
While you are in the PlayStation® Community Forums, there are a few things we ask you to refrain from.

Please don’t:

Troll, flame or be offensive: We will remove posts or threads which are found to be insulting, harassing, threatening or non-constructive and overly negative. We reserve the right to immediately delete any posting or suspend any user at our sole discretion.

Swear or post inappropriate, suggestive or graphic images, videos or external links. Keep it clean. We have a language filter that *bleeps* out swear words, It is also against the rules to deliberately misspell a word to evade the language filter  - we will remove anything inappropriate including graphic content, language, and pornography.

Violate anyone’s privacy or post your own identifying information. We take down any phone numbers, addresses and any other personally identifying information that is posted in public. This also includes posting PMs from other users/officials in the public forums.

Spam. No advertising commercial products or services or solicitations (this includes petitions, asking others to vote on a poll, and advertising your own personal website or other forum). No making off-topic or redundant threads, no posting multiple times in a row with nothing new, and no:

Bumping: making a new post solely to bring it up to the top of the thread listing and push down legitimate discussions.

In Before the Lock: Posting “I.B.T.L” or something offensive just before we lock a thread doesn’t add to the discussion and isn’t welcome.

Quote for Truth: (QFT) This applies when you quote someone you agree with, but also doesn’t contribute anything to the discussion. Try to add something relevant or add a “Kudos” to their post.

Poll Threads: Polls can be a good way to jumpstart a constructive discussion, but poll threads that don’t encourage any kind of discussion will be edited, locked or deleted.

Talk about cheating, glitching, or other malicious/offensive actions. This refers specifically to anything that gives you an unfair advantage in online game play and/or interferes with the enjoyment of other players.

Accuse others of cheating, glitching, or other malicious/offensive actions. We refer to this as “blacklisting” or “naming and shaming”. If you think that someone is violating the Terms of Service or the Rules of Conduct in some way, report them through the games title itself (if you can) or through the Knowledge Center. Please refrain from reporting In-Game infractions in these forums.

Create an alternate PSN ID to circumvent moderator activity. This includes taking advantage of any PlayStation® Community System.

Prizes/Giveaways. You are always welcome to share your community building events and contests on this forum. Due to legal liability issues, if your contest or event involves prizes or giveaways, the following disclaimer must be included in your post exactly as written here: “Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC is not responsible for this promotion.”


Legal Stuff:

In addition to the Rules of Conduct, the Playstation.com Forum Moderation Team may choose to implement additional forum policies at their discretion for day-to-day matters which are not explicitly covered in the Official Rules of Conduct. These policies are usually posted in the PlayStation.com Community Forums and are featured. All information contained within is considered Forum Policy unless otherwise specified in the Official Rules of Conduct or in the PlayStation.com Terms of Service. Posted Forum Policies may be enforced similar to how the Official Rules of Conduct are enforced and at the discretion of the PlayStation.com Moderating Team. Before participating in a forum, please read any applicable featured threads to become familiar with any additional posted Forums policies.

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