Hi, My name is Prince
For the past week I was thinking aout minecraft and how sometimes it gets boring to play if my friends are not online. So what if Mojang and Sony partnered up? The idea was that Mojang would code different types of mini games like TNT Run, Hide & Seek, Hunger Games, Factions, etc... It would be a good idea because PC Gamers that enjoy minecraft would buy minecraft on their system old or new gen. The way that both componiess would benefit is that Mojang would sell the different Mini games and maps on the playstation store or a demo version were you can play a mini game for 3 days to see if you like it and if you do you can buy the game mode that comes with a map or two. The more you like it then the more maps you would buy which will binefit both playstation and Mojang.
P.S. I know this was poorly written but its more of the idea of playing with other people and introducing custom made maps and game modes set for a different mini game. If you have any questions my PSN: VeR_oVortex or Unity_Vortex Skype: ItsARaysNation
MOD EDIT: Updated label. Check here for more information. Thanks! - SILLYFISH5