I turn 33 today! Woot!
Birthdays are a great time to look back and reflect as well as look ahead and plan. But more than anything else, birthdays are a great time to celebrate with loved ones, and since I adore y’all, I just had to celebrate with YOU.
Word of warning: This is a BIGGIE post ‘cos I have SO much of awesomeness to share with YOU!
So, first up, I have a brand-new FREE eBook up for grabs!
Time Management 101 for the Busy Mom is a short, breezy 24-page read but packed full of tips to help you manage your time better for working-at-home, for blogging and writing, for managing morning madness, for creating a productive evening routine and for peaceful holidays.
It includes a printable daily time tracker to help you ‘see’ where the hours go as well as a printable for you to jot down your 15 things to say ‘no’ to and free up your time.
It is a subscriber-only eBook so if you haven’t yet subscribed, now’s a good time to do that and get TWO free eBooks, a discount coupon for my eBook for work-at-home moms, and of course, free tips on rocking your life as a work-at-home mom, delivered hot and fresh to your inbox!
Sign up here!
If you are a subscriber, you can see the download link to the eBook, in the left sidebar of your email from me.
Now on to some truly AWESOME birthday gifts from an amazing community of bloggers and mom business owners:
The Mom Writes’ 33 for 33 Birthday Sale
Celebrating my birthday with me is a warm and supportive community of mom bloggers and entrepreneurs who are generously giving you a whopping 33% off their eBooks and products. Already affordable and incredibly useful, these eBooks and products will simplify your lives and help you rock being a mom, wife, entrepreneur, home manager and woman, more than ever.
Head over and check out these 33 eBooks and products and celebrate with me:
{listed in alphabetical order}
Just click on the title to go to the sales page for each eBook. There are NO affiliate links in this post.
1. 30 Days to Make and Sell a Fabulous eBook by Angela England, owner of Angela England.com and Untrained Housewife
This awesome eBook has been my guide and go-to resource when I created both of my eBooks. It will walk you through the process of not only writing an awesome eBook but also, marketing and selling it well.
Regular Price: $11.99
Coupon Code: Prerna
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
2. build a blog by Karen Gunton, owner of Build a Little Biz
This wonderful resource will show you everything you need to create your blog from the groun up and kickass with it. Karen is an awesome mentor, coach and guide and her no-nonsense advice will help you rock your blog from day one.
Regular Price: $33
Coupon Code buildalittlebiz
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
3. build a brand by Karen Gunton, owner of Build a Little Biz
If you are a business owner and want to ensure that your branding is strong, clear and consistent, this blueprint will be your go-to guide. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the game for many years, your branding needs to be your strongest asset and this blueprint will show you exactly how to do that.
Regular Price: $33
Coupon Code buildalittlebiz
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
4. build a framework by Karen Gunton, owner of Build a Little Biz
This blueprint-style eBook is a lifesaver for anyone starting a business and wanting to create a framework for all business activities. A solid framework is the starting point you need to build and implement effective strategies for marketing, selling and growing your little biz. And this eBook will empower you to create a rock-solid framework for your biz.
Regular Price: $33
Coupon Code: buildalittlebiz
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
5. build a newsletter by Karen Gunton, owner of Build a Little Biz
This eBook is a guide to creating and leveraging a newsletter as an effective marketing strategy. Newsletter or email marketing is a low-cost, productive and profitable way of promoting your biz and growing your sales, and this eBook will set you up for success.
Regular Price: $33
Coupon Code: buildalittlebiz
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
6. Business Blogging for Beginners by Helen Lindop, owner of Business Plus Baby
A blog should be at the centre of any online marketing you do for your business.The stream of fresh, interesting and valuable content delivered by your blog will be appreciated by your customers and search engines. Quick and inexpensive to start, a blog gives everyone access to news and information about your business, products and services.But where should you start? What should you write? And why on earth would anyone want to read it anyway? Helen’s eBook will show you how to start and grow a blog for your business.
Regular Price: 2.99 pounds
Coupon Code 33off
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
7. Create Your Perfect Cleaning Schedule by Christine, owner of iDreamofClean
If you are overwhelmed, can’t seem to get it all done, and need help getting and maintaining a clean and organized home, then Create Your Perfect Cleaning Schedule is made for you! Create Your Perfect Cleaning Schedule is a step-by-step guide to create a plan tailor made for you, has a master list of every possible cleaning task that comes to mind and many of them link back to “how to” posts so you can complete them better and faster, has calendar templates available for you to use when creating your schedule, and is short (17 pages), quick and easy to read.
