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For years now I always look forward to LUSH Halloween offerings to treat myself with.  Bath time is pretty much the only me time I really get with a full time job and a growing boy, so I splurge on bath goodies (and hide them so no one else snags them!)

I have a few of the LUSH Halloween goodies to show you today!

Lord of Misrule Bath Bomb

Look familiar?  Lord of Misrule was a LUSH Halloween goodie from last year!

Lord of Misrule is a rich, spicy herbal blend of patchouli and black pepper oil.  The real fun part (ok I’m still a kid at heart!) is after the gorgeous deep green of the bath bombs is done, the center of the bath bomb is a rich wine color.  Since the colors swirl in the tub, it’s fascinating for me to see the water change from a calming pale green to a vibrant wine shade!  You also get a little surprise when the popping candies inside start crackling.

Price: $6.95

Fairy Ring Soap

New this year is Fairy Ring Soap.  Fairy Ring Soap is scented with jasmine, ylang ylang and verivert.  Jasmine is one of my favorite scents, so I knew this soap would be a hit with me. I already purchased a ton more of this soap and will be incredibly sad when I run out!

Price: $7.95 for 3.5 oz

Sparkly Pumpkin

Bubble Bars are my favorite items LUSH carries (my son’s too!) and this Sparkly Pumpkin Bubble Bar packs a nice citrus punch.  The main scents are juniperberry, lime and grapefruit which really gives a nice, refreshing zing at the end of a long day… plus, who doesn’t love a little sparkle?

Price: $7.95

Wizard Hat

LUSH’s Wizard Hat is super fun, and I let my son play with this one since he went absolutely bonkers when he saw it.

Three magical gifts inside, and each with something to hide. Star Light Star Bright Luxury Bath Melt, Wizard Bath Bomb and Sparkler Bath Bomb will turn your tub into a bubbling cauldron of mystical mayhem. And when you’re out of the bath, the Wizard Hat will help you practice your true magical calling.

Inside a completely useable wizard hat you will find a Star Light Star Bright Bath Melt, Wizard Bubble Bar and a Sparkler Bath Bomb.  Such a cute gift and they all smell divine.

Price: $27.95

You can also purchase the Wizard Bubble Bar ($7.95) and the Sparkler Bath Bomb ($6.95) separately if you want extras of those!

You can find all of these products on the LUSH website, or use the Shop Locator to find a store nearest to you!  Remember these are limited edition, so get em while you can!

LUSH sells most of their products unpackaged in order to cut down on waste.  All of the above products were received in a small paper bag which is recyclable!

I already stocked up on several of these (especially Fairy Ring Soap!)… will you be grabbing any?

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