

The Constitution Committee — appointed by the National Committee — met weekly from November 2013 through March 2014. Based on the current constitution, we recommend significant changes to the organization of the articles, the language, and the substance of the constitution, and to the preamble. The committee generally agreed on changes in organization and language. In some cases, we had differing views on substance, but were able to agree on compromise language.

The changes are described below, along with the reasoning.

1. Changes in organization of articles

The 2001 Constitution had two articles regarding membership. Article III discussed eligibility, application process, and qualifications; Article VI was the rights and duties of members. The Draft Constitution combines these in Article III.

The 2001 Constitution describes club and state organization in Article IV, and national organization (including the National Convention) in Article V.  Draft has separate Article: IV – Clubs; Article V – State/Districts; Article VI – National Convention; VII – National Committee.

The Draft Constitution's Articles VIII - XI correspond to the 2001 Constitution Articles VII – X.

2. Changes in style and wording

Throughout the document, there were changes in wording to reflect simpler, more common usage.

3. Changes in substance

(References below are to the Draft Constitution, except where otherwise noted)

Article II - Principals of Organization

After considerable discussion in the committee on use of the term “democratic centralism,” we agreed on the formulation in the last paragraph of Section 1: The principles outlined in this article are used in practice by many peoples’ organizations to foster democratic decision making and unity in action. Historically, these principles have been known as democratic centralism.

We also agreed on the last paragraph in Section 3: Members who disagree with a decision are expected to refrain from organizing against or publicly undermining the decision including during the appeal process, which we felt reflects current practice and expectations.

We dropped Section 7 from the 2001 Constitution (on mass circulation of the press) because it is included in Article III - Section 4.

Article III - Membership (Which now includes Article VI from the 2001 Constitution)

From the 2001 Constitution, we omitted Article III-4 (dropping members for arrears in dues) as inconsistent with present reality. We also omitted Article III-5 (transfer procedure) as complex and unnecessary.

From the 2001 Constitution, we omitted sections on right to appeal and on Convention Discussion, because these are covered elsewhere.

From the 2001 Constitution, we omitted Article VI-8 – aid to members in acquiring citizenship. In Article III-5 of the Draft Constitution, we include fighting for full equality for immigrant workers including the right to a path to citizenship.

Article IV - Club Organization

Simplified club structure.

Article V - State/District Structure (Included as Article IV-2 in the 2001 Constitution)

Simplify state/district structure, removing reference to sections. Clarifies that the National Committee has exclusive authority to establish district organizations. After extensive debate, a majority of the committee voted to drop time-in-Party requirements for delegates to state conventions and for election to state committees.

Article VI - National Convention (This is the first part of the 2001 Constitution's Article V)

The committee had extensive discussion on time-in-Party requirements for various offices. We compromised on keeping a one-year requirement for delegates to the National Convention, and reducing from three years to one year the requirement for election to the National Committee. We removed the sentence (from the 2001 Constitution Article V-9) that decisions of the convention are binding, because that is implicit in other articles and sections.

Article VII - National Committee (This is the second part of the 2001 Constitution's Article V)

We made it clear that the National Committee may delegate powers to the officers and committees that it establishes.

Article VIII - Organizational Integrity (In the 2001 Constitution, this was Article VII – Disciplinary Procedures and Appeals)

We had discussion on the difference between expulsion and dropping, which are the terms used in the 2001 Constitution. We attempted to clearly define expulsion in the case of hostile acts against the Party, while dropping would be for incompatibility. Eventually, the majority of the committee agreed to the proposed language, which simply refers to “termination of membership.”

4. Changes in the Preamble

The preamble was rewritten, in an attempt to use popular language and to be as accessible as possible. We agreed on new wording regarding the use of “Marxism-Leninism.”

Draft New Constitution

Table of Contents

ARTICLE II - Principles of Organization
ARTICLE III - Membership
ARTICLE IV - Club Organization
ARTICLE V - State (District) Organization
ARTICLE VI - National Convention
ARTICLE VII - National Committee
ARTICLE VIII - Organizational Integrity
ARTICLE IX - Dues, Assessments and Initiation Fees
ARTICLE X - Amendment
ARTICLE XI - Authority

Preamble: Putting people and nature before profits

The future of humanity and our planet depend on the collective action of the people of the world. The working class and people of the United States have a critical role to play.

