I know here in Georgia, the summers get hot and kids don’t play outside. They do need to have activities and as a frugal mom, I do whatever I can to save money.
There is a program called : Kids skate free this summer from kidskatefree.com . Basically across all 50 states , local roller skating rinks are giving passes to children to skate.
Every roller skating rink will have their own rules, however most allow children 12 and under to skate for FREE… If the child doesn’t have their own skates, there is a nominal (small price) fee for skate rental.
If your local rink does not have the kids skate free this summer promotion, you can find a letter on the website to send a letter explaining the program!
FYI for those who forgot how much fun roller skating is…
A fun way to increase muscular strength and cardiorespiratory endurance.
A way to burn anywhere from 330 to 600 calories per hour!
A Great for improving balance and flexibility.
A fantastic source of aerobic exercise.
A key to weight control.
Easy to learn.
A great tension reliever and enthusiasm builder.
An excellent way to help maintain good health.
This totally reminds me of the 80s…. and early 90s. I loved roller skating, didn’t you ?
kids skate free for the summer