were on temporary stay, just until they have made sure that it was once again safe to go back to their homes.

Their Captain and Master Lethe will no doubt have it rough. For them regular knights, all they needed to do was follow orders, fight and save people. Seraphs on the other hand had to do that, worry about the aftermath, think of immediate solutions to any complications that might arise, and then work on formulating plans to avert such a thing as this from happening again in the future. Just thinking about all of those made Vlad's head spin, and that was excluding having to report to the council, and the mountains of paperwork that was surely going to follow.

Could he do that too? They were such big shoes to fill that aspiring to be a Seraph seemed like nothing more than just a crazy knight's dream. Vlad gave up on the thought. Like what their Captain once said to him, certain people are good at certain things. His strength wasn't in leading, but in following orders. He should just stick to what he knows best and be good at it. Yes, for now that was what he should do.

"Well then sir Vlad, thank you for the information. Master Guilford still hasn't returned from another skirmish but he should be back soon. If you need to see him, you're likely to find him in the District Hall once he gets back." the knight helpfully informed Vlad before taking his leave.

The blonde knight bowed in respect and watched the other knight walk away. Left to his own devices, Vlad's thoughts began to wander. He had been fighting since he got here and he hadn't had the luxury of taking even just a short break. Now that he had eased up a little, he could now feel his exhaustion starting to claim his legs. Perhaps a short break was in order. This day had been extremely rough; it was a good thing he got here in time to get his family out safely. At least that was one less worry for him.

Just as Vlad turned to find a place where he could get refreshments, someone had clumsily bumped into him, falling to the ground along with the things she carried as well as her spectacles. Unsure whose fault it was, Vlad was slow to react, until he noticed that the woman had started groping the ground for her glasses. Was she as blind as a bat without them? Vlad's eyes immediately scanned the ground, spotting the badly needed vision aid just to the left of the woman. As soon as he knelt down to pick up the glasses, the woman froze, sensing that there was someone in front of her.

"Hold still please." Vlad requested as he gently put on the glasses for her, "There. That should do it. Can you see now?"

The first reaction Vlad got from the woman was the slow widening of her pale green eyes, followed by the quick nod of her head. Without word, the woman immediately searched for her scattered belongings. Vlad (who felt ashamed of himself) scrambled to help her, gathering those which were nearest to him and handing them over. Coming from a family of merchants, Vlad recognized most of the things he had gathered, they were materials to make trinkets—bracelets mostly—along with one which was already finished.

"Here you go." he said with a smile, "Sorry I didn't see you coming my way. I should have been more careful." he added. The woman simply smiled back at him as she took her things off of Vlad's hands. "You're awfully quiet aren't you? A woman of few words I suppose?" Vlad had to ask because of his curiosity about the woman's continued silence.

The sad smile he got as a response from her as she looked down finally made him understand.

Stupid! How clueless he had been! It wasn't as if the woman was one of those with few words—she couldn't speak! "S-Sorry I uhh.. I hadn't realized.. I didn't know..." he apologized sincerely, but even then he still felt like he had insulted her beyond apologies.

Now the woman had a genuine smile as she shook her head. Those pale green hues behind her glasses searched for Vlad's eyes that looked away in shame, until she found them. Her smile grew a little wider while she plucked that one finished bracelet from the lot of her things. The woman had gently placed it on Vlad's hand, along with a sealed letter and a bow of gratitude. Before Vlad could say anything else, the woman quickly stood up and ran the opposite direction as fast as her legs allowed her to, squeezing through the cramped streets until she disappeared from Vlad's sight.

The dumbfounded knight could do nothing but slowly rise to his feet, staring at the items he had just now received. The bracelet symbolized gratitude. It was made from Lindela's finest marble beads, strung together in even numbers of interchanging colors between pink and multi-hued beads; it was beautiful. A smile broke out of Vlad's lips as he admired the trinket for a few more seconds before turning his attention to the letter. He slowly opened it and read the content...


To Sir Vlad,

Thank you for rescuing me and my family back in District Thirteen. I know it's not enough to repay your kindness, but please find it in your heart to accept my humble gift to you to show my appreciation of your efforts. Uhhmm.. I handcrafted it myself and imbued my prayers for your continued safety along with it. Sir Vlad, you are a great knight, a Lightsend to me and my family, our savior. We are forever in your debt, and should you find time to come visit District Thirteen when everything is back to normal, the doors of our house will always be open to you.

