
Embassy of India in The Hague, The Netherlands

embassy of India the hague

Address :

Buitenrustweg 2,

2517 KD The Hague

Working Hours :

Embassy : 0900 – 1730 hours, Monday to Friday (except on holidays)

Consular Section :

(i) Acceptance of documents : 0930 to 1130 hrs.

(ii) Delivery of documents : 1500 to 1700 hrs.

Telephone Numbers : 070-3469771 (General), 070-3469771

Extn : 208/211/213 (Consular Section)

Telefax Numbers : 070-3617072

List of Holidays






New Year Day 2015

01 January



Republic Day

26 January




06 March



Ram Navami

28 March



Mahavir Jayanti

02 April



Good Friday

03 April



Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jayanti

14 April



King’s Day

27 April



Idu’l Fitr

18 July



Independance Day

15 August




05 September



Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday

02 October




22 October




24 October




11 November



Guru Nanak’s Birthday

25 November




24 December



Christmas Day

25 December


Types of Visas

Urgent/Emergency Visa

Visa applications can be accepted under ‘Urgent/ Emergency’ category if applicants make out a case for service within 24 hours irrespective of any holidays/working hours. Explanatory letter explaining the urgency/ emergency must be attached to the application. Urgency has to be justified and will be examined on case to case basis. Service provider is not expected to accept frivolous or routine applications under ‘Urgent/Emergency’ category where no urgency is established or where applications do not need to be processed out of turn in order to meet the urgency.

Tourist (T) visa

A Tourist visa is given to those visiting India for purposes related to recreation,sightseeing, casual visit to meet friends/relatives etc. and no other purpose. Tourist visa applicants should not have a residence or occupation in India.

Validity: Normally, Tourist Visa valid upto 3 or 6 months is issued. More than oneentry on a tourist visa may be allowed on account of neighbourhood tourism, forwhich applicant should submit detailed itinerary and supporting documents like ticketbookings, etc.


Tourist Visa on Arrival – enabled with Electronic Travel Authorisation TVOA-ETA (Tourist Visa on Arrival – enabled with Electronic Travel Authorisation) scheme has been launched on 27 November 2014 for 43 countries. A dedicated website (https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/tvoa.html) has been launched for this purpose. The citizens of these 43 countries can apply online for tourist visas (twice a year, each visit not exceeding 30 days, visa duration non-extendable except in the event of medical emergencies) which shall be granted within 72 hours through email. The purpose of the visit may range from tourism, casual business visit, short term medical treatment, to meet friends and relatives. The applicant is expected to take a print of the email and can travel to India through 9 designated international airports(Bangalore, Chennai, Kochin, Delhi, Goa, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Thiruvananthapuram). The TVOA-ETA scheme entails capture of biometric data of the visitor on arrival at the airport. The list of countries is given below:

1. Australia

2. Brazil

3. Cambodia

4. Cook Islands

5. Djibouti

6. Fiji

7. Finland

8. Germany

9. Indonesia

10. Israel

11. Japan

12. Jordan

13. Kenya

14. Kiribati

15. Laos PDR

16. Luxembourg

17. Marshall Islands

18. Mauritius

19. Mexico

20. Micronesia

21. Myanmar

22. Nauru

23. New Zealand

24. Niue

25. Norway

26. Oman

27. Palau

28. Palestine

29. Papua New Guinea

30. Philippines

31. Republic of Korea

32. Russia

33. Samoa

34. Singapore

35. Solomon Islands

36. Thailand

37. Tonga

38. Tuvalu

39. UAE

40. Ukraine

41. United States of America

42. Vanuatu

43. Vietnam

2. A PDF format copy of the TVOA-ETA brochure can be seen here. The portal also provides a helpline number (+91-11-24300666) and an email address (indiatvoa@gov.in) for applicants to approach for addressing their difficulties inconnection with applying for ETA.