Capitalism has cast billions of people around the world into poverty, afflicted us with an endless series of wars, institutionalized brutality against peoples of color, pushed women backwards, stripped youth of a future, and pitted worker against worker around the globe in a race to the bottom. Driven by greed and profit, capitalism has poisoned our land, sea, and air and endangered the very climate of our home, the earth, all in order to transfer the wealth of the planet to a handful of multi-billionaires.

A better world is necessary. The Communist Party is dedicated to the proposition that a better world is also possible.

Through the study and analysis of human history we know that capitalism is NOT the natural and eternal fate of humankind, but only a brutal and bloody stage in human history.

Our country’s working class – including the factory workers, engineers, farm laborers, tech workers, teachers, truck drivers, office personnel, retail workers, nurses and fast food producers – in alliance with other working people, make up the 99% who can and will move us to socialism.

Socialism is the next stage in human history where social and economic relations are based on principles of solidarity, an end to exploitation, equality, non violence, economic justice, respect for individual freedoms, sustainability, international friendship and community. We do not chose these values arbitrarily. These values have emerged out of the struggles of working people and the necessities of social development.

The roots of the Communist Party extend deep into American soil, even far beyond our founding in Chicago in 1919. The most radical-minded people in our country’s War for Independence were spurred to action by a vision of an alternative way of living based on solidarity, equality, democracy and community. We build upon the legacy of fighters, of those who fought against slavery, for the right to organize unions, for civil rights and for women’s vote and reproductive rights.

In the 19th century in the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels described a newly-emerging class of producers, the working class, which was destined to become the majority. In that same century, the Haymarket martyrs in Chicago, emblematic of that new class, gave their lives in the struggle for a shorter work week, justice and equality. They gave the world working class movement its holiday, May Day.

Half a century later, while workers in Europe fought for peace, land and bread, the heroism of women garment workers in New York inspired a second global working class holiday, International Women’s Day.

In the 20th century, Communists in the U.S. and around the world shared a common outlook that came to be known as Marxism-Leninism. This outlook was enriched by contributions from those around the world in the struggle for workers' rights, peace and national liberation. In the United States, while the Communist Party learned from struggles around the world, our greatest achievements in the fight to organize unions, to overcome racism and achieve full equality came as we developed that outlook in the context of our American history, culture and traditions.

Socialism is at the core of the identity of the Communist Party; we proudly bring our vision of socialism to the public square.

Our democracy today is severely limited by the economic and political power of the 1% which gives them the decisive voice in almost every area of life. Our vision of socialism is a United States where working people – those who produce all the riches of society – will have political power and will own the products of our work and collectively decide how to invest and distribute what we produce.

It is both a revolutionary and deeply democratic vision, which includes an expansion of the Bill of Rights to include rights to vote, to a satisfying job, to full equality, education, health care and pursuit of happiness. In today’s world, democracy – the opportunity to shape one’s own destiny – has become a necessity of life for working people, inextricably linked even to the struggle for food and shelter.

The road to socialism runs through the hills and valleys of the struggles of today. In these struggles, as we join in with unions, community and faith groups, and social justice movements to fight for living wages, good public education, human rights, affordable housing and peace, our study and experience lead us to the conclusion that the corporate ultra right is overwhelmingly the biggest threat to democracy and our living standards. We focus on its defeat in the political and economic struggles as the next step to effect a shift in the balance of power in favor of the people. We also recognize the special role of that the labor movement and workers' organizations must play in leading and uniting that movement.

Our participation as individuals and as a group in every struggle we possibly can, for every inch of improvement in the life of every member of our class, individually and collectively, is also at the core of our identity. Along with our socialist identity the day-to-day class struggle is in our DNA.

The Communist Party celebrates and strives to reflect our nation’s rainbow working class and people. Our pride and joy, the working class includes African American, Latino, Asian, Arab, Native American, and those of European descent, men and women, across all generations, gender and sexual orientations, immigrant, disabled. Building unity of this vast class and people is the greatest challenge before the US working class and it will be its crowning achievement.

At the center of the struggle for democracy and socialism is the struggle against racism and for full equality. In our country, capitalism was built on the wholesale slaughter of and land theft from native peoples, the brutal kidnapping and enslavement of African peoples, the sweat and tears of immigrant workers, and exploitation of generations of our highly productive working class.

