
First here is way the doctors are being killed

GcMAF, naturally occurring in the human body is purposely blocked by those who wish to have cradle to grave symptom control, developing this feature and including it in vaccines. It is causing autism, and cancer, aids, and other diseases thrive with the lack of GcMAF in our systems. Evidently research in Europe is promising but illegal in the State, (of course) with results such as reversing autism, eliminating disease and curing...yes the dreade4d "C" word cancers and disease.

Here is a time lapse video of the 8th assay we do in our laboratory - our GcMAF activates macrophages that eat cancers cells. We are probably the only people in the world with this technology.

Watch the video to see what happens to cancer cells when GcMAF is added without macrophages. This again is a world first, and again it has been done in our laboratory. Within just 4 weeks a research abstract paper on our results has already been accepted for publication at this year’s Immunology Conference in California.

This video is posted at  https://gcmaf.se/

Published on Jul 23, 2015

Please help to protect me as I am those who helped me with this explosive information share everywhere so it is less likely they will come for me like they have for these now deceased doctors. Read this article first please:

GC-maf Wikipedia Definition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gc-MAF

Google search https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=gcmaf


There are numerous resources on GcMAF available. Rather than try to go into great detail here, as I am still learning about GcMAF myself, I have provided some additional resources below that have significant information on GcMAF.

Information and Source of GcMAF

Information on Nagalase

Video: Dr. Kenny de Meirleir in GcMAF (a must watch!)

Video: Videos on GcMAF

Video: Dr. Kevin Bethel on GcMAF - Introduction, Part 1, Part 2

Video: CFS Patient Experiences with GcMAF - Dr. Enlander

Video: David Noakes on GcMAF

Video: David Noakes on GcMAF and Cancer

Video: David Noakes on GcMAF and Prostate Cancer

Video: MAF 878 with Dr. Enlander

Video: Dr. Bradstreet on GcMAF and Autism at 2012 Conference

Blog: Dr. Jeff Bradstreet

Blog: Dr. Jeff Bradstreet: Observations of GcMAF in Autism

Blog: An Update on Viral Issue in Autism

Blog: No Poster Girl on GcMAF

Blog: Age of Autism: Dr. Bradstreet, Nagalase, and the Viral Issue in Autism

Forum: Phoenix Rising

blog Wormwood

Cheney GcMAF Studies (requires account)

Discussion on GcMAF and VDR SNPs

Interpretation of VDR Results and impact on GcMAF therapy

LymeNet.org: Discussion on GcMAF

ImmuneMedicine.com Discussion on GcMAF

Sunrise Complementary Medical Center

St. Benedict's Health Center PDF on GcMAF

- See more at: http://www.betterhealthguy.com/gcmaf#sthash.nytB2PD8.dpuf

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