Regular Price: $5.99
Coupon Code: Happy33Birthday
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 22nd
8. facebook for biz by Karen Gunton, owner of Build a Little Biz
This guide is a large brainstorm full of ideas and resources to help you not just be on Facebook, but be awesome on Facebook. (updated may 1 2012, includes Facebook’s new timelines for pages.)
Regular Price: $33
Coupon Code buildalittlebiz
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
9. Feed Your Kids Well in a World That Doesn’t by Nina Manolson, owner of Smokin’ Hot Mom
An everyday guide to make healthy food happen in your home and beyond. This is a must-have book for all conscientious busy moms and who want to raise a healthy family with over 60 easy to make whole-food vegetarian recipes your whole family will love, step by step instructions on how to upgrade your pantry and healthy grocery lists and templates for meal planning.
Regular Price: $9.99
Coupon Code: Healthy33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 13
10. Fifty Books to Enjoy with Kids by Veronica Getskow with Jessica Fisher, owner of Life as Mom
Fifty Books to Enjoy with Kids offers parents a summer reading program for young children, those who are often left out of library and bookstore programs. Preschoolers are people, too! But the stories listed will appeal to readers of all ages.
Regular Price: $9
Coupon Code: Prerna33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
11. Get Famous by Heather Allard, owner of The Mogul Mom
If you want great publicity but don’t have a ton of time or money to spend on it, then Get Famous is your ticket to the big time. In Get Famous you will learn everything you need to know about media and publicity, as well as how to use Twitter and tools to get the PR your biz needs on a shoestring budget. Plus, there are tips on crafting pitches as well as real life pitches that worked and everything you need for effective PR.
Regular Price: $37
Coupon Code: TMM33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 23rd
12. Happy Bead Necklaces by Cynthia Czyz, owner of Happy Bead Shop
Happy Beads are fun, interchangeable beads that combine to make beautiful sparkly jewelry. For Prerna’s birthday special we’re offering an unheard of 33% off Happy Bead Necklaces, but for two weeks ONLY. Free shipping for orders in the US only.
Regular Price: $varied
Coupon Code: TheMomWrites
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 5th
13. Healthy Snacks to Go by Katie Kimball, owner of Kitchen Stewardship
With over 45 healthy snack recipes including traditional granola bars, iron-packed Popeye bars, and 15 “larabar” style variations, you won’t go hungry when you’re on the go.
You’ll love the recipe adaptations, simple instructions, and best of all, the delicious treats you can make when you join 2500 other purchasers and make real food on the go a love affair instead of a stressor.
Regular Price: $ 8.95
Coupon Code: Happy33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 6th
14. How to Have Your Cake and Eat it Too by Mandi Ehman, owner of Life Your Way
How to Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too is for every mother who’s ever wondered if it’s possible to pursue her own passions while investing in her family and managing a home. How to Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too is primarily designed for stay-at-home moms who want to pursue their passion or work-at-home moms who are already juggling both roles; however, there are plenty of valuable tips for women who work outside of the home, serve in a ministry or volunteer organization or just want to find time to pursue a hobby as well.
Regular Price: $ 12
Coupon Code: Cake33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 31st
15. How to Start an Online Shop by Helen Lindop, owner of Business Plus Baby
If you’re looking for a flexible business to run from home, why not start your own online shop? You can sell what you want, choose your own hours and do it all on a very small budget. This eBook by Helen will show you exactly how to do that. I’ve read it and will be reviewing it shortly, it is an awesome guide for anyone who’s deliberating starting an online store.
Regular Price: 5 pounds
Coupon Code: 33off
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 24th
16. Kindle Marketing by Helen Lindop of Business Plus Baby
Being an author is the ultimate business card for any small business owner. Writing a book on your specialist subject shouts ‘expert’ to your customers and it’s great for PR. This eBook by Helen Lindop will show you exactly how to get published on Kindle and how to market your Kindle book effectively and successfully.
Regular Price: 5 pounds
Coupon Code: 33off
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 24th
17. Kitchen Stewardship in the Big Woods, 2nd Edition by Katie Kimball, owner of Kitchen Stewardship
The new Family Camping Handbook will show you how to survive and even thrive out in the woods with young children. You can bring your babes and your real food, too!
Kitchen Stewardship in the Big Woods: A Family Camping Handbook with Real Food Options gives an overview of how to get started camping, what to bring, the proper campin’ attitude, and of course, real food adaptations to standard camping fare.
Regular Price: $ 6.95
Coupon Code: Happy33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 6th
18. Make Money from Your Blog Beyond Ads by Angela England, owner of Angela England.com and Untrained Housewife
In this eBook, you’ll learn some tried and true ways in which to turn blogging and web writing into extra money without duplicating the work you’re already doing. This ebook explores in detail the three main ways to use web writing to create extra money without having to “do” a whole lot more or find time to exert more energy.
