Market America was founded in 1992 by top Amway distributor James Howard Ridinger and his wife Loren Ridinger. Market America is an internet marketing and product brokerage company that utilizes the internet and social media to distribute a variety of products through one-to-one marketing.
The company serves more than 3 million customers, selling household cleaning supplies, jewelry, personal care products, auto care, cosmetics, nutritional products, custom websites, water purifiers, and weight management products. These products and services are not manufactured by Market America, rather they are produced by other companies exclusively for the company.
Market America opened Market Australia in 2002, Market Taiwan in 2005, Market Hong Kong in 2007, Market Philippines in 2010, and Market United Kingdom and Market Mexico in 2012.
Market America is a private company with 500 employees and has about $600 million in annual sales.