It’s not reinventing the wheel to say that eating more fresh fruit and veg will be good for your health. This is something we have known, or at least accepted, for literally decades. It’s something our parents told us, and that their parents surely told them. So it’s not exactly revolutionary (much as some dieticians may seem to think it is).
So when it comes to making healthy changes in your lifestyle, you know you should be looking at fruit and vegetables. However, one thing that has changed is that basic knowledge of health issues has increased over the years. Fifty years ago it was “eat more fruit; it’s good for you”. Now, we really need to know more. Different foods have different benefits.
So, how do you target the specific improvement you need?
Health issues vary considerably from person to person. Where once upon a time it was sufficient to say you were feeling “under the weather”, now we know of countless possible reasons. Some of us have joint pain, others tenderness in the muscles. Sometimes we have digestive issues. We may suffer from headaches, or mood disorders.
In short, with so long a list of things that can make us feel less than perfect, we need to know as much as possible about the ways to make it better. While in some cases there is no substitute for a doctor’s attention, we can always make a difference with what we do. Top of the list of weapons in our personal armory is diet. And that’s where the fruit and veg come in.
Warning: the amount of fruit-based puns you’re about to read is immense. Prepare yourself.
Berry Good: Why You Don’t Need To Suffer From Low Moods
Mental health is increasingly a focus in our society, but it’s fair to say that a lot of people don’t completely understand how it works. In short, you don’t need to be confined to your bed with depression for it to be a factor. A lot of people struggle with low-level depression that doesn’t make them go to the doctor but does infringe on their quality of life.
Berries are packed with antioxidants, which have been proven in clinical trials to have an effect on depression. If you don’t fancy taking anti-depressant medication, they are worth a try. The key point here is that depression varies in severity. In more severe cases, it’s still wise to consult a doctor.
Lacking In Energy? Time To Go Bananas
We all have days when we seem to lack for energy. We wake up in the morning and everything seems like more of an effort. Anecdotal information and TV tell you what to do if this is the case – reach for the coffee! In the short term, this works – you do feel a burst of energy and can get over the hurdle. But it then takes back, with interest.
Caffeine has very limited nutritional benefit. It actually burns through what energy you may have left, and then you crash. If you eat a banana and have one on hand for later, you’ll be in better shape. Bananas are rich in potassium, which gives you slow-release energy and allows you to feel more energetic throughout the day.
Life Can Be A Bowl Of Cherries
Cherries are seen in many ways as a luxury fruit. They are a little more pricey than the likes of apples and oranges, but they are worth it for their health benefits. Indeed, for all the talk of superfoods, it’s hard to beat cherries for real health boosts. They contain a lot of antioxidants, for one thing, but that’s the tip of the iceberg.
There are also benefits to quality of sleep, due to the high content of melatonin. Their high levels of beta-carotene are useful for eyesight. In addition to these cherry health benefits, studies show an impact on inflammation, weight loss and heart health. In short, you should make room for them in your fruit bowl.
Time To Boost Your Celery!
It’s probably fair to say that celery is no-one’s favorite food. It’s not bad, and it’s not great. It’s just kind of … there. Its role is, typically, as a food to add texture to other meals. But don’t let that persuade you to do without it. Its health benefits are clear for all to see. Extracts from its seeds have been found to have a positive impact on blood pressure.
However, that’s just part of the story. Including celery (ideally steamed) in your diet will have ongoing positive benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, for one thing. For another, studies have shown it to be a handy source of luteolin, which is felt to have cancer-fighting properties.
All Fruit And Veg Helps Your Digestion
Whatever you pick from the fruit and veg aisle at your local supermarket, you’re helping your digestive tract. This is a health benefit that cannot be ignored. By keeping your digestive system healthy, you give your body a boost in fighting any illness. Not to mention lessening the risk of future cancers in the gastrointestinal tract.
The reason is that fruit and veg, in general, contain indigestible fiber. This picks up water and expands as it passes through the digestive system, triggering regular bowel movements. (Lovely subject this, isn’t it? But it has to be discussed!) In addition, it calms the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
This is, incidentally, a reason why you should not take on all your fruit and veg in the form of juices. Although juice and smoothies are beneficial ways of getting nutrients, they do remove a vast majority of the fiber from fruits. So while you may enjoy a green juice a day as part of your health kick, eat some bananas or carrots to get the full benefit.
Each fruit and vegetable that you can buy will have its own benefits for your general health. In addition to the digestive benefits that we have seen above, they all play different parts. So one final note to bear in mind is this:
It’s not just a very good idea to eat more fruit and veg – make sure that you are getting different types into your diet. For an all-around health boost, an extensive range will always be better than a narrow focus.
The post Feeling Under The Weather? Find The Answers In Your Fruit Bowl appeared first on Cori's Cozy Corner.