

Remember when I used to post all kinds of recipes? Yeah I do too and I miss it so much.  I am trying to get back to writing recipes but it just hasn’t been happening. Honestly it’s like we have been in survival mode or vacation mode ever since we moved in January.  Monday through Friday I am at home with Edith and Neil gets home around dinner time which has been a transition for us since he used to get home closer to 4:30pm rather than 5:30pm. Now Neil has started a new job and is no longer home at 5:30pm but rather closer to 6:30pm which basically leaves no time at night to really work on recipes and photograph them.

On top of all that we have been spending our weekends exploring our new home so that hasn’t left me much time to work on creative meals.  I am hoping that now that we have been here for 6 months that we can spend more time at home on the weekends so I can make time for my love for recipe writing and have more recipes to post for you.  I also am going to try and do some quick meals for lunch and breakfast that I can photograph and post for you.  I know I love quick meal ideas for inspiration so I hope I can provide you with some inspiration as well.

With all that being said I do still cook real meals around here, we aren’t just living off take-out and pre-packaged meals. However most of the meals are thrown together with no measurements or so quickly that I haven’t bother posting them.  I have been posting some of my meals, mostly lunches to my Instagram account, so if you’re curious to see what I am eating and often what Edith is eating you can follow me there. I’ll also be doing regular installments of Insta Meals to give you a peak.

Me: Salad with an Amy’s veggie burger, tahini dressing, guacamole and sauteed mushrooms and onions; Edith: guacamole, sauteed mushrooms and onions and an Amy’s veggie burger with a drizzle of tahini sauce

Me: Snow peas and black beans sauteed with tamari, chili garlic sauce and chili flakes and jasmine rice; Edith: sauteed snow peas and jasmine rice and black beans

Me: Brown rice, black beans, Olykraut, Heidi Ho chia nacho sauce, Way Better chips and hot sauce; Edith: brown rice, black beans and nacho sauce

What are your favorite throw together meals?


Follow me on Instagram for more Insta Meals


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29 May 2013
Some of my favorite meals are thrown together. I need to photograph so I can remember to try to replicate!


30 May 2013
I actually have snowpeas that I had no idea how to use up, so now I have an idea. Thanks for posting all of these quick meal suggestions.


01 Jun 2013
I just wanted to let you know that I made the snowpeas+rice+beans (only I used Roman beans, because I had some left over and I used brown rice from frozen, because it was that kind of day). This was SO good. I wouldn't have thought to combine beans and snowpeas and I didn't have anything else to bulk up the meal so it was great. Also it took like half a minute to make everything and wash the pan. Thank you!

(Also, I think it's so adorable that your kid eats such awesome stuff. I very rarely want to eat what a baby is eating, but Edith's meals look amazing.)

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