
Highlighted Guild

Republic Rangers – Galactic Republic

This week on Community Checkpoint, we talk to some of the officers from the Republic Rangers. Although their name has military symbolism, their number one priority is having fun…after all it is a game.  Now that doesn’t mean they are just “floating” around the SWTOR universe. They are active in planning and organizing weekly guild Operation runs. We will get to learn a bit more about their approach to fun and a family atmosphere, along with their opinions on some in-game mechanics.

Time to fall in & see what it is like being in the Republic Rangers after the Jump…




Guild Q&A

How did you get into gaming? What brought you to SWTOR?

Republic Rangers were fans of the Knights of the Old Republic game. We felt the story was so well done.  In fact, many of us that have played several Bioware games in the past and have liked most of them. The love of Star Wars and the decision based choices that Bioware allowed that other games just were not that in depth. Like the decision based from the light and dark side options is really rich in this game.



When did the Republic Rangers become a guild? What server can people find the guild?

About 60% of the guild including the officers and guild leaders were in another guild before we created Republic Rangers. The guild leader of the guild we broke off with had an issue with people questioning him and the guild and there was a complete lack of trust in him. So we broke off and created Republic Rangers last April midway through the month. We have been together as a guild and became really close. Republic Rangers can be found on Shadowlands server.



Your guild also has a presence on the Imperial faction, correct? How has it been managing two guilds? Who has helped, as far as leadership to keep both guilds running smooth?

Yes, we have a presence on the Imperial faction we made shortly before creating Republic Rangers. Though Republic Rangers is the main guild, we have one of the council members of our guild leading that guild Zipperer. Both guilds have been pretty smooth to leading as far as leadership and controlling them.



With guild names like Republic Rangers and Marines of the Empire, are the guilds based on non-Force using classes or does the guild accept any class/advance class character?

The names of Republic Rangers and Marines of the Empire do have some veterans and current serving soldiers in real life that is where the name came from. As for the question we do allow any and all classes and races. Even Jedi are technically soldiers of peace when they have to fight they are in it to win it. As far as smugglers, we allow them just not sure how they fit into the guild name though.



What is the primary focus of the guild, as far as in-game activities? How has the guild fared in Operations? What goals does the guild have in SWTOR?

The primary focus of the guild is having fun and helping each out as much as we can. There are those prime examples of people asking us for certain items that are going for over million credits that we refuse to help with. But as for help in general we help class, crafting, flashpoints, some PVP and other things. We have fared pretty well in Operations and about to start Hardmode Ops as a guild, although we have had issues with the Terror boss, and the second boss in the Dread Fortress. We have found that Fortress is actually easier to us for some reason than the final boss of Terror from Beyond. The guild’s goals are pretty much just as simple as having fun, enjoy the game and learn new content as a guild without forcing people into doing things they do not want to do.



With the latest expansion in SWTOR, Galactic Starfighter, has the guild been active in the new space combat? Is this a welcomed addition to the game, in the guild’s opinion?

We have had several guild members try it out and get nauseous from it or complained that the mechanics of the Starfighters were not that great for a MMO. The guild would prefer if the mechanics were much better and BioWare made the flying of the ships more controller friendly for easier control.



Speaking of Update 2.6, what does the guild think of the new Tactical Flashpoint, Kuat Drive Yards? Does the new level neutral 15-55 system work in SWTOR and would the guild like to see this expand in the future?

The idea is pretty cool sounding but when you get into the groups 15-54 the lack of abilities from those that are lower levels is going to hold you back because of a lack of abilities and skills in the skill tree. If it was setup like how PVP has three ranges: low, mid and high levels. The guild would like it a little more.



Have you read the 2014 Road Map for SWTOR? Is this encouraging for the guild? Are there some things you are hoping to see added to the game in 2014?

Yes, some of us have read it or it has been explained to some of the others in the guild. It is very encouraging for the guild because we like to see content even if it is challenging or easy because we are a very lore-oriented guild. Yes, there are a few major things we would like to see, but the biggest is we would like to see further expansion of the class storylines since third act finale. With furthering the class storylines, taking into the account alignments should affect your story missions causing you to have different story divergents. With this we mean like, if you were light side with let’s say the Jedi knight you become master and a council member you should have options as a council member. For the dark Jedi knight being in exile from the council not granted the rank of master you should be sent away or whatever and find the dark Jedi group and become a member of them.



What are some things the Republic Rangers do to keep the guild a close knit unit? How does the use of guild chat help? Are there planned events to help generate a sense of community in the guild?

We are more like a second family within the guild and act that way towards one another. Do not confuse us with being a family oriented guild for kids, parents, grandparents all in the same guild. We manage to make the guild seem like one big family. The text-based guild chat is not as helpful as it needs to be at times. Typing doesn’t always convey tone or way something was intended to be said good or bad. However, with voice chat hearing people you get a better understanding of what things are said so in that way it does bring the guild closer together. Another item that is being utilized on our website to help bring the guild closer is our event calendar. We have only recently started using the calendar for events and Operations.

Basically until we started using the calendar we were winging it with Operations. The calendar will allow us to be better organized prior to events and Operations, so we can focus on the main priority of the guild…having fun!



Are the Republic Rangers or Marines of the Empire currently recruiting? If so what steps do potential applicants need to take in order to join? Are specific classes or roles the guild needs?

Yes, we are recruiting not as actively about it as some guilds. We will bring in noobs and teach them how to play, but we refuse to be elitist so we do not allow elitist into the guild unless they are tired of being elitist and just want to have fun.  As far as which classes we need, it is more about which roles we need. Currently we could a few more tanks and healers. We will take anyone to an extent however. We have been short of tanks and healers for the last little bit. And would like to recruit like an earlier ops group that way some of other guildies who are on earlier and not later have a shot at doing Operations and such.



If someone is looking for more information about your guild in order to join or possibly plan an event with the Republic Rangers, how is the best way to contact the guild and/or its officers?

Well we have our guild website (http://republicrangers.shivtr.com/) if people are looking to join up or further information of the guild or for scheduled events we are planning. The best way would either be contacting the guild through the website or messaging the three guild leaders A’mis’take, Ra’moth and Ves’klar.



That is it for this week’s Community Checkpoint. I would like to thank all the members of the Republic Rangers and the Marines of the Empire for allowing me to highlight them this week. I want to wish them all the best…salute! Thanks also for allowing me access to their website and forums for doing research. This article would have not been possible without the hard work of the officers within this great guild community. I want to especially thank Ves’klar for being the contact and go between for the responses in this article. If you are on the Shadowlands server and looking for a guild that strives to excel in PVE, but also focuses on having fun, I suggest contacting the Republic Rangers through their website for more information.

Are you in a guild or a leader in a guild and would like to share it with the community? If so please contact me and see if we can tell the community about your guild. Just submit your guild’s website and some basic information in an email to me at, jason@corellianrun.com. Look forward to highlighting more guilds here at Corellian Run Radio. Thanks and see you next week!



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