

IMHO, Rachio should point to this link in their support doc as it is such a good article to help us regular homeowners figure things out AND clarify that it is good info no matter where you live to get you going

@Linn, agreed, this is a great resource and we'll add it to the support doc for drip emitters.


I don't see why the custom nozzle portion of the Rachio code couldn't be front ended with a little code that lets you either choose GPH or inches/hour.

While this feature request is still in our backlog, we have a new support tool (compliments of @lucasc) to help with calculating precip rate using GPH. To use, visit the link above, then follow these steps: Select US/Imperial units > Select Turf or Drip > Select Meter Measurement if Turf > Skim the meter instructions overview, select Continue > in the available fields, enter the following: GPH = Gallons Measured, 60 = Minutes Tested, and Square Footage of Zone = Area (you should see the screen below) if you're entering GPH for drip emitters, use the value "1" for area

Let me know if this tool helps. We can refine it if there's any confusion.

Best, Emil

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