
Nobody likes having skin that sags. Even so-called ‘laugh lines’, ‘crow’s feet’ or ‘middle elevens’ might sound cute, but there’s nothing cute about them. If you suffer from any of these problems, among others, it is likely time to explore your skincare treatment options. One of those options is to have your skin tightened with the use of lasers, but the question is are you a good candidate for this kind of treatment?

The Problems That Can be Treated with Lasers

First of all, you should understand that skin tightening lasers are primarily used to treat moderate levels of loose skin. They can also be used to treat crow’s feat or minor wrinkles. But they are not meant to reverse severe skin sagging. For that, you may need to make an appointment to consider surgical procedure.

There are also plenty of other skin issues that can be treated with laser machines. For instance, these can be used to get rid of acne scarring or other scars on the surface of your skin. In some cases, they can also treat areas with too much pigment or sun damage. But, if you have multiple skin issues, don’t be surprised if you need to be treated by different types of lasers.

What Are the Different Laser Types?

You might be wondering just what kinds of different lasers are out there. Well, the main categories are ablative lasers, which can treat your outer layer of skin and deeper layers, and non-ablative lasers, which mainly focus on deeper layers and boost collagen production within the body. Fraxel lasers are also an option. These basically drill tiny columns through the skin.

Within those laser categories there are also variations between the individual devices. Certain models use different tips or light frequencies. Some of them are even better suited to treat certain skin colours or types. So, if you think you’re a good candidate for laser treatment, you will have to find a device that suits you. Your dermatologist or skincare expert can certainly help you to do that.

Laser Skin Tightening Appointment Scheduling Expectations

If you do schedule a laser skin tightening appointment, you should expect a few things. First, expect that it will be the first of several appointments. It’s likely that you will need at least three to five treatments over a time period of weeks to months. Second, expect to take about one hour at the appointment, depending on how much skin requires treatment.

During the appointment itself, you should only have minor discomfort. Your clinician can use numbing or cooling creams to minimise or eliminate any actual pain, but you will certainly feel the laser when it is used on your skin. Heat and a slight snapping or ‘zapping’ sensations are common.

Going Home After Your Laser Skin Tightening Appointment

One of the nicest things about laser treatments as opposed to surgeries is that you can go home as soon as your appointment is over. You won’t be stuck in the hospital or be incapacitated for any length of time. However, you may go home with some swelling, redness or a little skin sensitivity, which can last for several days. You’ll also have to be very careful about keeping your skin hydrated and protecting it from the sun for quite a while after treatment.

If you think that you may be a good candidate for a laser procedure to tighten your skin, the first call you should make is to your dermatologist or local skincare clinic. They can go over your general health history and your skin’s history and let you know if they agree. Then you can start focusing on finding the procedure that will help you reclaim healthier skin as quickly as possible.

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