
Who loves banana bread? I do. I know you do too! An obscenely thick slice of banana bread, toasted to perfection and slathered with butter is what the local cafe will have you believe is the breakfast of champions. They might be on to something.

Banana bread is really a cake masquerading as a bread in the shape of a loaf. It has no yeast. The internet informs that it might have originated in America in the 1800s when curious housewives discovered the power of a non-yeast leavening agent and a bowl of rapidly degrading overripe bananas. One of the factors contributing to the taste of this beautiful much loved breakfast bread is butter. But there is only so much buttery banana bread one can have, especially if one is habituated to also slathering it with butter. Too much butter overload!

My posts through the years have featured various banana breads. I love experimenting with them. They are like the chocolate cake of breakfast food. Every once in a while, one such experiment strikes gold and that is when I share it with you. This banana bread recipe has no butter and no oil. The moist factor comes from coconut milk. It rises beautifully, has a great crust and tastes absolutely like the banana bread you are used to. I was amazed at how soft and fluffy the bread was. The only butter in this bread is the dollop you will smear on it before you eat it. Some things, you just cannot change.

Have you tried baking banana bread with unusual ingredients? What is your favourite banana bread recipe? I would love it if you shared! I also have a new winter header (up top). It is the enchanted Rhubarb Forest, part of a little side project I am working on. Let me know how you like it. Cheers!





A healthy, moist banana bread baked with an abundance of coconut milk is a perfect start to a busy day.

Preparation Time – 10 Minutes

Cooking Time – 60 Minutes

Makes – To Serve 12



185ml full cream coconut milk

3/4 cup brown sugar

2 eggs

3 ripe bananas, mashed

1/2 cup quick cooking oats

2 cups self raising flour

2 tablespoons honey

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

a pinch of salt

raw sugar for sprinkling



Preheat oven to 180C. Grease with cooking spray and line with baking paper, a 20cm x 10cm loaf pan.

Whisk coconut milk, sugar, eggs, cinnamon, salt and honey in a large bowl with an electric mixer until creamy and combined. Stir through the banana, oat and flour until thoroughly mixed.

Spoon batter in prepared pan. Sprinkle the top with raw sugar. Bake in pre-heated oven for 1 hour until well risen, golden on top and cooked through.

Serve warm or cold. Best toasted with butter. Freezes well.



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