
News & announcements for the SIAM membership community

This issue of SIAM Unwrapped brought to you with partial support from:

Dear SIAM members,

Thank you for your nominations for the 2015 Class of SIAM Fellows. Nominations are now closed. Look for an announcement of the 2015 Class at the end of March.

In this issue, read details on what to expect at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE15) to be held in Salt Lake City in March. One of SIAM’s biggest conferences, the meeting promises to be exciting with a stellar lineup of invited speakers and many great events and activities.


Karthika Muthukumaraswamy



This issue of SIAM Unwrapped brought to you with partial support from:



Meet SIAM’s new Board and Council
Renew your membership for 2015
Don’t miss our Member-Get-a-Member contest!


Program Highlights from CSE15
CSE15 poster submission deadline extended!
Attend the career fair at CSE15!
Child Care Grants for CSE15


SIURO has a new Editor-in-Chief
Supplementary Materials at SIAM Journals Online
New SIAM books

Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications with MATLAB


SIAM sessions at 2015 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Go mobile at FM14
Apply for Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2015
Call for Proposals: Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2016
SIAM conference registrations & submissions
Prize nomination deadlines
AMCS conferences and events




Meet SIAM’s new Board and Council

Following SIAM’s fall elections, we are pleased to announce our new Board and Council members:

Board of Trustees

Russel Caflisch – University of California – Los Angeles

Mary Ann Horn* – Vanderbilt University and DMS, National Science Foundation

Tamara Kolda* – Sandia National Laboratories

Council Members

Raymond Chan – The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Geoffrey McFadden – National Institute of Standards and Technology

Padma Raghavan – Pennsylvania State University

Rachel Kuske* – University of British Columbia

* indicates incumbent

SIAM wishes to thank the outstanding slate of candidates for their willingness to serve the SIAM community, as well as all voting members for their participation.

Renew your membership for 2015

It’s that time of year again—when we thank you for being a member of SIAM and remind you to renew your membership to continue to enjoy your benefits. There’s more reason than ever to be a member. View our 2015 renewal brochure to view the exciting things on tap for next year. If you are a nonstudent member, you can also nominate up to two students per year for a free student membership. Don’t forget to communicate with us via email or our various social media channels with ideas, suggestions or concerns.

Don’t miss our Member-Get-a-Member contest!

There’s still time to refer friends and colleagues to join SIAM, and be entered into our Member-Get-a-Member contest drawing to win an iPad and other prizes. Anyone who joins SIAM for 2015 now (using the 15-month membership application), will also get the rest of 2014 for free, and referring members will receive ∈SIAM t-shirts for their efforts.


::: CSE15 UPDATES :::


Program Highlights from CSE15

The 2015 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE15) will take place during Saturday, March 14, 2015 through Wednesday, March 18, 2015 in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Highlights of the program include:

An exciting mix of invited plenary presentations by international CSE leaders

Featured minisymposia: 6 solicited sessions with a broadly accessible introduction to each topic and presentations on fundamental CSE advances

NSF-SIAM Symposium on Materials: Three sessions on the mathematical and computational aspects of materials science

Minitutorials on Python Visual Analytics for Big Data and Lab Skills for Scientific Computing

Expanded poster sessions, including demos and minisymposteria (thematic poster groups), as well as new poster prizes

Career Fair, featuring nonacademic employers from industry and government

Broad range of minisymposia and contributed presentations

CSE15 poster submission deadline extended!

CSE15 poster submissions have re-opened.  Want to present your research at CSE15 but missed the submission deadline?  Additional single poster submissions are being accepted through December 15, 2014. This is the final deadline for poster submissions, so don’t miss it!

Attend the career fair at CSE15!

On Saturday, March 14, a Career Fair featuring representatives from nonacademic employers will take place at the conference. Job-seekers can get more information on full-time jobs, postdoctoral positions, and internships available at the companies represented. The full day of sessions will include a career panel with lunch provided, and a Professional Development Evening session. If interested, please submit a one-page resume to be made available to the representatives of employers. For more information, job seekers and employers may visit http://www.siam.org/meetings/cse15/career.php or email Kristin O’Neill at marketing@siam.org.

Child Care Grants for CSE15

SIAM is offering up to $250 per family for attendees who bring children to the CSE15 conference.  The deadline for applications is January 16, 2015. For more information including a link to the application form, please visit: http://www.siam.org/meetings/cse15/childcare.php




SIURO has a new Editor-in-Chief

Luis Melara of Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania has been selected as the new Editor-in-Chief of SIAM Undergraduate Research Online (SIURO), SIAM’s free and open electronic publication devoted to undergraduate research in applied and computational mathematics. Dr. Melara, an associate professor in the mathematics department at Shippensburg, completed his undergraduate degree at University of California, Los Angeles, and received his Ph.D. from Rice University.

“Luis brings a lot of ideas and enthusiasm to the publication already as an Associate Editor and I expect him to continue the positive trend for SIURO of increasing visibility and submissions,” says outgoing SIURO EIC, Rachel Levy of Harvey Mudd College.

Supplementary Materials at SIAM Journals Online

SIAM is seeing an increase in publication of manuscripts with supplementary materials that complement submitted papers. Unlike the article itself, these materials are unrefereed, and include additional figures or examples, animations, data sets used in the paper, computer code used to generate figures or tables, or other materials that are necessary to fully document the research contained in the paper or to facilitate the readers’ ability to understand and extend the work.