Each oppressed nationality brings its own treasure trove of political traditions, consciousness and institutional networks that strengthen the political capacity of the labor movement and peoples struggles.

In contrast, racism confers enormous political, economic and ideological advantages to the capitalist class while it demeans, segregates and locks racially oppressed people into inferior conditions of life.

Exploiters have relentlessly used our diversity to create divisions. The fight for unity is a critical science for our class to master. We believe that white workers, despite experiencing better conditions than their brothers and sisters of color, are hurt economically and politically by racism, and therefore have both material interest and a moral imperative in fighting for full equality of those who are the targets of racism. Advances in our country will only be achieved to the degree that substantial numbers of white people, especially white workers, join peoples of color in a sustained struggle for equality and against racism.

The same monopoly corporations that demand wage cuts and tax breaks at home and a free hand to destroy the world’s environment also manipulate U.S. foreign policy to serve their own interests. We work for international solidarity and unity of workers of the world against the global dictatorship of big money. We oppose U.S. wars and intervention which serve those interests and support peaceful solutions to global conflicts.

The Communist Party’s role has evolved as our working class has grown and matured; we have embraced new understandings of the complexities of the path to socialism and socialism itself, but we continue our class’s revolutionary heritage of fighters, thinkers, strategists and working class intellectuals.

We bring to the intense study of political realities our experiences on every strike, picket line, election, or other battle where working class interests are at stake. The science of Marxism is based not on utopian dreams, but rigorous study of objective reality with all of its complexities and contradictions. This method of analysis allows us to penetrate deep beneath the shiny surface of capitalism and unearth its exploitative dynamics and processes, to understand the class and social forces that are continually emerging to challenge the capitalist class rule. We aim to reach, activate, unite, educate and turn millions of Americans into change agents who can make the difference in upcoming struggles.

Our organizational practices are based on democracy, equality, unity of action and transparency. We do not set ourselves apart from the rest of the working class movement and organizations; we have no proprietary agenda, no special interests. We welcome all who share our goals to join us or work together in alliance.

With pride in our past, and with confidence in our working class and its future, we hereby establish the Constitution of the Communist Party of the United States.



The name of this organization shall be the Communist Party of the United States of America.


ARTICLE II - Principles of Organization

Section 1. In the Communist Party all decisions are arrived at through democratic procedures, emphasizing the maximum input from members.

Unity is the strongest weapon working people have in the struggle to advance their interests. By making a commitment to unite around a program of action, members strengthen the Party and help unify the working class and peoples’ movements.

Collectivity is the basic style of work of the Party. Through group discussion and action, we seek to develop and apply the best possible plans to advance the interests of working people.

The principles outlined in this article are used in practice by many peoples’ organizations to foster democratic decision making and unity in action. Historically, these principles have been known as democratic centralism.

Section 2. The National Convention is the leading body of the Party, which elects a National Committee to function between conventions. Districts and clubs shall act in accord with the decisions and policies of the National Convention and National Committee.

Section 3. Decisions in all Party bodies are arrived at by majority vote or by consensus at club and district meetings unless anyone requests a vote. Decisions of leading committees on major questions shall be reported to all other Party bodies. Clubs and districts shall keep national leadership informed of their activities.

Any member disagreeing with a decision of a party body may appeal the decision to the next higher body. Appeals may be made to successive leading committees.

Members who disagree with a decision are expected to refrain from organizing against or publicly undermining the decision including during the appeal process.

Section 4. The election of officers and leading committees at all levels shall be carried out with the fullest participation of the members of the Party bodies.

Elections shall be on the basis of a review and evaluation of the work of the elected body and of the individuals proposed for office. In elections to all Party committees, conventions and conferences, steps shall be taken to maximize the representation of workers, youth, people of color and women.

Officers and leading committees are responsible both to the bodies which elected them and to the higher leading committees. All officers and members of leading committees may be released or removed from office by majority vote of the committees to which they are responsible.


ARTICLE III - Membership

Section 1. The Communist Party warmly welcomes all who support our program to apply for membership. We welcome all equally, regardless of race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender or religious belief. All members must be 18 years of age or older and currently living in the United States. Clubs or districts may admit members under 18 in exceptional circumstances.

