

HoloNet Links #113

It’s time for another HoloNet Links article. First link/story, the Bounty Contract is live in-game. According to an official SWTOR news article, the event will be September 10, through September 17th. There have been some changes made to the event, primarily with the rewards for completing a Kingpin Contract. Time to collect some bounties and reap the rewards!

 Arena demo on TwitchTV today, RotHC now free & more after the Jump…





First Live look at PVP Warzone Arenas

Today, September 12th, 2013, at 6:30 PDT, you can go to MMORPG.com’s official Twitch.tv site and watch some 4v4 Ranked Warzone Arena fights. The highlighted guild for the 12th and 13th matches will be the guild from the Bastion server, known as Illegal Test Kitchen. Below are the details found on the official SWTOR news article.



Thursday, September 12th @ 6:30 PM PDT / Friday, September 13th @ 1:30 AM GMT


First Look at 4v4 Player-vs-Player Ranked Warzone Arenas coming in October


Guild Illegal Test Kitchen (Server: The Bastion)




Rise of the Hutt Cartel is free for Subscribers

Starting today, September 12th, any current and future subscriber will be able to download the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion for free! The details can be found on the official SWTOR news article concerning the announcement.

There will be some rewards for everyone who already purchased the expansion and are an active subscriber. This will be a title called, “The Risen.” For those select few that purchased the expansion within the last 30 days, they will receive the title and will also be receiving some Cartel coins.

If you are like me and pre-ordered the expansion, this first sounds like we are not getting much for the money we gave BioWare. However, after taking some time to think about it I changed my mind. Yes, I paid for the expansion, pre-ordered in fact. This gave me the new planet of Makeb, a new level cap of 55, new abilities for my characters, and specialty in-game missions utilizing the macrobinculars/seeker droids. Would I love to get some free Cartel coins? Of course I would, but I do not think BioWare owes me anything, just because I purchased the new expansion even before it went live. Now that being said, I would love it if BioWare would come up with a different reward besides another new title. A player can only display one at a time anyway. It might have been nice for a new pet, a new mount or even special color dye module. That is just my opinion, but we would love to hear your thoughts. Please let us know in the comment section below.



Super Secret Space Project image

Last week, we looked at the teaser trailer for the Super Secret Space Project. Rumors continue to circle as what this “project” exactly is, but thanks to Google+ member SWTORGuideh maybe we might know a bit more or at the very least what it could be. Below are a couple images from SWTORGuideh Google+ page.


I simply cut the larger image that posted into two separate images. If the images are correct the starships will indeed be more maneuverable and also you can see a bit different control scheme. There are also mentions of what your group controls. Now, by group does it mean your faction in PVE or is it referring to a potential new type of space PVP? Nobody knows for sure, but I, for one, cannot wait to find out more answers regarding the Super Secret Space Project!



Dev notes

EricMusco New Dyes Added, Then Removed? | 09.09.2013, 03:27 PM

Hey folks,
I just want to add a little bit of clarity and to reiterate what happened with the dyes on the Cartel Market. I know there is some thought that we have some sinister intent here, or that we just pulled the dyes out of reaction to some of the negative reaction around price, the truth is simple, I messed up.
We could have done a better job of messaging around that timeliness in the patch notes and we never actually made any posts following up to that to let folks know it was temporary in the forums. In both cases, the blame falls on me. Although we won’t always message everything that changes on the CM all the time (sales, etc.). I will make it a point to make sure we are as crystal clear as possible about new items, or sales around limited time/availability items.
What I can say is that the dyes will be returning the CM in the future (I don’t have timing right now) and when they do they will return at the same price you saw them at this past weekend. I will make sure you guys know they are coming when they do return!
Thank you again for your patience and I apologize for any inconvenience or confusion I caused!



Standing up and “taking one for the team,” is not always the easy thing to do, however you have to commend Eric for not only taking the responsibility, but also taking the time to communicate to the entire community what was going on with the reason for the specific dyes coming down from the Cartel Market. These were only for a limited time and as Eric states the dyes will be back on the Cartel Market at a later date.



AmberGreen PTS Maintenance: September 11th, 2013 | 09.11.2013, 10:00 AM

Hello Testers,
We will soon be taking down the PTS to deploy a new patch. When the server is again available, we will post in this thread.
During this phase of testing, Oricon Operations, Dread Palace and Dread Fortress, will be available.
Thank you for your participation and assistance in testing Game Update 2.4 content!



Alright all you PTS testers, it looks like another phase of testing is beginning. As the post by Amber states, this period of testing will focus on the two new operations coming in Update 2.4: Dread Palace and Dread Fortress. I’m sure there will also be things that go along with Oricon reputation, since this is the planet where the two operations will be taking place. If you have not done any testing, but are into operations this would be the perfect time to use the character copy option and get busy downloading the PTS through your game launcher.



Star Wars Community News & Events

Corellian Run Radio’s Weekly Nav Coordinates

We have a new podcast episode up! Check it out to hear the latest from Drew and Carla on their adventures in SWTOR and more. Be sure to find out just what Carla got in-game that has her thinking her “luck” has been reversed.

While you read through any of the articles or listen to the podcast, we encourage you to take a moment and submit your feedback and suggestions in the comment sections. We love to hear from you. Thanks again for your support and for following the site, enjoy the links below!

09/07 Episode 102: Carla’s Luck is Reversed – podcast

09/09 Community Checkpoint featuring Legendary Guilds by Jason Taylor

Corellian Run Radio’s Youtube channel

Corellian Run Radio’s Facebook group


We are looking for people interested in helping to generate content for Corellian Run Radio. So, if you would like to write an article, create a video guide or maybe you have another idea altogether, please contact us. You just need to send us an email with your idea and a small writing sample to explain your skills and why you want to help out at Corellian Run Radio. Submit your ideas, a bit about yourself and a small writing sample to us at corellianrun@gmail.com.



SWTOR video guide

So, you have cleared almost everything SWTOR has to throw at you currently and looking for a challenge. Well, why not try soloing one of the new Czerka Flashpoints in storymode? That is just what Youtube user KINGOFTHELOOSER7 has done in one his latest video guides for SWTOR.

The great thing about the video, not only does it showcase how it is possible for properly geared characters to solo this Flashpoint, but the tactics he explains will work for anyone trying to tackle this same Czerka Flashpoint in a group. KINGOFTHELOOSER7 does a really good job of breaking down the fights and also helpful tips on how to locate items on your own, for example using the macrobinculars to find the security keys. I would suggest subscribing to his Youtube channel to keep up with all of his guides for SWTOR. Alos be sure to leave him a comment on what you think of his videos.



That’s all for this week! If you have a particular link, story, video, or topic related to SWTOR we would love to hear about it! You can send those to us here at Corellian Run Radio and we can place it in a future article. Just email us the links and/or the details for the event at corellianrun@gmail.com, or you can also leave any link suggestions in the comments below, or in Corellian Run Radio’s Facebook group. See you all next week!




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