
I don't know what gun lobby means.

The president keeps saying gun lobby. TBH I don't listen and then at times like now the man cannot be avoided without 100% shutdown because somebody must show what he said. And for a day, because it's so nice, up to ten or fifteen times. The clip that kept slipping in annoyingly is Obama saying: if ever, or perhaps whenever, someone "in Congress will have the courage to stand up to the lies of the gun lobby." That is particularly grating. It's why the clip is chosen for repetition, it encapsulates the annoyance to the greatest degree.

What lies specifically? If this is one of those "your lie" is not "my lie" things then calling amorphous "lobby" liars is flaccid.

What gun lobby specifically is lying? What is the lie, of which you speak?

Courage, really? Pistols at two paces, I want a good shot at your face.

Calling lobbyists liars is not cogent. It's an empty liberal trope because they know themselves bought by lobbyists so that is the single way they have to understand resilient opposition. It resonates with people who don't understand this rather unique lobby.

The only gun lobby I know of is National Rifle Association, guns aren't my bag, there must be lobbyists for manufacturers, I'd imagine, but what lies could they tell that mislead? Gun owners are honest people generally and are not easily misled I don't think. He's confusing them with some other groups he comes into contact. He's mistaking the character of NRA members with the character of his own supporters and they are not the same people. And who could be misled but a gullible public? Some leaders don't understand gun owners at all. Apparently it's impossible for understanding to sink in.

My understanding is that the NRA is the grassiest of grassroots lobbies out there. Here's a lobby that genuinely liberal-minded would embrace. The People's Lobby. From what I read, one that often disappoints its members for having conceded too much. For compromising at all. For taking too long to arrive at a general rule "give 'em an inch and they take 182 miles" attitude toward lawmakers placing restrictions on Constitutional rights.

The brief clip repeated to sickness struck me as a very bitter lie itself, and squeaked out excruciatingly a pussy's challenge about having courage as he sees courage and by mischaracterizing gun lobby as liars, so making himself a liar. Again.

He's got some 'splain'n to do and he doesn't do it.

What lies? What lobby? If I must go to Huffington Post or the like for the answer then it's not worth having.

[what is gun lobby?] The answers turn out long and dull.

Definition of “gun lobby” | Collins English Dictionary

gun lobby - Wiktionary

Gun-lobby dictionary definition | gun-lobby defined

Obama executive action: New gun control orders - CNNPolitics.com

Lupica: Obama's big moment as he takes on gun lobby

Gun lobby vows to fight Obama actions

Ding. Gun Owners of America plans to mount legal challenge to gun control actions announced Tuesday by President Obama and will urge Congress to cut off funding for the proposed increases in staffing for background checks and to investigate online gun sales.

“The NRA will continue to fight to protect the fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed under our Constitution.  We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be harassed or intimidated for engaging in lawful, constitutionally-protected activity — nor will we allow them to become scapegoats for President Obama’s failed policies.”

“We want to see cutbacks and no funding for really any of these executive actions the President took,” said Erich Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America. “We’ll be working with lawmakers.”

The group, which says it is “the only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington” after a Ron Paul quote, bills itself as being more uncompromising than the National Rifle Association

“The proposed executive actions are ripe for abuse by the Obama Administration, which has made no secret of its contempt for the Second Amendment,” said Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA’s lobbying arm.

“With these new rules saying one or two guns without a background check can now land someone five years in jail and a $250,000 fine, we imagine prosecutions will ramp up,” Pratt said. “Even as we challenge it, we imagine there will be people we need to defend in the interim.”

So that's two lobbies so far. Both grass roots type lobbies. That's not enough and still what lies are present here?

Gun Lobby - Huffington Post

Gun politics in the United States - Wikipedia, the free ...
Two groups:
1) gun control
2) gun rights
advocacy groups: NRA, and Gun Owners of America.
GOA founded in 1975 when "the radical left introduced legislation to ban all handguns in California."
3) Second Amendment Foundation

4) Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

5) Second Amendment Sisters

These groups believe any compromise leads to greater restrictions

Conversely, anti gun groups:

1) Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

2)  National Coalition to Ban Handguns changed to  Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

Why the gun lobby is winning | The Economist

NRA all the way through, anti gun piece, 1,500 comments. Great and lengthy arguments in comments.

The other gun lobby - CNN.com

New groups form around tragedies, but can they defeat the NRA?

