
World News – Ricochet is unlike most surfers. One, she’s a dog. But riding the waves is about more than just a love of the water for the golden retriever — it’s also about helping the disabled and other causes.

It began when Ricochet’s owner, Judy Fridono, saw the canine jump on board to help steady the ride for a paraplegic teenager.

She posted a video of it on YouTube where it garnered 4.4 million views and that sparked an idea.

“I thought, ‘Well gosh … We’re getting all this attention and we certainly don’t need it for ourselves, so let’s use it as a platform to help other people.’

And that’s how it started, and it’s never stopped,” Fridono said.

So, Surf Dog Ricochet was born.

Ricochet is a top, international surf, hero and therapy dog, helping people all over the world. Ricochet has raised over $300,000 for human/animal causes. Ricochet is the only SURFice dog® in the world who surfs with special needs kids, and people with disabilities as an assistive aid and intuitive muse.


Check out their website here.


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