3. It may kindly be noted that the TVOA-ETA scheme includes 12 countries (Cambodia, Finland, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Luxemburg, Myanmar, New Zealand,

Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam and Republic of Korea) for which Visa-On-Arrival scheme was available earlier at 8 airports (Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Thiruvananthapuram, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kochi). Subsequent to the rollout of the TVOA scheme, the earlier Visa-on-Arrival scheme is to be discontinued. However, in order to have a short cushion period, the earlier Visa-on-Arrival scheme (without ETA) for the 12 countries above will continue in parallel with TVOA-ETA until 26 January, 2015. After this date, the earlier Visa-on-Arrival scheme would be discontinued and only the new TVOA-ETA scheme would be available.

Certain categories are not eligible for TVOA-ETA

The following are not eligible for TVOA-ETA:

Persons travelling on passport other than ordinary passport, such as Diplomatic,

Official, Special and Service passports.

Persons having a residence or occupation in India.

Persons having Pakistani passport or of Pakistani origin.

Validity of TVOA-ETA

Entry into India within 30 days from date of approval of ETA.

Business (B) Visa

A Business Visa is given for conducting business with an Indian company or agency, to set up industrial/business venture or to explore possibilities to set up industrial/business venture in India or to buy/sell industrial/commercial products. The following categories of applicants are eligible for Business visa:

• Foreign nationals who want to visit India to establish industrial/business venture or to explore possibilities to set up industrial/business venture in India;

• Foreign nationals going to India to purchase/sell industrial products or commercial products or consumer durables;

• Foreign nationals going to India for technical meetings/discussions, attending Board meetings, general meetings for providing business services support;• Foreign nationals going to India for recruitment of manpower;

• Foreign nationals who are partners in the Business and/or functioning as Directors in the company;

• Foreign nationals going to India for consultations regarding exhibitions, for participation in exhibitions, trade fairs, business fairs etc.;

• Foreign buyers going to transact business with suppliers/potential suppliers at locations in India, to evaluate or monitor quality, give specifications, place orders, negotiate further supplies etc. relating to goods or services procured from India;

• Foreign experts/specialists on a visit of short duration in connection with an ongoing project with the objective of monitoring the progress of the work, conducting meetings with Indian customers and/or to provide some high level technical guidance;

• Foreign nationals going to India for pre-sales or post-sales activity not amounting to actual execution of any contract or project;

• Foreign Trainees of multinational companies/corporate houses going for in-house training in the regional hubs of the concerned company located in India;

• Foreign students sponsored by AIESEC for internship on project based work in companies/industries;

• Foreign nationals going as tour conductors and travel agents and/or conducting business tours of foreigners or business relating to it, etc.;

• Crew of non-scheduled airlines and chartered flights operated by them.Business visa is not granted for petty business/trade or money lending or full time employment.

Those who are applying to work for an Indian company should apply for an Employment Visa.

Business visas may be valid upto six months/one year or more with multiple entries. The period of stay in India for each visit under this category is normally limited to six months only.

Please note the validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue.


i) Invitation letters from registered Indian companies, private or public, located in India clearly stating the purpose of the visit of the visa applicant. This letter should give full name of the applicant as in his/her passport and the passport number. Omnibus expressions like ‘business visit’, ‘meeting’ etc. should not be used.

ii) Proof of expertise in the field of intended business must be produced. This may be in form of evidence of business dealing with Indian companies or businessmen. In case there is no past dealing with Indian companies, proof of past business dealing with any other country and a letter of introduction from a reputed Dutch company, or Government department or Chamber of Commerce may be given.

iii) Copies of license/ Certificate of Registration of both Dutch and Indian companies referred to be provided.

iv) The applicant should, where required, accept liability to comply with Indian tax regulations. In case of foreigners holding positions like Directors/ Managing Directors etc. in Indian companies, copy of Director Identification Number (DIN) number allotted by Indian authorities should be provided.

v) Proof of financial standing (latest bank statement or flight ticket) of the applicant.

vi) Special requirements may apply for crew of non-scheduled airlines and chartered flights operated by them.

