


Cristina’s tags: #He gets these in order #and he makes a goddamn symbol #who fuckin’ thought about that? #Dean wasn’t given enough puzzles as a child #this is what he does in his spare time #you stupid fuckin’ smart mother fuck #asdfklasdf #Stop hiding this #okay? #I wanna see it

#who else would recognize a pattern within seemingly random blood splatters? #so much of his work requires him to think outside the box #as well as a keen sense of adaptability #and dean’s got them in spades #his quick thinking and improvised plans have saved their asses more than i can count offhand #you really don’t give yourself enough credit dean #the world doesn’t consist of solely academia or book-smarts #(and while you’re well-read too given your personal library we’ll let this fact slide right now cause it misses the point) #the point is that while it might not be conventional or what society deems as an acceptable manifestation #you’re smart as hell #and you should be damned proud of that fact #who do you think sammy learned it from? (x)

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