The policy to include supplementary content was finalized early in 2013 (link to http://www.siam.org/journals/supplementary.php for details). JUQ began to encourage supplementary content earlier this year, joining SIAP, SIMA, SIMAX, SINUM, SIREV, and SISC.  To date 37 papers have been accepted with supplementary files; more than a dozen are published in SISC with the SIMAX community in particular also frequently pursuing this option. Posting supplementary content is by discretion of each journal’s editorial board. SIADS and SIIMS continue to consider supplementary materials on a refereed basis, as has long been the case.

New SIAM Books

Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications with MATLAB

Amir Beck

This book provides the foundations of the theory of nonlinear optimization as well as some related algorithms and presents a variety of applications from diverse areas of applied sciences. The author combines three pillars of optimization—theoretical and algorithmic foundation, familiarity with various applications, and the ability to apply the theory and algorithms on actual problems—and rigorously and gradually builds the connection between theory, algorithms, applications, and implementation.

Additional information: http://bookstore.siam.org/mo19

2014 / xii + 282 pages / Softcover / ISBN: 978-1-611973-64-8 / List Price $89.00 / MOS/SIAM Member Price $62.30 / Order Code MO19




SIAM sessions at 2015 Joint Mathematics Meetings

If you are attending the 2015 Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 10-13, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas, you may be interested in the SIAM minisymposia sessions that are part of the program.  There is also a SIAM Invited Address to be delivered by A. Tropp, California Institute of Technology, on Sunday January 11, 2015.  For more information, see http://www.siam.org/meetings/jmm15/index.htm

Go mobile at FM14

A mobile app for the 2014 Conference on Financial Mathematics and Engineering, taking place November 13 -15, is available for download. Plug www.tripbuilder.com/siam2014events into your mobile browser. The link will automatically detect the type of device and take you to the right place to download the app. Or, view the mobile site in HTML5 by connecting to www.tripbuilder.net/mw/apps/siam2014events.  You can then select FM14 from the list of 2014 SIAM events on the app or mobile site to view the schedule, browse speakers, attendees, and exhibitors, take a look at maps and building layouts, sync events with your mobile calendar, create your own show by selecting specific sessions, and more!

Apply for Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2015

The 2015 Gene Golub SIAM Summer School on RandLA: Randomization in Numerical Linear Algebra to take place June 15-26, 2015, in Delphi, Greece is now accepting applications.  More information can be found at http://www.cs.rpi.edu//~drinep/G2S3_RandNLA_2015/. The application deadline is February 1, 2015. View the archives for previous schools to learn more.

Call for Proposals: Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2016

SIAM is calling for letters of intent proposing topics and organizers for the 2016 Gene Golub SIAM Summer School (G2S3). Preference will be given to a computational linear algebra theme in 2016, but letters of intent in all areas of applied and computational mathematics will be considered. It is expected that the program will run two weeks and accept 40-50 graduate students. SIAM will contribute up to $95,000 towards the running of the summer school.

Information about the G2S3 program, including the composition of the G2S3 committee can be found at www.siam.org/about/com_golub.php. The deadline for letters of intent is January 31, 2015. Full proposals are due March 31, 2015.  For more details, and a template for the letter of intent, visit: www.siam.org/students/g2s3/summer_call.php

SIAM conference registrations & submissions

Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO15), January 4, 2015
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA15), January 4-6, 2015
Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX15), January 5, 2015

Held jointly in San Diego, California, USA

Pre-registration deadline: Monday, December 1, 2014


SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE15), March 14-18, 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Minisymposium proposals submissions deadline: July 31, 2014

Additional posters being accepted: Abstracts for contributed posters submissions deadline: December 15, 2014


SIAM Workshop on Network Science (NS15) , May 16-17, 2015, Snowbird, Utah, USA

Note that NS15 is meeting one day before the Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS15) in the same location as DS15.  Separate submission and registration is required.

Submission Deadline: January 10, 2015


SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS15), May 17-21, 2015, Snowbird, Utah, USA

Abstracts for minisymposia, contributed lectures and poster submissions are due: November 17, 2014


The 13th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (OPSFA13), June 1-5, 2015, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA

Minisymposium proposals submission deadline:  November 3, 2014  (Karthika, check if this deadline is extended before you delete this one)

Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers submissions are due: February 2, 2015


SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS15), June 29-July 2, 2015, Stanford, California, USA

Minisymposium proposals submissions deadline: December 11, 2014

Abstracts for minisymposia, contributed lectures and poster submissions deadline: January 15, 2015


SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT15), July 8-10, 2015, Paris, France

Minisymposium proposals submission deadline:  January 12, 2015

Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speaker submission deadline: January 21, 2015


Full Paper for consideration in Proceedings: January 21, 2015


Prize nomination deadlines

The following prizes have a nomination deadline of November 15, 2014:

Germund Dahlquist Prize

SIAG/GS Career Prize

George B. Dantzig Prize

SIAG/GS Junior Scientist Prize

Jürgen Moser Lecture

D. Crawford Prize

For the complete list of the call for nominations, please visit:


AMCS conferences and events

5th Edition Model Risk Conference

January 26-28, 2015, San Francisco, California


Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)

3600 Market Street, 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA, 19104‐2688 USA

Phone: +1 215‐382‐9800 Fax:+1 215‐386‐7999 www.siam.org

If your email does not support the hyperlink features, please copy any of the above URLs and paste

them into your Internet browser. Questions/comments/suggestions? Send them to karthika@siam.org.

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