Section 2. An application for membership may be received by any Party member or by state/district or national offices, including via the Communist Party’s website. The application shall be promptly referred to the appropriate club or district committee which will respond to the applicant as soon as possible. All applications shall be accepted unless the club, district or national leadership has information that the application was false or that admitting the applicant would be harmful to the Party organization and its goals. Upon acceptance, the applicants shall be promptly notified that they have been admitted to Party membership and they shall be referred to a Party club or collective to work with where possible. For applicants from areas where no organization is in place, the National Committee shall set up appropriate forms for welcoming and incorporating new members. Membership in the Communist Party is completely voluntary.

Section 3. Party members shall to the best of their ability support the goals of the organization through implementing its program, paying dues and supporting its associated publications. The National Committee shall set dues requirements and rates and establish a mechanism for their collection.

Section 4. Every member of the Party shall have an equal opportunity to participate in the collective analysis of the current political situation and to plan and carry out the work of the Party. Every member shall have an equal vote in the elections of the Party collectives to which that member belongs.

Members shall strive to attend meetings of their party club or other collective and to improve their political knowledge, to work for the aims and policies of the Party, and to seek to win new members to its ranks. They shall also support and circulate online and printed Party materials.

Section 5. Communists prioritize the fight for equality as the cornerstone of the working class unity essential to the advancement of our common interests.

It shall be the obligation of all Party members to struggle against all racist ideologies and practices. Communist Party members fight for the full social, political and economic equality of  African-American, Mexican-American, Caribbean, Central and South American, Native American, Arab, Asian and Pacific Islanders, and anyone subject to discriminatory treatment based on race, religion, nationality or color. Communists oppose all expressions of anti-Semitism.

It shall be the obligation of all Party members to fight for full equality for immigrant workers and their families, including the right to a path to citizenship.

It shall be the obligation of all Party members to fight for the dignity and full social, political and economic equality for women.

It shall be the obligation of all Party members to fight for full social and civil rights for all regardless of sexual orientation or gender expression.

Section 6. All Party members who are eligible shall belong to their respective labor unions. Party members will strive to build work place organization and solidarity in whatever manner possible.

Section 7. Members of the Communist Party shall work to strengthen the labor unions, civil rights, peace, youth, student, religious and other community organizations and social networks in which they participate. They shall promote the voice and effective participation of the working class. They shall promote unity with the allies of the working class in the course of fighting for common goals.

Section 8. All members who are eligible shall register and vote in all public elections, wherever possible.


ARTICLE IV - Club Organization

Section 1. The basic unit of the Communist Party shall be the club, based on community/neighborhood, workplace or other standards set by the National Committee.

The club shall serve as a collective for members to discuss and analyze local and national political challenges, make plans to activate members and allies in on-going struggles and provide for educational activities. The club is a place where grassroots conditions help formulate district and national policy, and where district and national programs and policies are adapted to local conditions and implemented. The club should be a center for local organizing. It should also be a warm, supportive and open community for all those fighting for social justice and socialism.

Clubs are a primary center for fund raising, including collection of dues, for political education, for organization, and for discussion and promotion of the Party's online and printed publications.

Section 2. Clubs shall elect a chair and other officers appropriate to the club's size and needs. Elections shall be at the annual club conference, by secret ballot if any member requests it. The purpose of the annual club conference shall be to project the plan of work for the coming year and to examine the club's work in the previous year.


ARTICLE V - State (District) Organization

Section 1. The National Committee has the exclusive authority to establish and recognize state and district organizations, which may cover one state, part of one state, or more than one state. They shall be known as the “______ State Committee, Communist Party USA,” the “______ District, Communist Party USA,” or the “Communist Party of ______, CPUSA.” The National Committee shall establish procedures to administer clubs and members in areas where no district organization exists.

Section 2. The state (or district) organization shall be comprised of all members and clubs in one state (or district).

Section 3. The highest body of the state (or district) organization is the State (or District) Convention, which shall meet at least once every four years during the convention discussion period prior to the National Convention. Each club in the state (or district) shall elect delegates to the convention in such number as the State (or District) Committee may determine, provided that the number of delegates to which each club is entitled shall be in proportion to its membership. Where there are members not attached to clubs, the State (or District) Committee may make special provisions for their representation at the State (or District) Convention.  Class, national, gender, and age composition shall be considered in the election of delegates to the State (or District) Convention.  Class, national, gender, and age composition shall be considered in the election of delegates to the State (or District) Convention.

