
In January I started something new with my husband–giving him weekly love notes.  I had previously read of Crystal Paine doing this as well as others but never really gave it a try until this year.  The result?  Well honestly I’m not totally sure yet what my husband thinks of the random notes around the house but I can tell you it has done wonders to change MY attitude and made MY love more intentional.

So what have I written in my love notes?  Well I’ve been reading The Respect Dare and Intentional Marriage so occasionally I’ve shared something as result of my day’s dare or challenge.  Other times I’ve just told him thank you for doing something.  And still other times I’ve told him how I am looking forward to doing something with him.  All have given me a boost in the love department and who knows…maybe that’s why my husband has volunteered to help me more around the house recently.  I’m sure he would never tell!  ;)

Before I started writing personal love notes, I began by placing pre-made printable lunch notes in my hubby’s lunch box on a random occasion.  While it doesn’t quite have the same personal touch, they still brought a smile to my husband’s face.  I know so because he even admitted it on occasion.  So, if you would like to give love notes a try, you might want to start with one of these totally cute printables below.  Just print, cut and give.  Oh, and if you are feeling real lovey-dovey, add a short personal note to your hubby on the back.  Both he and you will be glad you did.

Click here to download.

What about you?  Have you tried sharing love notes with your hubby?

If so, how did it go?  What were some of your most memorable notes?  Is it something you would do again or more regular?  Why or why not?

 Take it to the next level with these resources:

Intentional Marriage by Crystal Brothers

The Irresistable Husband by Jason Gratehouse

My Hubby Lovin’ Pinterest Board where you can find even more printable love note options as well as other amazing marriage tips.

This post is the 6th of 12 in the 144 Plan to a Memorable Marriage.  To learn more about the 144 Plan or catch up on a missed post, check out the complete 144 Plan Training Log.

And now these three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)

The post 10 Love Notes for Your Husband appeared first on Cornerstone Confessions.

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