Student (S) Visa

Student visa is given to bona fide students to pursue regular studies at recognized institutions in India. Student visa is also given to students sponsored by AIESEC for exchange programs involving Indian educational institutions. The visa is usually multiple entry and valid for the period of study as approved by the educational institution in India. Please note the validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue.


• Letter of admission from recognized school/ college/ university/ educational institution in India.

• Letter from the school/ college/ university/ educational institution in the Netherlands as the case may be.

• Copy of respective educational institution’s recognition by competent Indian authority

• Proof of financial standing/ support.

Visa Fee : € 93 for three months to five years validity.

For further details please see FAQs on Student Visa

Time taken:

The time taken may vary on case-to-case basis.

Student Internship


• Letter of admission/ acceptance for internship purposes from the Indian School/ University giving details of internship along with copy of recognition certificate of the concerned institution.

• Letter from Dutch educational institution where the applicant is a student clearly bringing out that the proposed internship is part of applicant’s educational curriculum; duration of internship sought; details of the recognized Indian institution.

• Proof of financial support/ latest bank statement.

Time taken:

The time taken may vary on case-to-case basis.

Visas for study of Yoga, Vedic culture, Indian system of music & dance etc.


• Admission letter from recognized institute, body etc.

• Proof of financial support/ latest bank statement.

Visa Fee: € 99 (6 months validity)

€ 148 (1 Year validity)

€ 247 (upto 5 Years validity)

Time Taken

May vary on case to case basis.

Entry (X) Visa

An Entry (X) Visa is given for the following purposes:

(I) Persons of Indian Origin: This category would cover

(a) Former Indian nationals

(b) Persons holding OCI or PIO card

(c) Spouses of persons of Indian origin

(d) Dependent children of person of Indian origin

(e) Spouse of person holding OCI or PIO card

(f) Dependent children of person holding OCI or PIO card

Exceptions: Not for Pakistani nationals, who should apply for Visitor Visa

(II) Spouse and dependent family members of person holding long term visa:

This category would cover

(a)Spouse and dependent family members of person holding long term visa like Employment Visa/ Business Visa/ Research Visa/ Student Visa, etc.

(b) Family members and relatives of a foreigner already staying in India on a long term basis.

(III) Foreign nationals who own property in India

(IV) Others:

(a) Sports teams/ sportspersons going to participate in international competitions

(b) Students sponsored by AIESEC

(c) Other cases as determined on case to case basis.

Validity: Entry Visa is generally issued for one year or less. In some cases (mostly for persons of Indian origin) Entry Visa can be issued for upto five years. Please note the validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue.


Documentary proof in support of any of the purposes shown above should be attached with the visa application. For instance, (I) persons of Indian origin should attach copy of previous Indian passport/ OCI card/ PIO card/ Marriage Certificate/ Uittreksel showing family details etc., as the case may be. For spouses of Indian or of Indian origin, legalized/ Apostilled Marriage certificate is required. (II) Spouse and dependent family members of person holding long term visa should attach copy of visa of person holding long term visa for India, and proof of relationship with that person. (III) Foreign nationals who own property in India should attach proof of ownership of property along with RBI’s permission to purchase/ hold property, and registration of the property with the concerned authority in India. (IV) Others should attach documents supporting purpose of visit.

Visa Fee : € 99 (6 months validity)

€ 148 (1 Year validity)

€ 247 (upto 5 Years validity)

Employment (E) visa

Employment visa is given to foreign nationals going to work in India, whether it is paid or unpaid (voluntary) work. Employment Visa is generally granted to a person to be employed by an Indian company.

Employment visa covers the following categories:

• Consultants on contract working for Indian company who are paid a fixed remuneration;

• Self-employed foreign nationals going to India for providing engineering, medical, accounting, legal or other highly skilled services in their capacity as independent consultants provided such services are permitted under law;

• Foreign artists going to work at hotels, clubs, etc.;

• Coaches of national/ state level teams or reputed sports clubs;

• Sportsmen given contract for a fixed period by Indian clubs/organizations;

• Engineers/ technicians going for installation and commissioning of equipment/ machines/ tools under contract for supply of such equipment/ machines/ tools;

• Foreign nationals deputed for providing technical support/ services for which the Indian company pays fees/ royalty to the foreign company;

• Intern journalists going to work in India media organizations;

• Employees and managers of foreign media organizations going to India for non-journalistic activities within media organizations. Duration of Employment visa is generally upto one year only. Further extension up to 5 years from the date of issue of visa on year to year basis can be obtained from MHA/ FRRO in the concerned state in India as the case may be. Please note the validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue.