Section 4. Members of the State (or District) Committee shall be elected in such manner and number as the State (or District) Convention may determine. All elections to the State (or District) Committee shall be by democratic process, including secret ballot if requested.

The State or District Committee shall elect such officers as it deems necessary. A vacancy among members of the State or District Committee may be filled until the next Convention by majority vote of the members of the State or District Committee, by secret ballot if requested.

Section 5. Special State or District Conventions shall be called by a majority vote of the State or District Committee or upon the written request of clubs representing one-third of the membership.

The State or District Committee shall make a financial report to all regular State or District Conventions.

The State or District Committee shall meet at least four times a year. In districts covering large geographic areas, this requirement may be met up to three times per year through teleconferencing. A request by one-third of the members of the State or District Committee, or by one-third of the clubs, for a review of a state or district policy or adoption of a new policy requires that such a discussion be held by the State or District Committee.


ARTICLE VI - National Convention

Section 1. The highest authority of the Party is the National Convention. It is authorized to make political and organizational decisions binding upon the entire Party. The decisions of the National Convention shall guide all Party organizations and members.

Section 2. Regular National Conventions shall be held every four years. In case of extraordinary circumstances a National Convention may be postponed beyond the four-year limit  by a three-fourths vote of the National Committee.

Section 3. The National Convention shall be composed of delegates elected by each State and District Convention by democratic process, in such number, in approximate proportion to the membership it represents, as the National Committee may determine. All delegates so elected shall have been members for at least one year prior to the date of the Convention.

Section 4. A special National Convention shall be called when there is an affirmative vote of 40 percent of the members of the National Committee or a majority vote of all State and District Committees. The office of the National Committee shall circulate any official request from any State or District Committee for a special National Convention to all other State and District Committees for their action. The time and place of special conventions shall be fixed by the National Committee. The basis for representation shall be determined in the same way as that for regular conventions.

Section 5. Prior to a regular National Convention, at least four months shall be provided for a convention discussion period encompassing all levels of the Party’s organization and membership in which clubs and other collectives can consider policies, problems, reports, resolutions and other documents coming before the convention. The National Committee shall establish the broadest possible forums to facilitate this discussion. During this discussion all Party members and organizations are encouraged to express their views, review their experiences and propose policies and plans for the organization’s on-going work, including changes to the Party Program and amendments to the Constitution. All questions of policy and tactics and on the work and composition of leading committees are matters for consideration by the Convention. All previously adopted policies and decisions, however, remain in effect during the convention discussion.

Section 6. Each National Convention shall determine the number of members of the incoming National Committee. Election of the National Committee by the National Convention shall be by secret ballot.

In the election of the National Committee, in addition to individual merit, such factors as class and social composition and wide geographic representation shall be considered.

Eligibility for election to the National Committee requires membership for at least one year preceding the election.


ARTICLE VII - National Committee

Section 1. Between National Conventions, the National Committee is the highest authority of the Party, representing the Party as a whole. As such it is authorized to make decisions and take action necessary to the good and welfare of the entire Party, and to act upon all problems and developments occurring between conventions.

In the fulfillment of its duties, and in the exercise of its responsibilities, the National Committee shall guide and direct the political, organizational and educational work of the Party and organize and supervise its various departments and committees.

The National Committee shall encourage the widest discussion by the membership on questions of both theory and activities. It shall ensure the organization of broad platforms to facilitate such discussions.

The National Committee shall organize and direct all undertakings of importance to the entire Party. It shall administer the national treasury. The National Committee shall submit a financial report to each National Convention.

Section 2. Vacancies in the National Committee may be filled by majority vote of the National Committee. Members may be released or removed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the National Committee.

Section 3. The National Committee shall elect from its own membership such officers as it decides upon. The National Committee shall establish such other committees as it deems necessary to carry out its work. It  may delegate its powers and responsibilities to those officers and/or committees as appropriate.

All such officers and committees shall be responsible to the National Committee.

Section 4. Between National Conventions, the National Committee is responsible for the enforcement of the Constitution and carrying out the policies and plans adopted by the National Convention.

