All - Few weeks back talking to a sales person through Skype (sales person on a landline) who had my Skype name appearing on their caller ID. This floored me, as the pattern has been random voip numbers would appear. Note that I do not have any skype call-in number.
Researched, got a lot of links indicating ways of changing the settings but appears none of those options are available. Searched high and low in the Mac desktop client and the browser client - not luck.
Issues 1: Change really disrespectful to privacy...and this might have been happening for a long time and never knew. No options to change, no settings nothing.
Issue 2: Contacted Skype via email.... through and short email and provided various screen shots showing how the insturctions from the website do not match the various Skype clients. Never a response. Email was sent through the website (so no typo in email address on my side) and I have screen shots showing confirmation the email was successfully received. After several days - tried again - and a week later not a single resposne.
Issue 3: Can't say chat support was all that good, but it was better than NOTHING? Appears there is no chat support "please try again later" - endless message.
Trying to add screen shots but the system doesn't seem to want more than two images.