
The way people approach travel is changing. From initial research, to booking, to the actual experience, people prefer less face-to-face interaction than ever before, and are instead moving toward an all-digital experience.

Additionally, travel agents and ticket booths are no longer necessary to book a trip or check-in – there are apps and websites that can do this. For an increasingly digital population, less human interaction is becoming the new normal.

With more travel being booked online, marketers need to ensure their strategies include catering to a digital audience, in addition to traditional marketing approaches. This new breed of traveler, known as the “silent traveler” due to their lack of in-person interactions, requires an entirely new set of strategies based on how they obtain and process information.

Here are six categories marketers need to address to more effectively reach the silent traveler.

#1: The silent traveler is mobile-oriented

The silent traveler isn’t going to a travel agent to book a trip, they’re using mobile apps and online content to get the job done. As a result, brands need to have specific marketing strategies for this digitally-focused audience, including developing easy-to-use apps and optimized websites that perform quickly.

#2: The silent traveler wants customized content

While apps and optimized websites are necessary, quality content needs to exist, as well. Digital travelers don’t want a one-size-fits-all approach, they want specific content based on their needs and experiences. Customization is a huge part of engaging travelers so they understand a brand cares.

#3: The silent traveler prefers self-service

Checking in? Booking a trip? Silent travelers want to do it themselves, and they are fully capable of doing so. The only caveat is that companies need to provide the digital resources to do so. Ensuring these travelers can handle aspects of their trips themselves will encourage them to engage with your brand.

#4: The silent traveler wants genuine, local experiences

A genuine experience is crucial for the silent traveler. During the booking process, or while on a trip, travelers need easy access to materials that will give them a sense of what to expect from a trip, a tour, a restaurant, etc. This is when video becomes important; good video marketing content can make or break whether or not a traveler books.

#5: The silent traveler wants to give and receive feedback

Feedback is an integral part of the travel experience. Today’s consumer gives feedback – good or bad – quickly, so real-time web listening is an important part of a marketer’s job. Happy consumers become organic brand spokespeople, so cultivate those relationships and reward positive feedback with incentives. Negative experiences provide an opportunity to respond and make it right. Monitoring digital platforms will allow you to connect with customers, solving problems in real time or encouraging positive feedback, which builds brand loyalty.

#6: The silent traveler gets information from digital platforms

One of the biggest resources for the silent traveler is social platforms, in order to gain information and interact with others who had similar experiences. For marketers, this means content and community management, as well as localized content creation.

The silent traveler is taking a much different journey than what the travel industry has previously experienced, and these areas will help marketers effectively reach this new generation. Doing so will mean boosting loyalty and improving customer experiences, while creating organic brand ambassadors that will improve your bottom line.

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