Specialists remind us that heart failure and heart attacks remained some of the leading causes of death in the world.
Specialists decided to explain more about what heart failure, heart attack, and cardiac arrest mean. Some recent celebrity deaths have drawn everyone’s attention towards heart diseases and how can people avoid or treat them. All these unfortunate events rose awareness for all everybody reminding us that cardiovascular illness is still the leading cause of deaths at a global level.
On December 27, Carrie Fisher, a very well-known actress, very famous due to its performance in the Star Wars saga, died at the age of 60. She suffered a severe heart attack a few days earlier when she was aboard a flight heading Los Angeles. Another tragic death was the one of the beloved singer George Michael.
He died on December 25, on Christmas day, because of a heart failure while he was sleeping. Unfortunately, another actor has lost his fight against dead. On December 13, Alan Thicke, the father of Robin Thicke and a great actor, has died at the age of 69. He suffered a heart attack while he was playing hockey with his youngest son.
All these deaths raised concerns because they were unexpected and they happened very early in life. Dr. Nieca Goldberg, who is a spokesperson for the American Heart Association, argued that it is significant for everyone all over the world to find out more about all heart diseases and also to learn how to differentiate and treat them.
What is even more crucial, everybody needs to learn methods of performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, this being life-saving in critical cases. Goldberg is a medical director of the Joan H. Tisch Center for Women’s Health at the NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City.
She also pointed out that resuscitation is the first step in saving the life of somebody who needs help. Firstly, the American Heart Association explained what heart failure means. The disease was described as a condition which happens when the heart can no longer effectively distribute the blood, pushing it through the arteries to the organs and tissues of the body.
Secondly, specialists have explained how a heart attack manifests. Goldberg noted that when there occurs a block in the circulatory system and blood is no longer drained to the heart muscle, this lack of blood can damage the muscle. Thirdly, she has also explained what a cardiac arrest means. She argued that the rhythm of someone’s heart is too rapid and irregular, the heart being unable to pump the blood adequately.
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