

Contact Information

Town Hall

Telephone: 613-534-8889 or 1-800-265-3915

Fax: 613-534-2280

Address: 2 Mille Roches Road, PO Box 84, Long Sault, ON K0C 1P0

Email Address: info@southstormont.ca


Mayor Bryan McGillis 613-937-3116 bmcgillis@southstormont.ca


Deputy Mayor Tammy Hart 613-984-2543      thart@southstormont.ca


Councillor Cindy Woods 613-537-2977 cwoods@southstormont.ca


Councillor Barry Brownlee 613-537-9753


Councillor Richard Waldroff 613-537-8226       rwaldroff@southstormont.ca

Regular business hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Latest news and information:   visit www.southstormont.ca.

Council Meetings

Council: May 14 and 28 at 7:00 PM

Planning and Building Committee: May 13 at 4:30 PM

The public is welcome to attend.

Click to visit the South Stormont Facebook page!


Council Adopts 2014 Budget

Council gives notice that By-law No. 2014-029 was passed at the regular meeting of Council on April 9, 2014 to levy and adopt the 2014 tax rates.


Municipal Election – October 27, 2014

Planning to vote in the upcoming election? Visit voterlookup.ca to make sure your elector information is accurate and up to date.

Annual Water Reports

The 2013 Annual Summary Reports for the Long Sault/Ingleside Regional Drinking Water System, Newington Drinking Water System and the St. Andrews/Rosedale Terrace Distribution Systems were received on March 24, 2014 and are available for viewing at the Town Hall, 2 Mille Roches Road, Long Sault and on the Township website.

Town Hall Closure

The Town Hall will be closed Monday, May 19 for the Victoria Day holiday. Staff will be available at 8:30 AM on Tuesday, May 20. Enjoy!

Garbage and Recycling

There will be NO CHANGE to your recycling or garbage pick-up due to the Victoria Day holiday.

Public Tenders

Tender No.      05-2014   Roadside Grass and Weed Cutting

CLOSING DATE:     May 1, 2014 at 11:00 AM

Tender No.      07-2014   One Sport Utility Vehicle Four Door/Four Wheel Drive

CLOSING DATE:     May 8, 2014 at 1:30 PM

Documents for these tenders can be obtained at the Town Hall, 2 Mille Roches Road, Long Sault, up to the day prior to the Tender closing date. Tenders, clearly marked and addressed to the Clerk, will be received at the above noted address no later than the time specified on the closing date.

Reduced Loads

A reduced load period is now in effect in South Stormont. This is necessary for the protection of roads and highways due to spring thaw conditions.

2014/2015 Household Waste Management Calendar “soon to arrive”

Please refer to the 2013 calendar for April, 2014 or visit our website at www.southstormont.ca

2014 Household Hazardous Waste Days

The Township of South Stormont and the City of Cornwall have an agreement for Township residents to dispose of both hazardous waste and e-waste at the City of Cornwall depot at 2590 Cornwall Centre Road West.

Depot open from April 5 to November 8

• Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 12 NOON

• Wednesdays from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM

APRIL Saturday, April 5, Wednesday, April 16, Wednesday, April 23
MAY Wednesday, May 7, Wednesday, May 21, Saturday, May 31
JUNE Wednesday, June 11, Wednesday, June 18, Saturday, June 28
JULY Wednesday, July 9, Wednesday, July 16, Saturday, July 26
AUGUST Wednesday, August 6,Wednesday, August 13, Saturday, August 23
SEPTEMBER Wednesday, September 3, Saturday, September 20, Wednesday, September 24
OCTOBER Saturday, October 4, Wednesday, October 15, Wednesday, October 22
NOVEMBER Saturday, November 1, Wednesday, November 5, Saturday, November 8 

**Please note that the Township landfill site also accepts e-waste**

Hydrant Flushing and Maintenance Program

Hydrant flushing will be carried out from May 5 to 30

in the hamlets of Ingleside, Long Sault and St. Andrews West

During the flushing operation, poor water pressure and/or RED water may result.

This situation is temporary and may last up to two hours.

The coloured water is not hazardous.

If coloured water is detected, the public is requested to open their COLD water taps in order to clear the system.



The Township’s Adopt-A-Road Program is a public service program for volunteers to enhance local litter collection activities. Many areas throughout the Province have endorsed a similar program. This program is a way for environmentally conscious groups to contribute to a cleaner road system by picking up litter with the Township’s assistance. Please contact the Township office at 613-534-8889 for more information.



Leaf through the following reminders for your convenience:

Built up areas only.

Collection begins at 7:00 AM.

Compostable paper bags only (no clear plastic bags).

Tie branches and shrubs into a bundle no larger than 1m x 1m x 30cm.

The Trillium Landfill Site is open every Friday and Saturday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM to accept leaf and yard waste at no charge.


Attention, Attention, Attention……

Calling All South Stormont and South Dundas Business Owners

As part of the launch of the new UpperCanadaRegion.ca website, we would like to invite you to attend a Business Breakfast being held on MAY 8TH, 2014 at the Upper Canada Golf Course Restaurant from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. The cost is $10/person, and includes the “Branding & Blogging” presentation made by  the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre. For more information, please contact Nicole Sullivan at nsullivan@southdundas.com. Also, come find out how you can incorporate the use of the “Proud Partner” logo for the Upper Canada Region.



Dog Tags

Invoices for dog tags have been mailed and are due April 30, 2014. If the amount owing is not paid by the due date, it will be transferred to your property taxes. In order to keep our records current, please contact the Town Hall with any change of information regarding your dog.





Parks and Recreation Department (Long Sault Arena)

Telephone: 613-534-2419

Address: 60 Mille Roches Road, Long Sault, ON K0C 1P0

Email: kevin@southstormont.ca

Minor Soccer, Ball Hockey, and T-Ball / Rookie Ball - Late Registrations

There is still some space available in certain age divisions for all three programs.  For information on availability please contact Kevin in the Recreation Department.



Emergency Preparedness Week – May 4-10

Items you should include in Your Basic Emergency Kit

Two litres of water per person per day

Food that won’t spoil

Manual can opener

Flashlight(s),batteries and extra batteries

Battery-powered or wind-up radio

First aid kit

Special needs items such as medications, infant formula, equipment for people with disabilities, items for pets

Extra keys for your car and house


A copy of your emergency plan with in-town and out-of-town contact information



Where? South Stormont Community Hall, 2 Mille Roches Road, Long Sault

Date and Time? Saturday, May 3 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

What else? Silent Auction – Share the Wealth – Door Prizes, Entertainment

Admission? Non Perishable food item – Showcase only (10 AM to 1:00 PM)

$7.00 – Showcase, Entertainment, Dessert & Coffee/Tea (1:00 PM to 4:00 PM)

For tickets call: ~ 613-362-4273 ~ 613-537-8717~ 613-537-2062

Support your Volunteer Firefighters!

Support your Community!



Saturday May 3 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM 

Volunteer Firefighters will be goingdoor-to-door in the Long Sault area to raise money for the Canada Day celebration with all proceeds going directly toward the event.



Long Sault Community Yard Sale

Saturday, May 24

Register your address at Showcase, Long Sault Plaza, donate a loonie to help offset the cost of advertising and display your treasures at your house the day of the sale. Spots also available at the Long Sault Arena. For further inquiries, please contact Donna at Showcase at 613-534-8488.



Stop, drop and roll into the Long Sault Fire Hall, 50 Mille Roches Road, on May 24 for a BBQ hosted by the Long Sault Firefighters Association. All proceeds will be going towards the Long Sault Canada Day festivities and fireworks!


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