Sunday night H&M took their social media fans by surprise with a special announcement that the Parisian house of Balmain will be their upcoming designer collaborator. The autumn guest collaboration with French luxury brand, Balmain – under the creative directorship of young Olivier Rousteing –has grown into a global pop-culture phenomenon. We’ve seen countless celebrities in his designs and last night, Rousteing and his friends Kendall Jenner and Jourdan Dunn walked the red carpet at the Billboard Music Awards, revealing the first pieces of the collection. I was wondering why Kendal was wearing one of Balmain’s older pieces (one that I covet a lot) and now I know why, and those thigh-high-boots too! Through social media, H&M and Balmain invited fans to join a movement of togetherness: #HMBalmaination.
“I want to talk to my generation: this is my main purpose as a designer. H&M allows me the unique possibility of bringing everyone into the world of Balmain, getting a piece of the dream and creating a global #HMBalmaination: a movement of togetherness, fueled on a hashtag. The collaboration felt extremely natural to me because everybody can connect with the H&M brand. It calls for unity, and I am all for it”, says Olivier Rousteing.
Available from November 5th, in around 250 stores worldwide and online, the collection will feature clothing and accessories for both women and men. Can’t wait to see the full collection! Are you excited?