Gun Rights vs. Gun Control | OpenSecrets

Gun Rights | OpenSecrets

NRA and other gun rights groups are loaded for bear with a seemingly limitless stash of cash ammunition.

NRA and "gun control groups" VS Bloomberg

Mention in last paragraph of GOA and

6) National Shooting Sports Foundation

Who Is The Gun Lobby? Me For Sure; Maybe You Too ...

Anti Obama gun rhetoric article, no mention of lobbies

Gun Industry Has Systematically Demolished Regulators

Bug up their ass about NRA, a million mentions each paragraph.

RICOCHET: Confessions of a Gun Lobbyist

NRA exposé

Lupica: Obama's big moment as he takes on gun lobby - NY ...

Ding. The lie. Ladies and Gentlemen we have the BIG LIE:

But this speech, sounding so much like a valedictory address, was better late than never for the President, as he took his fight to the NRA and to Congress and to as big a lie as we have ever had in America, the one that tries to tell reasonable people, whether they are gun owners or not, that if you stand for gun sanity in the shooting gallery this country has become that somehow you stand against liberty.

That's it? Are we even speaking the same language? I'm diesel pointed.

A snide piece that finds edges then picks at them while dismissing greater objections or simply not listening at all and hearing instead only money. Concern about who is being lobbied. Misdirected analysis. NRA all the way through and understanding the NRA lobby is basically grassroots then loathes its supporters and says so. Shibboleth: gratuitous mention of Sara Palin but not relating to guns. Just the tell that this man is so afraid of women like Palin she dominates his thoughts inappropriately.

Paul Ryan, the reluctant boy prince who is now Speaker of the House, was one of the first to speak out after the President's speech, and actually called it an attack on liberty. In that moment Ryan sounded like another Republican given his talking points, and marching orders, by gunnies like Wayne LaPierre from the NRA. If Ryan had attempted to debate Obama on this day, it would have been worse for Ryan than when Joe Biden took him apart in vice-presidential debates four years ago. He sounded like a graduate of the Sarah Palin School of Government.

Gunnies. Gun nuts. Is it possible for these gungrabbing dingleberries moonbat progs to write on the subject without employing their Magic Pony Hello Kitty epithets? No. It is not. He writes like Thom Hartman speaks.

That's six pro gun lobbies, two large and assertive and four small and assertive.

Obama decries "loud" gun lobby, considers executive ...


How the Gun Lobby Became a Threat to Public Safety ...

Dope writing about NRA, comments closed. Not before people told him he's an idiot.

Gun lobby promising fierce fight on president's actions ...



The Gun Lobby - EverytownResearch.org

Over the last four decades, the leaders of the National Rifle Association have steered the organization away from advocating on behalf of sportsmen and hunters towards lobbying for the most extreme policies and opposing virtually all gun violence prevention legislation. In recent years, that’s meant working tirelessly to prevent the passage of common-sense laws that would do more to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

Yes. Noticed that. Wonder why. Turns out repeated and well organized attacks and boatload of billionaire's cash against Constitutionally protected rights, sorry to keep sounding like a broken record but you do insist on it to the point that the only common sense measure remaining is oppose you with full force. Forever. Because the real gun nuts turns out to be you and your mental disturbance once fixed on a subject is permanent and irreparable.

This was annoying research. Turns out the gun lobby appears to be all people protecting their rights against the forces rallied by citizen groups who would rather there not be any guns.

Missing from the discussion through the above pages and perspectives and the most crucial element is race. All that and the most important thing left out. So the constitutionalists will just have to smash their faces in over the issue their opponents keep bringing themselves, inviting the smashing because obsessed as they are, still they are unable to address their real chief concern, their real issue of black urban violence and address that directly and forthrightly and without being racist about it. Impossible, it seems.

It is not sane people VS gun nuts.

It is not gun grabbers VS gun havers.

Is IS gun neurotics VS Constitutional guardians.

That is what is meant by "gun lobby" both sides at the same time, force, counterforce, first the attacks against Bill of Rights protection then counterforce against the attacks now coexisting in tension. These two forces constitute American gun lobby. Don't like the NRA, GOA, SAF, JPFO, SAS, NSSF? All grassroots groups organized around protecting their rights as Americans?  Drive you nuts? Drive you gun nuts? Drive you gunnies? Stop nibbling and attacking the Bill of Rights. 

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