
An off-duty cop in Michigan drove up to an anti-Donald Trump rally and taunted protesters with a Confederate flag strapped to his truck — before guzzling a Bud Light, according to Nicole Hensley of NY Daily News.

The stunt prompted an internal investigation with Traverse City Police Department after dozens of witnesses bombarded the police department with complaints naming the man as Officer Michael Peters.

Peters has been suspended during the internal investigation, he has been an officer for 18 years, and this incident could cost him his career, depending on the findings of the investigation.

Police Chief Jeff O’Brien does not support the racist attitude and actions of the confederate flag waving officer.

“That’s not what the Traverse City Police Department represents,” O’Brien said in a statement. “We are to provide protection for everybody. The Confederate flag is not something we consider an oath of office. We take an oath of office to the Constitution, not the Confederacy.

“I personally feel that flag stands for hate and hatred,” O’Brien told the Traverse City newspaper.

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The photos circulating on social media showed Peters cracking open a bottle of beer and drinking it with two companions, a woman and a man identified by the newspaper as a former Grand Traverse County sheriff’s deputy. During the protest, Peters was confronted by Marshall Collins Jr., who was among the demonstrators picketing Trump’s election as president.

Collins, who is black, told Peters that the Confederate flag represents “hatred,” but he disagreed and left the rally within 10 minutes, the Record-Eagle reported.

More and more officers are coming out as openly racist. It is well know the KKK has been infiltrating police forces and political positions. Even the FBI warned about it over 10 years ago. These racists have to be stopped. There is no way they can be fair as politicians or law enforcement officers if they are racist. We need good people as officers, not bigots!

(Article by Jeremiah Jones)

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