Regular Price: $ 25
Coupon Code: Prerna
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
19. Organizing Life as Mom planner +Blogger Pack by Jessica Fisher, owner of Life as Mom
Many of you know that I use the Organizing Life as Mom planner to manage my home and keep me organized and sane. But not all of you know, that I also sometimes use the awesome Blogger add-on pack to help me create an organized strategy for my blogs. The 40-page Blogger Add-On Pack includes completely fillable pages for a LOT of blogging tasks such as planning editorial calendars, monthly goal planning, stats sheets, series planning pages, product review notes, project pages, giveaway record, advertising records and lots more.
Regular Price: $ 12
Coupon Code: Prerna33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
20. Organizing Life as Mom +Blogger+Homeschool Packs by Jessica Fisher, owner of Life as Mom
This pack includes your copy of Organizing Life as Mom planner PLUS the Blogger add-on pack PLUS the Homeschooling pack which consists of 24-page Homeschool Add-On Pack includes completely fillable pages for homeschooling activities such as the academic calendar, kids’ daily docket, weekly to-do charts, hour-by-hour weekly schedule for students as well as for the entire family, 36-week planning chart and LOTS more for the mom who blogs and homeschools.
Regular Price: $ 15
Coupon Code: Prerna33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
21. Organizing Life as Mom+Homeschool Pack by Jessica Fisher of Life as Mom
Should you not want the blogging add-on, you can also get the Organizing Life as Mom ePlanner PLUS the Homeschool Pack and streamline and organize your life as a homeschooling mom, instantly.
Regular Price: $ 12
Coupon Code: Prerna33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
22. One Bite at a Time by Tsh Oxenreider, owner of Simple Mom
This is the perfect eBook for anyone wanting to live a simpler, saner, stress-free life without getting overwhelmed in the process. Broken down into manageable chunks, One Bite at a Time provides you with steps, tips, links, and motivation to slow down and simplify. Written by someone who knows what she’s talking about simply because she practices what she preaches, One Bite at a Time is your perfect guidebook to move to a simpler life, one bite at a time.
Regular Price: $ 5
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
23. Online Marketing Simplified: The Beginner’s Guide to Using the Internet to Market Your Local Business by Jenn Mc Groary, owner of Love Your Business Again
In this online marketing guide you’ll learn the basic online marketing strategies for marketing your local business online. You’ll learn why the old standard for advertising is a complete waste of money, how you can instantly get your business listed on the first page of Google, only takes 15 minutes, and what social media networks you should be using to engage your prospects and clients to build stronger relationships that encourage more referrals.
Regular Price: $ 27
Coupon Code: Discount is coded into the special sales page.
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 23rd
24. Organizing Life as MOM by Jessica Fisher, owner of Life as Mom
This amazing printable and fillable eBook is literally a lifesaver for any mom, anywhere. It includes amazing planning pages for everything under the sun – menus, birthdays, holidays, everyday chores, errands, budgeting and more.
Yes, it is an eBook that I love and need, all the time.
If you’re a blogging or homeschooling mom or both, you may want to check out the special blogger and homeschool add-on packages that I’ve mentioned above.
Regular Price: $ 9
Coupon Code: Prerna33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
25. promote your biz by Karen Gunton, owner of Build a Little Biz
This eBook is a brainstorm of nearly 200 awesome ideas to promote your business and build the buzz that it needs to boost sales and visibility. Knowing Karen Gunton, I am sure that this eBook will leave you pumped up for action and all set to rock your biz.
Regular Price: $33
Coupon Code buildalittlebiz
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
26. Quick Start to Web Smarts by Nikole Gipps, owner of That Super Girl
Nikole is a super-talented web techie I keep calling on for help. Am sure a lot of others do this as well, since not surprisingly, she’s put together a COMPLETE guide to web development for the non-tech geek (like yours truly!). She’s happily put together a 33% off special for all of YOU on her launch, so if putting together a website or looking after one is on the cards for you, I seriously recommend Nikole’s eBook. She covers Website Planning & Development, WordPress & Other Software,Plugins & Themes,Design of Headers, Footers, Sidebars & Other Page Sections, Updates & Support, E-Commerce, and more!
Not just that, she is giving you some totally kickass resources as well to help you build your website successfully, manage project costs and promote your business easily.
Regular Price: $39
Coupon Code: Discount built-into special sales page
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 31st.
