
When I was at my mum's house at Christmas I found some of my old bodybuilding magazines from the mid 1980s.  Looking through them it is fascinating to see what has changed and what is still the same over that period.  The top pro physiques are much more massive now (
more/better drugs
), but the average natural amateur is not much different.  Nutrition knowledge has been al over the place, but the consensus is still in general terms pretty much what it was then: get enough protein and then watch your calories...

Anyway Andreas Cahling was on the cover of one magazine:

Apologies for the quality of the photo - the paper was too shiny.   That is Cahling on the saddle, with Johnny Fuller riding pillion.

Cahling was never the top level but he was a good competitor in the 1980s.  Well he is still at it!  At the age of 60 he just competed in the Master's Olympia.  He didn't do that well in the placings - younger more massive physiques dominated - but for a 60 year old guy he looked pretty good.  Drugs may well still be involved however......

He has been posting videos of his condition on his blog

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