Section 5. The National Committee shall not make any major policy change until it has submitted the proposed change in draft form to the Party organization for debate for specified periods and for recommendations thereon. In an emergency, which must be affirmed by a two-thirds vote of the National Committee, the National Committee may adopt another procedure for making a major policy change, including a referendum vote of the entire membership or the calling of special enlarged, delegated conferences on a national or regional basis.

In the discussion of such major policy changes, rules for convention discussion shall apply in regard to the proposed policy change only, except that the period of discussion may be determined by the National Committee.

The officers of the National Committee shall make known to the members of the National Committee any request of any member of the National Committee for either a review of a policy or the introduction of a new major policy question.

A request by one-third of the members of the National Committee for review of a policy or for adoption of a new policy requires that such a discussion be held by the National Committee.

Section 6. The National Committee shall meet at least three times per year. The officers or one-third of the members of the National Committee may call additional meetings.

Section 7. Summaries and reports of National Committee meetings shall be made available to State and District Committees and shall appear in digest form in printed or electronic form available to the Party membership.


ARTICLE VIII - Organizational Integrity

Section 1. The Communist Party is a voluntary organization; all those who meet its membership requirements are free to join and leave as they see fit. Similarly, the Party has a corresponding right to determine its own membership.

Section 2. Assistance should be given to help comrades to overcome weaknesses and shortcomings as much as  possible.

Subject to the provisions of this Article, any member or officer of the Party may be removed from office, or forfeit their membership in the Party for actions detrimental to the interests of the Party and the working class, for violating provisions of this Constitution, for making false statements in an application for membership, for financial irregularities, or for advocacy or practice of racial, national or religious discrimination, or discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation.

No termination of membership shall be undertaken without notification to the member of the action and the reason for it.

Subject to the provisions of this Article, a member who is a strikebreaker, a provocateur, engaged in espionage, or who advocates violence or terrorism, or who participates in the activities of any group which acts to undermine any democratic institution through which the majority of the American people can express their democratic rights forfeits membership in the Communist Party.

Section 3. A request for action against the membership of an individual may be made by any member or Party committee to the club of the member involved or to the appropriate higher committee having jurisdiction.

All such requests shall be handled expeditiously by a hearing committee elected by the club or appropriate higher body. The hearing committee shall hear the evidence, determine the facts of the case, make recommendations and then disband.

Section 4. Any member whose membership is challenged, except publicly self-admitted informers and provocateurs, must be notified of the charges against them, shall have the right to participate in the hearing and to bring supporting witnesses. The burden of proof shall be on those bringing the challenge.

Section 5. After receiving the report of the hearing committee, the club or leading committee having jurisdiction shall have the right to decide upon the appropriate response. A vote to terminate membership must pass by a two-thirds majority.  The action shall be reported to the next higher body, which  shall conduct an automatic review. In the case of a leading committee acting on the hearing committee’s report, the action shall be reported to the club of the member in question.

Section 6. Any member whose membership has been terminated has the right to appeal successively to the next higher body up to the National Convention. Such body shall set a hearing within 60 days of the date of receipt of the appeal and notify the appellant of the hearing date. When, however, the appeal is to a State, District or National Convention, the appeal shall be acted upon by the convention following the filing of the appeal, provided that such appeal is made at least 30 days prior to the convention.


ARTICLE IX - Dues, Assessments and Initiation Fees

Section 1. Initiation fees and dues shall be paid according to rates and procedures fixed by the National Committee.

Section 2. The income from dues and initiation fees shall be apportioned among the various subdivisions of the Party as determined by the National Committee.

Section 3. Special assessments may be levied by the National Committee.

All local or state (or district) assessments require special permission of the National Committee.


ARTICLE X - Amendment

Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of any regular or special National Convention, or by membership referendum initiated by the National Committee or one-third of the state and district organizations. It may also be amended by three-fourths vote of the National Committee and a majority vote of the majority of the State and District Committees. This vote must be preceded by a minimum of a two-month discussion period in the Party organization.


ARTICLE XI Authority

Section 1. The Communist Party is not responsible for any political document, policy, book, article, or any other statement of political opinion except such as is issued by authority of the National Convention and the regularly constituted leadership of the Party.


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