HoloNet Links #131
My normal Thursday involves watching the TV show, The Big Bang Theory. It is a fun comedy surrounding the lives of four highly educated, successful, comic book and sci-fi loving guys…geeks. They especially like Star Wars and last night’s show had none other than James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader. One of my favorite scenes was James Earl Jones and one of the main characters, Sheldon, going to prank ring a person’s house…which turned out to be Carries Fisher, better known to some of you as Princess Leia. If you get a chance, be sure to check out this behind the scenes video for last night’s show from CBS.com. In the words of James Earl Jones, “I like Star Wars too!”
Now, to the news in SWTOR, Livestream on the 31st & more after the Jump…
Dev notes
TaitWatson Community Livestream: January 31st | 01.30.2014, 03:56 PM
Hi everyone!
Eric and Courtney are headed to Arizona for the Community Cantina Tour in Phoenix, so I will be running the stream tomorrow night! It is from 4pm-6pm CST (GMT -6:00), and you can join us on the official Twitch page. You can also join me in-game on The Bastion!
It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, and there might be Tauntaun Fawn codes (in the fan-favorite “Tait Method” of posting them, since Eric won’t be here to stop me! BWAHAHAHAH!)
See you then!
It is great to see the Livestream in-game will still be going on tonight, January 31st, 2014. Nice job to step up Tait while the others are at the Community Cantina event in Arizona. I hope people will be sure to tune in and watch. Those of you on the Bastion server be on the lookout for Tait.
As neat as it is that BioWare is continuing to do the Livestream events, tonight, the Friday before Update 2.6 goes live on February 4th, would have been perfect to get more hype for the full expansion release of Galactic Starfighter in Update 2.6. It also would have generated many more players on the PTS to help make sure Team Deathmatch and the Bomber starship were working as expected, plus I’m sure a few would try out the new Flashpoint, the Kuat Drive Yards.
CourtneyWoods Act 1 Planet Lore Week! | 01.29.2014, 11:19 AM
Hi everyone!
As I mentioned earlier this year, I am going to start posting things that are more centered around the lore of SWTOR. This week I am going to post one lore fact a day about the planets you see in Act 1 (Obviously depending on the faction, you would see some of these in Act 2, but bear with me ).
We will begin with Balmorra!
Before the Imperial occupation, the Galactic Republic was weapons manufacturer Balmorran Arms’ top customer.
CourtneyWoods Act 1 Planet Lore Week! | 01.30.2014, 10:25 AM
Today we are traveling to Nar Shaddaa! Did you know…
After fleeing Hutta, some of the Evocii settled on Nar Shaddaa. Little did they know it would soon become “the Treasure of Hutt Space.”
These are a couple posts from Courtney Woods. She will be posting more of these SWTOR Lore related posts over the next few weeks and possibly months. I like the idea of mentioning more about the lore of SWTOR, even if it is a forum post. These types of lore elements help folks learn more about the SWTOR Galaxy and also can possibly help generate lore ideas for your characters in-game or maybe a fact some of you might use for a short story idea. Thanks Courtney and look forward to more lore posts.
Star Wars Community News & Events
Corellian Run Radio’s Weekly Nav Coordinates
It has been another busy week here at Corellian Run Radio. Carla and I recorded Episode 110: Rakghoul Event Take Two. It is a blast to be on the podcast and talking about SWTOR with Carla and Drew. Speaking of members on the Corellian Run Radio staff, we are currently seeking individuals to help us out on the website with writing and posting articles. Even if you have little to no experience with posting articles on a website, we really are looking for people excited about SWTOR and gaming. If you would like to find out more information about possibly joining the Corellian Run Radio staff, send an email with a little a bit about yourself and a small writing sample to us at corellianrun@gmail.com or Drew at Geldarion@yahoo.com.
While you read through any of the articles or listen to the podcast below, we encourage you to take a moment and submit your feedback and suggestions in the comment sections. We love to hear from you. Thanks again for your support and for following the site, enjoy the links below! If you are interested in joining the writing staff at Corellian Run Radio, please contact us at corellianrun@gmail.com
01/29 Episode 110: Rakghoul Event Take Two – podcast
01/28 Information on Kuat Drive Yards Flashpoint by Jason Taylor
01/24 HoloNet Links #130 by Jason Taylor
Corellian Run Radio’s Youtube channel
Corellian Run Radio’s Facebook group
SWTOR Music video
This week we have an in-game video that has been edited by Youtube user JChalant and set to the song “Blue.” This version of the song is by a cover band and it is being performed live. The live version fits well with the cantina setting for this video. Overall, the video is well edited, even if a bit slow in spots. It would have been nice to see more player characters dancing and cheering in front of the stage. All in all, I thought it is a good music video. Let us know what you think in the comment section below.
If you have created a video about your adventures in SWTOR let us know by emailing a link to corellianrun@gmail.com or jason@corellianrun.com.
That’s all for this week! If you have a particular link, story, video, or topic related to SWTOR we would love to hear about it! You can send those to us here at Corellian Run Radio and we can place it in a future article. Just email us the links and/or the details for the event at corellianrun@gmail.com, or you can also leave any link suggestions in the comments below, or in Corellian Run Radio’s Facebook group. See you next week!