27. Small Business Organiser by Katrina, owner of The Organised Housewife
Katrina knows tons about organising. Not surprisingly, she’s put together The Small Business Organiser to help you with most aspects of your business. Recording your advertising in print media, online or with bloggers. Sheets to keep track of best time of day to publish to social media. Keep track of giveaways and reviews and determine if it’s worth repeating again. It includes goals sheets, checklists and printables to help you rock your work/life family balance and LOTS more.
Regular Price: $19.95
Coupon Code: Organised33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 22nd
28. Smart Sweets by Katie Kimball, owner of Kitchen Stewardship
I was one of the recipe testers for this eBook and have gone back to this eBook tons of times to make desserts that don’t make you feel guilty about ingredients and are actually yum to eat. From brownies to coconut macaroons, the astounding number of variations on each recipe make this a book that really has almost 100 recipes, ready for even the novice baker to tackle and enjoy.
Regular Price: $ 8.95
Coupon Code: Happy33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 6th
29. Start a Family Friendly Business by Helen Lindop, owner of Business Plus Baby
This eBook is co-written by Antonia Chitty and includes 129 brilliant business ideas for mums. In this book, both the authors, help you take that crucial first step towards setting up a business that would work for YOU.
Regular Price: 6.99 pounds
Coupon Code: 33off
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 24th
30. Summer Survival Guide by Jessica Fisher, owner of Life as Mom
This is another amazing resource by Jessica Fisher and I can promise you that it will help you streamline your summer season with tips and ideas to keep the kids busy, menu planning help and lots more. This 200+page eBook has calendars, checklists, home management worksheets, and LOTS more for an enjoyable, easy summer as a family.
Regular Price: $ 9
Coupon Code: Prerna33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to July 31st
31. The Everything Beans Book by Katie Kimball, owner of Kitchen Stewardship
95 pages and 30 recipes to lower your food budget and raise your nutrition at the same time. Twenty pages of…well…everything you might want to know about beans and how to wash them, cook them, and everything else. Yes, if you want to eat healthy, save money and spend less time in the kitchen, this eBook can be a good addition to your cookbook library.
Regular Price: $ 8.95
Coupon Code: Happy33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 6th
32. The White Space Solution PLUS by Anne Samoilov, owner of Anne Samoilov
This amazing resource is a package that consists of Anne’s hugely popular eBook, The White Space Solution plus videos, bonus interviews, bonus PDF worksheets, a 12-page resource guide and above all, a lifetime membership area with ALL the downloads in one place and access to free updates as well.
Regular Price: $ 47
Coupon Code: 33for33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 24th
33. The White Space Solution: Make Room for Your Best Life+Work by Anne Samoilov, owner of Anne Samoilov
If you don’t want the bonuses in the ‘PLUS’ version of The White Space Solution, you can check out just the eBook version since that will arm you with a manual for finding, taking and living with more ‘white space’ in your life. We all need that space to explore and see opportunities for growth and change. Anne includes short, actionable, 30-minute lessons to help you actually create that white space in your life. Check it out if you’re in a place that feels exhausting, overwhelming or just plain confusing.
Regular Price: $ 19
Coupon Code: 33for33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 24th
Of course, I had to give YOU specials on my eBooks as well, so here ya’ go:
1. How to Be a Work-at-Home Mom: The Happily Ever After Guide to Leading the WAHM Life
This 70-page eBook is a resource for anyone wanting to explore the work-at-home lifestyle or do more with it. Whether you’re a beginner WAHM or a veteran wanting more balance and clarity, How to be a Work-at-Home Mom will help you achieve that with ease. It has actionable tips, checklists, and tools to help you create a work-at-home lifestyle that works for YOU and your family. You get not just tips that I personally use, but also, interviews with 4 successful work-at-home moms who show you how they do it and LOTS more.
Regular Price: $17
Coupon Code: BIRTHDAY33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 24th
2. Summer Sanity Savers for the Work-at-Home Mom
While I did write this with the hectic summer season in mind, this eBook is a great guide for anyone who has kids at home while they try to run a business as well. It is the eBook I wish I had when I started my business with my daughter at home. It has tips on delegating, outsourcing as well as doing away with tasks and activities. It shows you how to eat healthy, keep kids engaged and create schedules to map out a productive day. Yes, it is an eBook that will help you, regardless of the season, as long as you have a young kid and a busy business to take care of.
Regular Price: $9
Coupon Code: BIRTHDAY33
Coupon Validity: July 23rd to August 24th
Didn’t I tell you this would be BIG?! So, go ahead, check out these eBooks and products, make good use of the coupons these amazing folks have provided SO generously and celebrate with me!
Don’t forget to sign up to download your FREE eBook ‘Time Management 101 for the Busy Mom’ as well!
Thank you ALL for being a part of who I am – mom, wife, blogger, home manager, woman.