Non-Dutch passport holders can apply for Employment Visa provided they are residing in The Netherlands for more than two years and registered with the local Gemeente.


• Copy of an employment contract signed by both parties. This should indicate minimum annual salary of US$ 25000 or equivalent.

• Acceptance of liability to pay taxes in India.

• Copy of registration certificate of the Indian company.

• Details of work experience/ curriculum vitae.

• Copy of Apostilled educational certificates.


• The requirement of minimum annual salary of US$ 25000 or equivalent does not apply to the following:

• Foreign specialist chefs/ ethnic cooks.

• Language teachers (other than English language) or translators.

• Staff working for a foreign Embassy/ High Commission in India.

• In case of foreign nationals being engaged by IITs, National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and central Universities for post of Assistant Professor and above for teaching faculty (not for Research positions or in specific areas determined by government from time to time), the limit of USD 25000/- per annum is reduced to USD 14000/- per annum only.

• Nationals of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Iran and Sri Lanka married to Indian nationals must draw a minimum salary of USD 14000/- per annum for being eligible for grant of Employment visa.

• Foreigners going to honorary work with NGOs registered in India. Such foreigners can draw honorarium only upto Rs. 10000/- (ten thousand only) per month.

Persons residing in the Netherlands for less than two years are not eligible for Employment Visa. Non-Dutch nationals should provide proof of permanent residence. This condition does not apply to US nationals at senior positions in US companies.

Employment Visa will not be granted for routine/ ordinary or clerical/ secretarial jobs.

Time taken

Processing of Employment visa may take upto a week in normal cases if all documents are in order. Applicants from Afghanistan, China, or of Pakistani origin are advised to apply two months in advance.

Conference (C) Visa

Conference visa is generally issued to attend conferences/ seminars/ workshops. Duration of visa sought may allow for tourism/ sightseeing in India in addition to attending the conference, etc.

Please note the validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue.


• Invitation letter from the organizers of the Conference/ seminar/ workshop in India.

• Letter of introduction from the concerned foreign company or other institution with which applicant is associated.

• A copy of clearance from the competent authority in India, where applicable. Prior clearance is required if the applicants belong to certain countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Iran ,Iraq, Sudan, or is of Pakistani origin, etc. Clearance is also required if the proposed conference/ seminar/ workshop is to be held in certain areas of the country. The organizers of the event in India should apply for such clearances to the concerned Ministries in India well before the date of the event.

For further details please see FAQs on Conference Visa at http://mha1.nic.in/pdfs/ForeigD-FAQs-on-ConferenceVisa.pdf

Visa Fee : € 99 (1-3 months validity)

Time Taken

If all clearances are on record, or if no clearances are required, within five working days generally.

Research (R) visa

Research Visas are given to research scholars who wish to conduct research work in India. Applicants are requested to obtain prior permission to conduct research project in India from the concerned authorities as and where applicable. Applicants are requested to apply at least six weeks before their date of departure to India. Validity of the visa would coincide with the research period.

OCI/PIO card holders are not allowed to undertake research work in India without prior permission of Ministry of Home Affairs.


• Letter of admission and Certificate of Affiliation in original from the recognised Indian University/ Institution in token of having secured admission for the research purpose.

• Subject/ topic of the research project.

• Details of places to be visited in India during the project period.

• Details of previous visits to India.

• Evidence of financial resources to meet the expenses to meet the stay in India.

• In case the research proposal relates to the applicant’s own country a brief synopsis (150 words) and justification for doing research in India

• No columns in the application form must be left blank

Visa Fee:

€ 99 (6 months validity)

€ 148 (1 Year validity)

€ 247 (more than 1year validity)

Time Taken

The time taken may vary on case-to-case basis. Research visa typically takes longer than an average Student Visa.

