
I have a HTML5 app with a log in screen. When I enter the details, it goes out to an external server, runs a php file called login.php and check the details.

If the details are correct I need it to redirect back to the HTML5 app to the page with id #home on the index.html file.

If the index.html and login.php are both sitting together on the server, a header method going to work fine. But now, the html file is resting on a mobile phone as a HTML5 app, which reaches out to the server (which is possible - I have the server url). Checks for credentials and redirects. How is it going to redirect back to my app on the phone? There is no URL for the app on the phone.

Attempted with ajax too but nothing happens.

P.S: If you plan to flag this, read through and understand the issue first. Some text match doesn't mean its the same question.

**First page on the app where you enter log in details:**

Logged In

**Script to check Log in. This php file rests on the server side.**

//DB Log in credentials

$hostName = 'localhost';

$dbUser = 'fakeuser';

$dbPass = 'fakepass';

$dbName = 'fakedb';

$userTable = "faketable";

//Connect to DB

$conn = mysql_connect($hostName, $dbUser, $dbPass) or die("not connecting");

$dbSelect = mysql_select_db($dbName) or die("no db found");

//Obtain input username and password from the client

$username = $_POST["user"];

$password = $_POST["pass"];

//Check for MySql Injections

if(ctype_alnum($username) && ctype_alnum($password)){

$query1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $userTable WHERE username='$username'");

//query will return 1 if the username exists in the database

$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query1);

if($numrows == 1){

//checking if the password matches the username now

$query2 = "SELECT password FROM $userTable WHERE username='$username'";

$result2 = mysql_query($query2);

$row = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC);

$pass = $row['password'];

if($password == $pass){

//If successful, redirect to the #home page

//anything I can do here to redirect back to #home on my app?



echo "Password incorrect";



echo "username incorrect" . $numrows;



echo "Not alpha Numeric Input!!";


**Attempted Ajax portion**

var isLogged = false;


* Method used to log into the application


$(document).on("pageinit", "#loginForm", function () {

$("#form1").on("submit", function (event) {



type: "GET",

url: "http://www.examplewebsite.com/login.php",

data: $("#form1").serialize(),

success: function (data) {


if (data.loggedIn) {

isLogged = true;


} else {

alert("You entered the wrong username or password. Please try again.");






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