May the Divine Light always protect you wherever your path takes you,
Lilielle & the Fairlins Family

When Vlad finished reading the letter, every bit of fatigue he felt and the stress this day brought him had gone without a trace. A content smile played on his lips as he folded the letter close, heart thumping loudly beneath his armored chest, and he felt renewed energy fill his being, like he had just caught his second wind. While knights ask for no recognition or praise, it wasn't so bad to actually receive one every now and then. He was just called a great knight—an acknowledgment of him stepping out of the mediocre shell he used to wear. He knew it was not the time to celebrate but even so, this was a personal victory for him, one that would forever be etched in his mind.

"Lilielle huh..." he smiled. Maybe one of these days he would drop by to check on them.


The sound of three consecutive magic explosions echoed throughout a desolate District Ten. Guilford and a handful of knights have been battling pockets of enemies that still remained—even after they had done their ghastly deed of brutally remodeling the district—with the goal of finding that particular Sin creature stated in one of the reports that came in. Their search however, bore no fruit, for all they have found were straggling Reapers and Sinners.

"I think that's the last of them.." one of the knights commented off-hand as he panted for breath, "Master Guilford, that thing in the report isn't here either."

The male Seraph glanced at the pony-tailed, red-haired man while slowly lowering his still smoking left hand. Of course it wouldn't be here—that would've been too easy! Somehow, that thing seemed to have the ability to pop out anywhere it pleases. Strangely though, it wasn't killing people, nor was it being destructive which was greatly worrying. Simply put, it had ulterior motives far beyond just terrorizing Lindela. The longer they take in finding it, the more time that creature would have to enact whatever it is that it was planning.

Just as Guilford turned the other way, a crashing sound came from the windows of the adjacent structure. The red-haired knight as well as the others, instantly looked up, just in time to see a Reaper coming down on the male Seraph with its menacing scythe drawn back. There was only a few seconds to react, and none of them would make it in time to block the attack. They chose to do what they could...

"Master Guilford!! Look out!!" all five knights with him yelled in warning.

The Reaper swung, aiming to decapitate the Seraph. In the eyes of the other knights, what seemed to have been a perfectly timed strike, hit nothing but air. Guilford ducked just in time, pivoted from below and lunged upward, grabbing the Reaper by the face using his right hand, and slammed its head hard to the ground. Almost simultaneously, magic essence sizzled in Guilford's right hand before it turned into an ominously cackling lightning.

"This is going to hurt... a lot."

Firing his magic at point-blank range, the Reaper's body convulsed wildly as streams of lightning coursed from its head, down to its body via Guilford's hand. These things may be resistant to Holy Magic, but elemental ones work just fine. Ten seconds later and the Reaper was nothing more than a burnt, lifeless heap. The five knights with the Seraph all rushed towards him in concern but before anyone of them could ask if he was alright, Guilford beat them to the punch.

"You worry too much. I knew it was there, that's why I deliberately gave my back to it to flush it out."

The five knights could only look at each other in awe once again. They have been tagging along with Guilford when he asked for five of the best knights from District Sixteen, yet no matter how many times they have seen him in combat, they still couldn't believe their eyes at his prowess. They were confident about their skill when they were with their original squads, enough so to have been considered among the best, yet in the presence of this man, they felt themselves to be no better than rookie knights. Sure, he was a Seraph and it was already obvious that there would be a considerable gap in skill and power, but none of them had actually expected that gap to be so wide. This man was in a league of his own; a humbling reminder that if they wanted to be strong, they had to work even harder than what they were used to.

"Let's go. We're done here."

"What of the horned creature from the report?"

Guilford stopped for a moment to think. "We'll just be wasting time trying to locate it if my assumption about its abilities is correct. Our time would be better spent helping the citizens rather than going off on a wild goose chase."

"Are we just going to let it run free?"

This time, Guilford turned to look at the five knights who still refused to move. "I didn't say that. With our current skill set, we're not suited to chasing this creature all around the island. But I know someone who can."

"May we ask who?"

Guilford chuckled. "Master Lethe and her knight Leon."

Statistics: Posted by RealityCheck — Tue May 26, 2015 10:55 am

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