Journalist (J) Visa

Generally provided to professional journalists and photographers for up to three months’ stay in India. Foreign journalists visiting India for any other purposes, such as attending a conference or tourism, etc. should also apply for a ‘J’ Visa.


In certain cases applicants are advised to contact the Press and Information wing of the Embassy in the following cases, prior to submitting their visa applications:

• If intending to make a documentary or advertising film in India;

• If intending to make a feature or commercial film for TV or cinema;

• If intending to visit restricted or protected area;

• If intending to go to India for more than three months.

Applicants going to India as resident representatives of their newspapers, TV organistions, etc. should also contact the Press and Information wing of the Embassy at the earliest. Please note the validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue.

Visa Fee : € 99 for upto three months’ visa; € 148 for period above three months.


• Members of foreign team going for a commercial shoot such as a feature film /reality TV or commercial TV should apply for Business visa;

• Employment visa is given to foreign journalists including intern journalists going to work in Indian media organisations;

• Employment visa is given to employees/managers going to India for non-journalistic activities within media organisations;

• Student visa is the appropriate visa for pursuing full time courses in journalism.

Time taken : Time taken may vary on case-to-case basis.

Transit (TR) visa

A transit visa is granted for the sole purpose of enabling the holder to travel through India to reach his/her ultimate destination. Change of purpose is not allowed.

Transit visa is ordinarily valid for a single/double journey and for entry within 15 days of date of issue.

The Transit visa is valid for direct transit only with a maximum stay of 3 days. For staying in India beyond 3 days, an appropriate visa should be obtained. Please note the validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue.


In case of travel by air, Transit visa is not required by a foreigner passing through in direct transit by air provided he/she does not leave the airport.In case of travel by sea, Transit visa is not required by a foreigner who does not leave the ship while it halts at an Indian port.

Requirements Valid ticket including onward journey; proof of financial standing.

Visa Fee : € 25

Medical (MED) Visa

A Medical visa is granted to those who intend travelling to India for medical treatment. The visa can be single/multiple entry. Please note that relevant letters/documents explaining details of the treatment, signed and stamped by the concerned recognized hospitals/doctors, are required to validate the purpose of travel.

Medical visa may be valid upto one year. Please note the validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue.


Relevant letters signed and stamped from the hospital concerned in India along with copy of recognition of the hospital.

Visa Fee : Euro 99 (valid upto 6 months)

Medical visa is also the appropriate category of visa for foreign Nationals intending to Visit India for commissioning of Surrogacy. Visa in such cases may be granted only if the prospective surrogate parents have been duly married for at least two years and if surrogacy is recognized by the country of their origin. Treatment related to surrogacy should be done only at one of the registered ART clinics recognized byIndian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

Medical Attendant (MED X) Visa

A Medical Attendant visa is given to those who are accompanying a patient travelling to India for medical treatment on a medical visa. This visa can be given to a close relative/family member or a friend of the patient. Please note the validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue.


Relevant letters/documents explaining details of the treatment, signed and stamped by the concerned hospitals/doctors.

Declaration by the patient or an immediate family member.

Visa Fee : Euro 99 (valid upto 6 months)

Transfer of Long-Term Visa

For transferring a long term visa from an old passport to a new passport, applicants are required to submit the old passport which holds the valid Indian Visa and the current valid passport. To transfer a long term visa, it should have a remaining validity of at least six month (180 days) as on the day of submission of application.

Transfer Fee : Euro 6

Project Visa

A separate visa regime for foreign nationals coming to India for execution of projects in Power and Steel sectors, labeled as Project (‘P’) visa, has been introduced. The Project Visa will cover only the Power and Steel sectors. Project visa is project specific, therefore, details of the project such as name and location of the project, company engaged in the project, must be provided the applicant. Project Visa is only for skilled/highly skilled persons.This page was viewed 2 times.

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