* We could have seen this coming. Don’t forget that Phyllis Schlafly married into the Schlafly family, while her late husband’s relatives are all big time unhinged libs.
* Here, I don’t even need Great Schools to know that Hazelwood Southeast Middle is virtually all black.
* He’s in Springfield, Missouri, but he probably would have had better luck in Massachusetts.
If all he was interested in is the pics of naked men, I would suppose the internet would give him all he would ever want. But even in spite of that, the reason creeps like this keep doing things like this is for the thrill of getting away with something they know they shouldn’t do.
* For joy.
* They might be “caught,” but not returned. Because, dreamers.
* Second mention of Phyllis Schlafly today. Of course she’s right, and this is just about the same speech she gave last year at about this time at CPAC.
But notice that her speech this year wasn’t delivered at CPAC.
Which means the C-PURGE is marching onward and downard.
* Therefore, it does not surprise me that Krispy Christie, Mr. A Bridge Too Far, got standing ovations at CPAC. That’s because the crowd has become nothing but a bunch of RINO establishment yay red teamers and kiddie libertarians who want legal dope and open borders. Remember, CPAC was started to combat the Krispy Christies of the time, the Ford-Rockefeller RINO establishment. Now, they have taken it over.
* They may hate each other on the other side of the world. But here, they have a common enemy, and therefore, KKKrazy Glue sticks.
* Say what you want about the crackpot, but it’s the reason why pro-life whites in the South want a rape exception.
* JeNorman’s gramammy wouldn’t take him to the sto’ to buy cig’rettes. When she wouldn’t, he murdered her. It’s just as well anyway, if she would have taken him and ended up not buying the cigarettes for him, (don’t expect JeNorman to buy his own cigs), he would have killed her then.
* LGBTQMIAPDLOLPLPLTH at Berkeley need to lose the white privilege. Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most oppressed of them all?
* No voter fraud, huh?
* Ezra Klein doesn’t believe in diversity because Ezra Klein wants diversity for himself. Ezra Klein believes in diversity because it’s his political weapon against other people. Hammers don’t believe in hammers to hammer other hammers, it’s because hammers want to hammer nails.
* Just think, someone thought a few years ago that it would have been a good idea to build a rail and road tunnel between Spain and Morocco.
* Well, Mel Reynolds probably thought it was a good idea to turn Rhodesia over to blacks.
* Russians in Crimea want to be part of Russia again AND they insulted Obama. How much better can they be?
* “If you don’t like the weather, just wait a minute.” That’s what they always say about St. Louis.
* Cross check first names against partisan voter registration statistics.
A few problems with this: One, not every state does partisan registration of voters. Two, partisan registration of voters tends to be more Democrat and less Republican than actual voting results, ceteris paribus. Third, voters named Keisha are said to be 84.5% Democrat and 15.5% Republican, when we all know that voters named Keisha vote almost 100% for Democrats.